Results 4411-4420 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
The speedy settlement of the Accounts of the Army being a matter of the utmost consequence, I cannot help repeating to you my earnest desire and expectation, that the greatest diligence will be used in accomplishing it—And I will venture to give it as my opinion, that so many hands as can be made use of, after you have fully digested & settled the principles, ought to be employed in the...
4412General Orders, 5 April 1779 (Washington Papers)
All officers who have drawn money for the reinlisting service are desired to prepare their accounts for a settlement with the Auditors. Varick transcript , DLC:GW . Adj. Gen. Alexander Scammell’s orderly book entry for this date includes the following additional general orders: “A Sub. 2 Serjts & 32 R[ank] & File for Fatigue Tomorrow from Genl Muhlenbergh’s Brigade. A Serjt & 12 from Genl...
In conformity to my proposition accepted by the President Directors & Company of the Bank of the United States as expressed in their resolution of the 8th instant and to the desire of the Board signified in your letter of the 23, I have caused an Agreement to be prepared, which having been first shewn to you and approved, I have executed in two parts and now send them to you to be executed...
The Secretary of the Treasury has the honor respectfully to submit to The President of the United States, certain documents, by which it appears that John Muir Collector for the District of Vienna in Maryland, has neglected his duty in failing to collect (or to institute in season, suits for the recovery of) bonds for duties due to the United States. This Collector has moreover failed to pay...
This Morning the Inclosed Interesting Intelligence was received by Congress from General Gates. As I am sure you will receive pleasure in reviewing even the Minutia of this great and Glorious Victory I shall make no Apology for sending you a Copy of the several Letters in the Rough dress you see them haveing made it off in a Hurry at the Clerks Table. Gates’s Rapid Successes to the Northward...
[ Whitpain Township, Pennsylvania ] October 28, 1777 . Orders Varnum to Woodbury to cooperate with those already there for the relief of Fort Mifflin and the garrison at Red Bank. LS , in writing of H, George Washington Photostats, Library of Congress.
Having recd no particular directions from General Heath either respecting the route or quantity of Flour which would probably be wanted for the Troops under his command, I must beg leave to apply to your Excellency to know what route you think the Flour ought to go by, the nearest would be to unload it at Robisons and from there proceed by the continental Village Crompond and Bedford, but as I...
Letter not found: from Brig. Gen. William Woodford, 25 Sept. 1777. GW wrote Woodford on 26 Sept. : “I have the pleasure of yours of the 25th.”
4419General Orders, 7 September 1775 (Washington Papers)
Repeated Complaints being made by the Regimental Surgeons, that they are not allowed proper Necessaries for the Use of the sick before they become fit Objects for the General Hospital: And the Director General of the hospital complains, that contrary to the Rule of every established army, these Regimental Hospitals are more expensive than can be conceived; which plainly indicates that there is...
I have to acknowledge the receipt of your favor of the 5th inclosing 300$: I now inclose you a bill of loading for 1300 bushels of Coal, & for five boxes some short time ago received from Monticello. At the same time that I gave an order for your Coal, I likewise gave one for about the same quantity for Mr. Madison, which I supposed would probably go in the same Vessel.—Will you be so...