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Results 4411-4440 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
4411 Washington, George Pierce, John From George Washington to John Pierce, 6 April 1783 1783-04-06 The speedy settlement of the Accounts of the Army being a matter of the utmost consequence, I...
4412 Washington, George General Orders, 5 April 1779 1779-04-05 All officers who have drawn money for the reinlisting service are desired to prepare their...
4413 Hamilton, Alexander Willing, Thomas From Alexander Hamilton to Thomas Willing, 25 May 1792 1792-05-25 In conformity to my proposition accepted by the President Directors & Company of the Bank of the...
4414 Wolcott, Oliver Jr. Washington, George To George Washington from Oliver Wolcott, Jr., 18 … 1795-02-18 The Secretary of the Treasury has the honor respectfully to submit to The President of the United...
4415 Harvie, John Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Harvie, 18 [October] 1777 1777-10-18 This Morning the Inclosed Interesting Intelligence was received by Congress from General Gates....
4416 Washington, George Varnum, James Mitchell George Washington to Brigadier General James Mitchell … 1777-10-28 [ Whitpain Township, Pennsylvania ] October 28, 1777 . Orders Varnum to Woodbury to cooperate...
4417 Hay, Udny Washington, George To George Washington from Lieutenant Colonel Udny Hay … 1779-07-11 Having recd no particular directions from General Heath either respecting the route or quantity...
4418 Woodford, William Washington, George To George Washington from Brig. Gen. William Woodford … 1777-09-25 Letter not found: from Brig. Gen. William Woodford, 25 Sept. 1777. GW wrote Woodford on 26 Sept....
4419 Washington, George General Orders, 7 September 1775 1775-09-07 Repeated Complaints being made by the Regimental Surgeons, that they are not allowed proper...
4420 Jefferson, George Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from George Jefferson, 8 November … 1806-11-08 I have to acknowledge the receipt of your favor of the 5th inclosing 300$: I now inclose you a...
4421 Lafayette, Marie-Joseph-Paul-Yves-Roch-Gilbert du … Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from … 1824-10-28 Here I am Arrived in the fond Expectation to See of Sunday morning, But find myself once more...
4422 Brillon de Jouy, Anne-Louise Boivin d’Hardancourt Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Madame Brillon, 25 [November] … 1780-11-25 AL : American Philosophical Society J’envoye sçavoir de vos nouvélles mon bon papa; lès miénnes...
4423 Adams, John Quincy 22d. Friday. 1782-11-22 This evening at about 11.o’clock we arrived at Stockholm. We found all the taverns in the town...
4424 Jefferson, Thomas Burwell, William Armistead Thomas Jefferson to William A. Burwell, 25 December … 1819-12-25 In the execution of a law for surveying our coast, a mr Hassler was employed, and procured from...
4425 Adams, John Adams, Abigail John Adams to Abigail Adams, 23 August 1777 1777-08-23 It is now no longer a Secret, where Mr. Hows Fleet is. We have authentic Intelligence that it is...
4426 Penet, Pierre American Commissioners Pierre Penet to the American Commissioners, 6 May 1777 1777-05-06 ALS : American Philosophical Society Mon. thomas morris viens de me communicquer la lettre qu’il...
4427 Morgan, Benjamin Jefferson, Thomas Benjamin Morgan to Thomas Jefferson, 10 August 1812 1812-08-10 Your favor of the 20 th April reached me on the 24 th May , and Lieut. Robert Peyton arriving in...
4428 Franklin, Benjamin Coit, Wheeler From Benjamin Franklin to Wheeler Coit, 11 October 1779 1779-10-11 Copy: Library of Congress I received yours dated april 15. directed to the Commissioners and...
4429 Washington, George Morgan, Charles From George Washington to Charles Morgan, 28 June 1795 1795-06-28 Business, and other circumstances, have prevented my acknowledging the receipt of your letter of...
4430 Adams, Abigail Smith Adams, John Quincy From Abigail Smith Adams to John Quincy Adams, July … 1813-07-01 altho I wrote to you on the 14 of this month I know that my Letter will have a dubious conveyance...
4431 Washington, George [Diary entry: 12 November 1773] 1773-11-12 12. Cold & lowering forenoon but pleasanter afterwards.
4432 Peale, Charles Willson Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Charles Willson Peale, 21 … 1806-01-21 It is with reluctance that I offer a word in favor of any Person desireous of getting into...
4433 Randolph, Richard Enclosure: Richard Randolph’s Directions for Making … 1822-04-10 Spred Spread four measures of the powder upon a wooden floor, from six to ten or twelve inches...
4434 Washington, George West, John Jr. From George Washington to John West, Jr., 4 July 1773 1773-07-04 The Bond pass’d from Montgomerie and others to Us has been due since the first of last Month, but...
4435 Washington, George Broome, William Temple From George Washington to William Temple Broome, 24 … 1798-07-24 Your letter of the 18th Instt has been received, and I thank you for the tender of your Services...
4436 Williams, Jonathan Enclosure I: Extract from Jonathan Williams’s … 1791-01-01 Places Dates Therr: Barometer Fall Rise Assent in Feet Descent in feet Height above Richmond....
4437 Madison, James Erving, George W. From James Madison to George W. Erving, 3 November 1804 1804-11-03 Your several Communications relating to the awards Seamen &c have been just received & with them...
4438 Dearborn, Henry Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Henry Dearborn, 14 April 1803 1803-04-14 I have the honor to propose the following persons for appointments in the Army of the United...
4439 Adams, John Quincy Adams, John To John Adams from John Quincy Adams, 6 June 1796 1796-06-06 At length I have been released from a situation, equally remote from all public utility and all...
4440 Warden, David Bailie Madison, James To James Madison from David Bailie Warden, 25 November … 1808-11-25 I have the honor of sending, for your acceptance, a file of the Courier de L’Europe, and one of...