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Results 441-470 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
Beg leave to lay before your Excellency the pretentions that the Regiment commanded by Colo. Crane, has to rank in the Brigade of Artillery. The first Regiment of Artillery rais’d in these United States for their defence in —75, was commanded by Colo. Gridley; in the latter end of —75, or beginning of —76, the Regiment was newly arrang’d and recruited, and the command given to Colo. Knox,...
Had I indulged my own feelings, I should long since have imbraced the opportunities which circumstances afforded, of obtruding my self on you personally. But during the war I thought it greater kindness to keep aloof, and attend to the more essential points of Duty. It is now not without diffidence this Application is made to you for the appointment of Inspector for this City or District,...
443[Diary entry: 8 November 1788] (Washington Papers)
Saturday 8th. Thermometer at 52 in the Morning—62 at Noon and 62 at Night. Clear all day, with the Wind high from the No. Wt. Went up to Alexandria, agreeably to a summons, to give testimony in the Suit depending between the Estate of Mr. Custis and Mr. Robt. Alexander. Returned by the New Barn which had got about half the Rafters up. Found Mrs. Stuart, Miss Stuart, and all Mrs. Stuarts...
Printed in The American Weekly Mercury , March 27, 1729. ——Quid non mortalia Pectora cogis Auri sacra Fames! Virgil. One of the greatest Pleasures an Author can have is certainly the Hearing his Works applauded. The hiding from the World our Names while we publish our Thoughts, is so absolutely necessary to this Self-Gratification, that I hope my Well-wishers will congratulate me on my Escape...
It is a Melancholy thought to Me that While I Could Be So Happy at Mount Vernon, I am Still Almost As much Separated from you as I have Been for five Years in the Coalitionary prisons—But Altho’ I Lament, yet I Cannot Repent the determination we Have Been obliged to take—Much Less on Account of My Health which Has Been Recovering fast Enough, than for the very Bad and Lingering Condition in...
I perceive by the Gazettes, that the Philosophical Society of this City, is required to meet on friday next. I am reminded by it, to ask if the names of Buchan and Anderson have ever yet been proposed as Members? Yours always RC ( DLC ); addressed: “Mr. Jefferson”; endorsed by TJ as received 31 Dec. 1793 and so recorded in SJL . Recorded in SJPL . The advertisement for the 3 Jan. 1794 meeting...
24 June 1804, Lisbon. “I was honored a few days since with your favour of the 8th. of March past. The information alluded to was from a Captain, who acquainted me as a positive fact, that the Collector of the Port from which he sailed, would not allow him to take British Seamen and told him that after the first of September the Government had instructed the Collectors not to clear our Vessels...
I received your Letter of Jan’ry 23 d and was gratified to find your Hand writing improving. I know you are attentive to what is passing in the political World, indeed who can be an indifferent Spectator, in Times so critical, so allarming and so big with Concequences as the present? I send you a late publication under the signature of scipio, [ “ ]Reflections on Monroe’s view of the conduct...
I addressd. your excellency a few days ago on the rumourd. defeat and Surrender of Genl. Hull’s Army. Since which we have recd. the detail and it appears that the British have got possession of the important post of Detroit in the usual way. Can any faith be held with a Nation So lost to every principle of honor, and So degenerated as to employ no other weapons but bribery, corruption , and...
This will be Delivered to you My Dear Father by Beverly Randolph whom you may reccollect to have seen at your house in the Spring 1806. Mrs. Madison has been so kind as to procure for him young Nourse’s place during his absence or untill some thing better offers. enclosed is a little seal of my Mother that I Must beg the favor of you to have mended and My watch key if it is possible to make it...
When I had the pleasure to be at your house a few weeks since, you expressed a desire to have another copy of the Report of our Commissioners upon a System of Common Schools. Agreeably to my promise at that time, I now send you the pamphlet. I trust, that I may be permitted to use the occasion to testify to you the very high respect, which I entertain for your persevering labours in the cause...
Vous trouverez la demarche que je fais près de Vous très extraordinaire, mais ayant entendu louer Votre humanité, je m’hazarde après bien de la peine à Vous adresser cette lettre, il m’en Coute infiniment, mais la detresse dans laquelle Se trouve mon père m’y force; ayant perdu la plus grande partie de notre fortune par la guerre qui a eu lieu en france , mon pere perdit encor Sa place et fut...
This Letter will go by the Hand of the Honourable Samuel Hewes Esqr., one of the Delegates in Congress from North Carolina, from the Month of September 1774, untill 1777. I had the Honour to serve with him upon the naval Committee, who laid the first Foundations, the Corner Stone of an American navy, by fitting to Sea the Alfred, Columbus, Cabott, Andrew Doria, Providence, and several others....
L : American Philosophical Society Le Prince Bariatinskoy a l’honneur de remercier Monsieur franklein de la communication, qu’il a bien voulû Lui faire du Traite de Paix. Notation: Bariatinskoy 9. 7bre 1783— The next day, Bariatinskii sent Empress Catherine II two gifts from BF : a Libertas Americana medal with its explanation ( XXXIX , 549–55) and a copy of Constitutions des treize Etats-Unis...
I have the honor to inform you, in answer to your’s of the 17th. October, that I obtained my furlough, the 16th. Sept. last. Annexed to it, are the signatures of Nehemiah Freeman Capt. Comg. and of Lieut. Phillip Rodrigue Adjut. pro. tem. I beg leave to observe, however, that, though Capt. Freeman then commanded the district in which I was stationed, my furlough is subject to revocation,...
Albemarle county to wit An Inquisition for the Commonwealth , indented & taken on the lands between the town of Milton & the Rivanna river , parcel of those formerly the property of Bennet Henderson deceased, and since held by his widow in right of dower and his sons John , James L. and Charles , in the parish of S
ALS : American Philosophical Society This Letter will be handed you by Coll Fluery, who is not only a Hero but a man of merrit, the same which took the Standard at Stony point, he is a favorite of General Washingtons, and Baron Stuben’s the latter of which Gentlemen introduced him to Mr B: and me, one of the papers you sent over was to enquire him out, he says he has wrote often to his...
On the 24. May I had the very great satisfaction of receiving your kind letter of 23d. February. I felt doubly obligated to you for it as I conscious it must have been written under the impression, arising from the existing relations between the U. States and Britain, that the probabilities were very much against my ever receiving it; and I regret to say that the political appearances are not...
M r . Jay presents his Compliments to his Excellency General Washington, & sends him herewith inclosed the 1 vol. of the Fœderalist— AL , DLC : Washington ( EJ : 10394 ). Endorsed. Dft , NNC ( EJ : 8425 ). Dft
The object of this Letter is to introduce to the Special notice of the president one of the gallant officers of the revolutionary War—Major General Barton—the Captor of General Prescott. As an agent for sundry Officers, Soldiers & others holding claims for Services rendred to the U.S. during the war, he visits the Capital to ask for Justice. Whatever attention and respect he may receive from...
461[Diary entry: 19 March 1796] (Washington Papers)
19. Clear & cold all day with the Wind fresh from No. W.
Mme Brongniart est extrêmement reconnaissante des souhaits que monsieur Le president a la bonté de former pour le succès de son voyage. Elle s’empressera à son arrivée de remettre elle même à Mr Livingston la lettre de monsieur Le president dont elle se charge avec le plus grand plaisir. Madame Brongniart is extremely grateful for the president’s kind wishes for the success of her journey. She...
46331st. (Adams Papers)
Election day. This is a day of great festivity throughout the Country. The last Wednesday in May, is appointed, for declaring the choice, of the Governor, Lieutt. Governor &c. It is the only day in the year, in which the Student here is left at his Liberty to do whatever he pleases; and it is most frequently the Case, as it has been this day, that one Party is playing in the yard from 8 in the...
I intended to have had a little further conversation with you on the subject of the Florida Lands, but my haste to leave Williamsburg & your Dining out the day I did do so prevented it—I addressd a short Letter to you by way of Memm & left it with Mr Southall—I hope you receivd it, that I may be satisfied you did so, please to advise me as the Govrs Certificates of my Claim was Inclosd...
My not receiving any favour from you in answer to my last, and having received one from Doctor Steuart subsequent to that, in which he mentions but little respecting the affair (which you expressed a desire of becoming acquainted with) has given me hopes to beleive that my confession of both the circumstances of the case, and my error, has obliterated from your mind all unfavourable...
At last I have the long wished pleasure of receiving a letter from you ? I cannot tell how much it has made me happy for I could not suspect you could forgit me, tho am sensible My not having sufficient Merit to engage your remembrance, but can only trust to the Sentiments known to me for so long a time and formed Upon So much Sure foundation. How glad am I to hear your detachment from the...
Ca. 24 October 1804. Informs JM that by the same day’s mail he is sending the description and plan of a new machine for making gunpowder in the fastest and most economical way. Hopes that JM’s zeal for the arts and the goodwill he has always shown DuPont and his father will cause him to view with pleasure a discovery interesting as a useful manufacture and important to DuPont’s success. Is now...
I have the honor to enclose the copy of a letter from Samuel Hay one of the commissioners for the direct tax in South Carolina. As the assessment is not yet completed in that State, and the principal cause of the delay has been the difficulty of finding gentlemen who would accept the office, the propriety of appointing the gentlemen recommended by Mr Hay is respectfully submitted. I have the...
February 26th: 1796 My Treasury Account of expenditures in the quarter ending the 31st. of December last having passed the offices, permit me, through you, to lay it before the honorable the Senate, and to assure you. I am Sir / with Respect / Your very humble Servant DNA : RG 46—Records of the U.S. Senate.
Your letter of the 12th. Ultimo (covering copies of the orders of the Secretary’s of War & of the Navy relative to the deserters which had been forcibly taken from the District of Baton Rouge) has been received; & in reply to a late letter from Governor Grand Pré, in which he expressed a Solicitude, to learn the orders of the President, relative to that transaction , I did on the 11th....