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Results 441-450 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I have just recd. the inclosed letter from a Come of Stud in the University, and must ask the favor of you to communicate it, to the other members of the Executive Committee & let the result be known to the writers I inclose the<ir> letter on the supposition, that copies may not have been circularly sent Draft, with draft of James Madison to University of Virginia Committee of Students, W. H....
I have recd young Gentlemen, your letter of the 21st and have forwarded it to the other members of the Executive Come. Referring you to the decision, which will be made from them, I tender you my friendly respects & good wishes Draft, with draft of JM to Thomas J. Randolph (DLC) . Addressed to W. H. Cooper, L. Barfoot, E. Ruffin Jr., George Nicholson, and J B Young.
Your favor of the 4th. was duly recd. I had not forgotton the intimation of which I am reminded by it, but unabating interuptions, added to my crippled health, had produced a delay which I could not avoid; and since I had notice of your return from the springs, the same causes have operated. I found also on the trial, more of tediousness in consulting documents and noting references, than was...
I have recd your favor of the 16th. A man with a Cart & a Cow, and two boys to assist in bringing the Calves will be on the road to day [saturday], and arrive on Monday. Be so good as to send by the last I am to be furnished by contract with Pork & other Articles to be delivered & paid for on the 1st. of December. The cost will be about six hundred dollars for which I have relied on receipts...
It is entirely owing to circumstances apart from my own intentions, that I have deferred the pleasure it gives me to acknowledge the receipt of materials for a biographical sketch of yourself intended for the National Portrait Gallery furnished by a friend of your selection—The document thus furnished is very satisfactory, and leaves nothing to regret; but it’s brevity , a fault which we have...
I duly received in Course your much esteemed favor of 25th August, and was glad to see that Mrs Madison accepted of my offer of the Coke Devon Caves. I shall in Consequence send by the Fredricksburg Steem Boat to leave this on Sunday Morning the 20th instant 4 caves (two of each Sex) with provevender sufficient to last them until they shall have time to reach your place, to the care of Mr. Wm...
Since the receipt of your last Mr Brockman has made some enquiries respecting the disposal of the beeves and thinks there will be no difficulty in obtaining a purchaser. On the subject of the clover seed I will take the quantity mentioned in my letter of the 13th. of last month but expect it at the price of last year. The general demand of this neighbourhood renders it probable that a larger...
If you have found time to look over the manuscript with which I ventured to trouble you in July, the return of Dr. Dunglison’s carriage offers a good opportunity of sending it to this place. If you would rather keep it longer, it is not important that I should receive it immediately. I have heard with great pleasure that your health has still further improved, and I propose, at the end of the...
Your favor of the 7th is just recd. We had counted with confidence on the opportunity it promises, which will enable us to express in the way we can best express, the cordial regards and all the good wishes which accompany your removal to a new theatre for your distinguished talents. The best indemnity for the losses sustained by the late one me & by your friends will be the full...
Your letter of the 3d. Septr. was duly recd. My acquaintance with the Grand father of your children, and my recollection of his worth, induce sincere wishes for their welfare. But the interposition you request in behalf of your son is precluded by a rule, I have found it necessary to adopt, and which has been adhered to in cases, some of them of a very pressing character. I can only therefore...