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Results 4411-4420 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
4411[Diary entry: 7 June 1762] (Washington Papers)
7. Jno. Askew came to Work.
4412June 8th. 1762. (Adams Papers)
Went to Taunton Court. To the Land of Leonards. Three Judges of the Common Pleas of that Name, each of whom has a Son, who was bred at a Colledge. The Honl. George Leonard, the first Justice, seems to me arbitrary. He committed two old Gentlemen who were near 80 Years old, to the Custody of an officer, only for speaking loud, when they were both deaf and not conscious that they did speak loud....
4413[Diary entry: 8 June 1762] (Washington Papers)
8. Roan Mare took McCartys Horse. Old black—took—Do.—Do.
Letterbook copy: American Philosophical Society In my last to you, of the 10th ult. was designed to have been inclosed the third Copy of a Bill of Exchange for Three Hundred Pounds Sterling, but, by Accident, find I neglected to do it: This serves, therefore, to cover the same, to let you know that Mrs. Franklin and Sally are well; and that I am, Sir, Yours, &c. See above, pp. 79–80. Pa. Gaz...
4415[Diary entry: 9 June 1762] (Washington Papers)
9. Rankin’s—took—Do.—Do. White—refused Do.—Do. English Mare refused Alexrs. Horse.
A List of Tythables in Fairfax County—given into Captn Daniel McCarty—June 9th 1762—viz. George Washington Ho. Servants: Thomas Bishop, Breechy, Schomberg, Jack, Doll, Jenny, Betty, Phillis, Moll, Sall, Kate. Carpenters: Turnr Crump, Anthony, Will, Morris, George, Michael, Tom, Sam, Ned. Smiths: Peter, London. Miller: George. Ditcher: Robt Haims. Ho. House: Burgs Mitchell, Jack, Jack, Jack,...
Draft: American Philosophical Society Whether the Invitation you give me to write to you proceeds from the Pleasure you receive or desire to bestow I shall not enquire; the first would gratify my Vanity most, but I am not less pleas’d with thinking you love to indulge me. When I say I have not Leisure for my favourite Amusements I am as much surpriz’d as you can be, and I wonder how my Time...
4418[Diary entry: 13 June 1762] (Washington Papers)
13. Recd. a Pipe of Wine. Hogs at Mill—viz. 6 Sows 13 large Shoats 9 Smaller Do. 6 Large Pigs 12 Small Do. 46 in all. Blaze Mare refused horse.
MS not found; reprinted from The Atlantic Monthly , LXI (1888), 34. Mr. Franklin’s Compliments to Mr. Strahan, and out of pure Kindness to him offers him an Opportunity of exercising his Benevolence as a Man and his Charity as a Christian. One Spencer, formerly a Merchant of Figure and Credit in North America, being by various Misfortunes reduced to Poverty, is here in great Distress, and...
4420[Diary entry: 14 June 1762] (Washington Papers)
14. English Mare refused Do.