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Results 44161-44190 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I have received information that some convict Negroes were last Month, forced on board the Schooner Juliana of Newbury Port, J. U. Horton, Master bound to Philadelphia, by the Government of Surinam. It may be proper for you to make it known to the Government of the State, immediately on her arrival, and I request you also to report the circumstances to me, as well as the best evidence you can...
§ From George W. Erving. 19 July 1805. No. 34. “In my of the 16th I mentioned that Mr Monroe had quitted Madrid on the 26th May; this upon the authority of what he wrote to me on the 25th, Mr Pinkney on the 26th of the same & Mr Jarvis of Lisbon on the 28th of June. I have just now received a letter from Mr Sullivan the private Secretary of Mr Bowdoin, dated St Andero 20 June, where they...
§ From John Mitchell. 19 July 1805, Havre. “Since I had the honor to Write you, this port has daily diminished in Consequence, from the effect of the Blockade, Commerce has totally desert⟨e⟩;d it. “The Armed Vessells fitted out here have all saild & arrived safe at their destination, (Boulogne) not a merchant Vessell has entered, Fecamp & Dieppe are Watched with equal strictness; that, I have...
§ From Francis J. Oliver. 19 July 1805, Boston. “The following extract from a protest signed at La Guayra by myself, Captain & crew of the Brig ‘White Oak’ of this town commanded by Joseph Mountfort, is forwarded to you in order that the Govt. of my country may be made acquainted with a wanton, & barbarous attack upon the lives & property of several of its citizens, & with the hope that some...
I take the liberty of enclosing you a letter which has been address’d to me by Philip Williams—one of the persons in prison here, who stand convicted of Forgery— I have stated in my answer to Williams that I have forwarded his letter to you,—& expessed at the same time a doubt whether you could, were you so disposed, alter the mode of punishment in the manner he proposes— You have already, no...
Our worthy friend the Revd Wm. Bentley of this town has requested me to transmit the enclosed letter to you, and I assure you I comply with the greatest pleasure, it has some relation to the brave Genl. Starks, who gained the battle of Bennington, this hero of the North, who has now passed his 75th year, possesses all the fire of youth, he is the firm republican and the warm friend of your...
Yours of the 14th. inclosing Mr. Redick’s letter; & the Maysville petition was duly received. Of Mr. Redick I know nothing. In the course of a few days, and as soon as a due attention to the more pressing business of the office will admit, I shall take the liberty to transmit to you, a detailed view of the case, for your opinion.   I have closed contracts for the establishment of a line of...
Since my departure from Washington, I find by constant correspondence with Mr. Lenthall, that all the works at Washington are regularly going on.—A difficulty has however occurred in procuring the boards for the roof of the Capitol of heart pine 12 inches broad.—Mr. King the Timber merchant at Georgetown has declined engaging to supply them on any terms. I have therefore written to Mr....
§ To Jeremiah Powell. 18 July 1805, Department of State. “I have received your letter of the 10th. Ult. [not found] enclosing one to you from David G. Gillis, who it appears, has been captured in a Vessel belonging to you and imprisoned at Guadaloupe. As relates to the property, it may be remarked, that if your Commercial House in St. Domingo is established in that part of the Island not...
§ From DeWitt Clinton. 18 July 1805, New York. “I enclose you certain depositions of the Mother & Wife of Nathaniel Moore an impressed American Citizen. In addition to other impressive considerations, permit me to assure you that your favorable interposition will be an act of great benevolence to those very afflicted relatives.” Letterbook copy ( NNC : DeWitt Clinton Papers). 1 p. According to...
§ From George Davis. 18 July 1805, Tunis. “I have the honor to inform you that the United States Frigate Congress, Captain Decatur, eight days from Syracuse, anchored in the Road of the Goletta on the 11th. instant. The same day I received a letter from the Commodore, enclosing one for His Excellency the Bey of Tunis. Copies of both I have the honor to transmit you [not found]. “On the...
A Stranger, except to your unrivalled talents & services, I could not refuse to express my sincere wishes, (assured by my friend Hon. J. Crowninshield that I should be forgiven) that I might be permitted in any form you may recommend, to express your kind memory of our northern Hero, Gen Stark. The history of our Revolution cannot report respecting him mere honourable services, than the...
§ To Silas Lee. 17 July 1805, Department of State. “I enclose a Certificate from the Consul at London of an oath taken before him, that the Brig Harry and Jane, said to belong to Portland, has been concerned in the Slave trade. If on examining the circumstances of the case you are of opinion that it admits of a prosecution, and after enquiry you are led to believe, that you can be furnished...
§ From John Martin Baker. 17 July 1805, Palma. “I have the honor to refer you, and to confirm my last respects under date the Sixteenth of January last, covering my Consular demi-annual report, closing on the thirty-first day of December 1804. “Herewith have the honor to transmit You inclosed my Consular half yearly last report [not found], closing on the thirtieth day of June Ultimo. “I have...
Soggetto della presente, èd’informarsi della presa fatta da uno delli vostri Bastimenti di guerra tre mesi in circafà di un Corsaro Tunisino con due prese. Le particolarità relative a questa Cattura le rilevarete dalli qui annessi documenti con quello di più che il vostro Incaricato d’affari Giorgio Davis, Spiegherà in Sua particolare al vostro Ministro, dal quale verrete informato, che...
I have had the Honor to receive your Letter of the 9th. Instant respecting the Brigantine Transfer. By Information remaining in the Navy Department it appears, that though a Sale is ordered by an Interlocutory Decree, yet—Time has been given for a Claimant to appear until the next Term, before which Time no Distribution can be made of the Proceeds. It also appears, that before she was...
§ From Thomas Auldjo. 16 July 1805, Cowes. “I had the honor to address you on the 4th & 5th inst via Boston & having now an opportunity direct for Baltimore I take the liberty of sending you duplicates of the papers relative to the quarantine regulations & hoping that what I have done therein may be of some Service & meet your approbation.” RC ( DNA : RG 59, CD , Southampton, vol. 1). 1 p.
§ From George W. Erving. 16 July 1805. No. 33. “Since I wrote to you last the differences which have for a long time Existed between Mr Pitt & Lord Sid-mouth, more especially in relation to the proceedings against Lord Melville, have produced a seperation. Lord Sidmouth & his friends have resigned. Immediately after this Event the parliament was prorogued; which measure, as Mr Pitt has no...
§ From George W. Erving. 16 July 1805, London. No. 63. “As Lord Mulgrave had not notified to me previous to the 11th Inst, the appointment of any person to receive the 200,000 £ becoming due from the United States to the British government, & agreed by him to be received in London, I thought it proper to write to his Lordship on the subject; & having received his answer & communicated it to...
§ From John M. Forbes. 16 July 1805. “My last Respects were under 4th. December last; since which having no Political information of a decided nature to communicate, I have not thought it necessary to importune you with a Report of all the fleeting Conjectures and Rumors which have continued to perplex public opinion on the grand question of Peace or continental War. You will have been...
§ From Peter Kuhn Jr. 16 July 1805, Genoa. “I have the honor to confirm my respects of the 28th Ulto and on the 30th in the morning arrived in this Town the French Emperor with the Empress and a Numerous suit; his residence here was only of Six days during which some magnificent entertainments and rejoicings were given; he seemed to grant particular attention to whatever might contribute to...
§ From William Lee. 16 July 1805, Bordeaux. “I have the honor to enclose you a duplicate copy of my correspondence with General Armstrong concerning Consular Certificate Vessels accompanied by a copy of my letter to the Secretary of the Treasury on the same subject.” RC and enclosures ( DNA : RG 59, CD , Bordeaux, vol. 2). RC 1 p.; docketed by Wagner as received 8 Oct. For enclosures, see nn....
¶ To Anthony Merry. Letter not found. 16 July 1805. Described in the index to Notes to Foreign Ministers and Consuls as “relative to the French privateer Les Amies” ( DNA : RG 59, Notes to Foreign Ministers and Consuls, vol. 1). For Les Amies, see Merry to JM , 9 July 1805 (second letter), and nn.
I am duly favor’d with yours of the 13th. inclosing two notes of your own to G. & J. at 60 days from the 4th. of August & 8th. of Septr. next, each for 1000$—to be negociated at the Bank of Virginia. I am Dear Sir Yr. Very humble Servt. MHi : Coolidge Collection.
Jai Eu Lhonneur de fournir a Votre Excelence de mes Vins Blancs de L’hermitage par Lentremise que Mr. Cathalan Le jeune de marseille quil ma tres exactement paiés. Sur La Liste des Noms des proprietaires quil m’envoya je me trouvai avoir dans mes Caves du Vin du Sr. delocke Beaufrere de notre maitre de poste. Je Cru que Vous aviés goute de Cette Cuvée lors de Votre passage icy Ce qui me decida...
Your favor of the 10th. was duly receivd. I did not now at the Time of riteing you the last letter that Cpt. Andrews still remaind in New Yorke: have since heard from him. also receivd some ornaments: the Turning you have pleased to order am very thankful for it is very difficult to get such Little Triffles done in Richmond. Mr. John Payton came a cross Jimmy as he was passing roud the Bason....
Presuming on a slight acquaintance but more especially on your universal Civility I take the liberty of addressing you on a subject which gives me infinite concern: I Know sir it does not belong to your Department to attend to applications of this Nature but as the secretary of War is an entire Stranger to me I hope you will pardon me for the intrusion & that he will be so good as to excuse my...
§ From William C. C. Claiborne. 15 July 1805, New Orleans. “Your favor of the 2nd of June [not found] I have had the pleasure to receive. Your Letter to Mr. Duplantier shall be delivered, and in his agency for La Fayette, he will receive all the aid in my power, for my friendship for that unfortunate Patriot is very Sincere, and I feel solicitous that the donation of Congress should prove a...
§ From Peter S. Du Ponceau. 15 July 1805, Philadelphia. “I have the honor of enclosing to you the Continuation of my Notes &c. for the Second period. I beg you will excuse me for Sending it thus by parcels, but living as I do at present partly in Town & partly in the Country, & not having before me at the same time all the Books that I have occasion to recur to, it necessarily requires more...
§ From William Lyman. 15 July 1805, London. “On the 10th: Ultimo I had the Honor of addressing you by the Ship Otis Captn. Phillips bound from this Port to New York a duplicate whereof I also transmitted a few days thereafter together with a Parcel of Newspapers by the Ship Planter Captn. Bush, also b⟨o⟩;und from this Port to Norfolk Virginia, which Communication either has or doubtless will...