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Results 441-450 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
ALS : American Philosophical Society I sent word today to N. Holland, that you desired to see him, and offer’d him my Horse. He sent me word, he could get a Horse in the Neighbourhood, and would wait on you. I return you Smith’s Travels with Thanks. I send you also Wr. Pope’s Life of Ward Bishop of Salisbury. I am, Sir, with great Respect Your most humble Servant Endorsed: Benj: Franklin July...
Reprinted from The Evangelical Magazine , XI (1803), 27–8; also AL (fragment): American Philosophical Society. Since your being in England, I have received two of your favours, and a box of books to be disposed of. It gives me great pleasure to hear of your welfare, and that you purpose soon to return to America. We have no kind of news here worth writing to you. The affair of the building...
MS not found; reprinted from extract in The Pennsylvania Gazette , October 12, 1749. I have found more learned Men in Canada, than I imagined had been in all America. The Jesuits in general excel in several Parts of Learning; and the King’s Officers also are skilful in the Arts and Sciences. The new General Governor, Monsieur Jonquiere, who was taken Prisoner by the English in the last War,...
Printed in The Pennsylvania Gazette , August 24, 1749. By 1740 Franklin was well satisfied with his condition and prospects in Pennsylvania, but he regretted that no provision was made “for a compleat Education of Youth.” He “therefore in 1743, drew up a Proposal for establishing an Academy,” which he discussed with Rev. Richard Peters, whom he considered suitable to head such an institution....
E ditorial N ote  The principal Washington documents extant for the years before 1752 are, in addition to the school exercises, a group of early surveys, a 1748 diary of a surveying expedition undertaken for Lord Fairfax in Virginia’s Northern Neck, and the journal kept by GW of his trip with his half brother Lawrence to Barbados in 1751–52. GW kept his diary entries for the Fairfax surveying...
MS not found; reprinted from London Magazine: and Monthly Chronologer , XII (1825), 606. We received your kind Letter by this Post, and are glad to hear you still continue to enjoy such a share of Health. Cousin Josiah and his Spouse arrived here hearty and well last Saturday noon; I met them the Evening before at Trenton, 30 miles off and accompany’d them to Town. They went into their own...
ALS (fragment): Historical Society of Pennsylvania [ First part missing ] [Ad]vertisement, by which you will see the Language of the Picts is now under Consideration at home. If I had a Copy of what you have wrote on that Subject, I would take Care it should not be lost. Please to favour me with the short Account of your Library, contain’d in the Paper I read the other Day at your House, that...
Letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania I received thine of Yesterdays date this day about II but do not believe that discourse of Doctor Frees explains the Discourse of the Picts or as he calls them the Pyhtas as I have done for he mentions the duration of their Language. I shall cause my younger Son next Month when he is out of his time [to] copy out that discourse: Thou may...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania I was unwilling to loose the Opertunity per Cap. Rice—So in 5 or 6 Days time I ordred all the Books to your Order that Could be gott together. I was so much engaged I could not go to see them before they was packed—but Hope the Bookseller has been carefull to send such as will Meet with your aprobation. What can be gott to the remainder of your Order...
MS not found; reprinted from extract in Sparks, Works , VII , 40. For the reason you mention, I am of the same opinion, that Dr. Free has not considered the Picts’ language as you have done, but imagines with other writers that the Pict nation was totally destroyed and its language with it. See above, p. 390. John Free wrote of the Pictish language that, with “the Saxon to the South, and the...