Results 4411-4420 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I recollect with much satisfaction the friendly and familiar intercourse between Major Fuller his Lady and Daughter with my family in the days of my blessed Consort, and this recollection made your kind letter of the 14th. more pleasing and acceptable.— I thank you Sir for your Volume of defence which I perceive has softened the asperity of public opinion very much; I am no longer capable of...
Is not your lively imagination a little exalted, you certainly have exalted my name to a greater height than it would ever have arisen to, without your sublime compliment—I presume you have laid aside the thought of building an Hospital for despair on that height—I am sure my name ought not be associated with despair How I long to make you a visit, but I cannot get out of my Chamber yet, here...
I thank you for your kind congratulation of the Feby. 17—which you have fortified with so many strong reasons, none of which I can I contradict, or wish to refute; I have great reason to believe that the public opinion has changed with respect to me, since the year 98—great numbers have since been convinced that I saved this Country from a ruinous Foreign and Civil war, and some of them...
George Tucker accepts, as you know, and will be in place early in April. Emmet accepts and will be here about the same time. Henry St. George Tucker declines, expressly on the grounds of the local attachments of his family, with abundance of thanks Etc. to the Visitors; Barbour throws a greedy grapple at both places. I inclose you his letter and my answer. I have still some hope that when he...
I received a few days since your letter of the 8 th in which you honoured me by some inquiries concerning anatomical casts &c and as I was desirous of giving you all the information I could obtain upon the subject I delayed my answer until I had consulted some of our scientific gentlemen—The most exclusive collection of wax models is that of Florence several rooms are filled with cases...
George Tucker accepts, as you know, and will be in place early in April. Emmet accepts and will be here about the same time. Henry S t George Tucker declines, expressly on the grounds of the local attachments of his family, with abundance of thanks E t c to the Visitors; Barbour throws a greedy grapple at both places. I inclose you his letter and my answer. I have still some hope that when he...
I spare nobody in point of trouble, as to whatever concerns our University, because I consider that as concerning every body. I am the less scrupulous with you because you have hitherto borne it so patiently and kindly. in November last Doct r Gr. S. Pattison of Baltimore made me an offer of his Anatomical Museum. but we had no money. we have money now, and I lately made him a proposition, but...
I have understood that some persons have been prevented from sending their sons to the University because reports have gone abroad that there were already as many students in attendance, as can be accomodated within the walls of the institution, & not being disposed to board them elsewhere, have declined sending them.—Would it not be well for the papers to say, unofficially, that a greater...
I have been requested by a gentleman, whom I am desirous of serving, to call upon the President. Not knowing, however, whether it would be convenient to him, or better for me, to do so, without first making the inquiry, I take the liberty of asking of you the favour to inform me, if I can have an interview with the President, on the subject of this request; and if so, what time would be the...
I received with real affliction your favor of the 12 th and the more so as the condition proposed in it is entirely incompatible with the objects and character of an University. Continuing in your judicial office, you could attend to the duties of the University during only the two summer months of July and August, and two winter months of Feb. & Mar. (December and January being the University...