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Results 441-450 of 184,431 sorted by author
I did not write to you by the last post. I was in hopes to have received a Letter from your and to have known from under your own Hand how your Health was. Tommy wrote me by your direction; and I heard by other Hands of your safe arrival and the News papers inform us that by desire of his Honour the Leiu t Govenour you was in the procession to accompany the President to his Residence. there is...
442Fryday July 20 1787 London. (Adams Papers)
This day three years I landed at Deal. Since that time I have travelld to France, to Holland and several parts of England but have never kept any journal, or record except what my Letters to my Friends may furnish nor have I ever perused this Book since it was first written till this Day when looking into the first page, it excited all my former emotions and made the Tears flow affresh. I have...
Yesterday Mr. Johonet waited upon me with your favour of Febry 4th. I am sorry you have sufferd so much anxiety with regard to a domestick occurrence, it has been wholy oweing to want of conveyance that you have not much sooner been informd that what you wish, has taken place, that is that it is done with—and that this determination took place soon after my last Letter to you which was in...
Your favour of August 17th is just put into my hands with word that Capt. Grinnel is to sail tomorrow, all of a sudden without having been to see me, or warning me of his going. I made a little excursion to Haverhill with our daughter and son Charles which prevented my getting my Letters ready. However I am determined not to close my eyes to Night untill I have written to you, and will send...
Yesterday mr Johnson and his Mamma arrived here, in good Health. by her I heard from mr & Mrs Cranch. she poor thing has had a mishap. I rather think it good than ill luck however for, it is Sad slavery to have children as fast as she has. she has recoverd tho she is thin & weak. your son is rising Rising in his own estimation, which was the place where he most wanted it. he plead a cause,...
It is a long time since I received a line from you, or any other of my Friends, nor have we learnt with certainty whether your Brother Tommy was admitted Colledge. By captain Folger I wrote to you, and hope it went Safe to your hand, as the Letter containd Something more than words. As I know you will not wish to Spend any time Idle it may not be too early to consult you respecting the...
I received your very obliging Letter and thank you for the early intelligence of your designed Tour. I could wish to be a fellow Traveller with you; tho I cannot personally partake, of your joyful reception, I feel no small pleasure in the anticipation of yours. I commit to your care a Letter which I would not trust to any hand less safe than yours. You will carry it Sir with my tenderest...
I received with much pleasure your Letters of August 1 st and 12th, for which accept my thanks. I read the papers as usual, and find the Ethiope washed white by the Necromancing powers of dallas & co—but I was not a little surprizd by the information which mr H G otis assured me, he received from a correspondent in Philadelphia, viz that our Friend Dr Rush and Mr Hartley of York Town were...
I received a few lines from You Yesterday. in replie to mr Bates queries, I would have the Room above finishd off the same Size with the lower Room, the North clossets to remain in the Room and chamber, the stairs to be one flight, a portico with a flat Top which I would have leaded, and a smilar one built over the front door of the House, the two trees cut down, but I do not wish to have the...
By our Quincy post I received yours 28 th and 30th of December. I am sorry to find you had taken a cold let Brisler make you a Bowl of wine whey when you go to bed, for one or two Nights, and you will find yourself released Altho the weather has been so very fine and Spring like, our cattle never have been sharpend till this week. yet I cannot but keep in mind that it is mid winter, that Grain...