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Results 4401-4450 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
The enclosed letter to Genl. La Fayette, has been occasioned by the recurrence of our national...
I send you with this letter a copy of the 2d. edition of Arator, neatly bound, together with a...
Empressé à vous faire plaisir en toutes occasions, je n’ai point tardé a faire envers le...
While I was at S t: Quentin the last Winter, I was admitted to see a very large manufactory of...
I take great pleasure in introducing to your acquaintance, Mr. David Hoffman, a distinguished...
Before I enter on the subject for which I have the honor of calling the attention of Your...
I request the Liberty (in behalf of those who are engaged in the enterprize) to present to your...
Although I have had the honor to write to you since the favor of your letter of the 4th, I now...
Much time has elapsed indeed, Since you have favoured me with your last Letters—and more, Since I...
Yours of Sept. 5. I received the 13th. Instant and rejoice to hear that You are in the Enjoyment...
Mrs Cruft and Myself have been very much gratifyed by your present of two Silver cans. & for...
I have found a little Inconvenience in having nobody here on the Spot, that I could call my...
I yesterday received your kind favour dated at Fairfield and am happy to find that you had...
We have received here with uncommon Pleasure the Accounts of the Success of your important...
Consideratien op Art. 22. & 23. van het project Tractaat tusschen Haar Hoog Mog. en de Vereenigde...
Out of the circle of your own family, there are none who can feel more sorrow at the heavy...
I received your Favour of the 5th of Novr and the Enquiries relative to Vessels suitable to be...
J’ai reçu, Monsieur, la lettre que vous m’avez fait l’honneur de m’écrire le 21 de ce mois. Je me...
I had the pleasure to receive, this morning, your favor of the 1 st: curr t: and now hasten to...
I keep a constant search on foot for the books which in any of your Letters, you have expressed...
The accounts you give of the Heat of the weather, gives me great uneasiness upon account of your...
Under the present afflicting scene of Providence that you Mr. Adams and connections of the...
I have the honor of forwarding herewith two parcels addressed to the American Academy of Arts and...
At the same time that I make my Gratful Acknowledgment, for the instructive sentiments and...
So, so master John, your Back is up, because you have not been written to, as often as you...
Not being in the habit since my return to private life, of sending regularly to the Post Office...
Returning the day before yesterday from Boulogne, I had the Honor of receiving your Excellencys...
I have the Honor to receive Your Letter of the 6 of April. It is indeed a “grave prospect” which...
I yesterday ask’d Permission to resign my Post of J.A.G. and to retire from the Army, but met...
It is impossible for me to express the happiness I feel at the news which comes by so many...
Seven States only have been represented in congress since October, of consequence very few...
I send you the prospectus of a Work I am about to publish—I wish to have your opinion on the...
We are just returned from visiting your good Lady at Braintree, where I had a complaint exhibited...
I received an hour ago your Letters of the 22 d and 27th. I have been anxious enough for you...
I have the Honour of having received your Excellencys Letter, wherein I find a most Obliging...
I have the honour to transmit a letter dated the 15th. instant, from William Payne Esquire,...
Feby. 18th The Evening brought my expected guests or rather a small part of them and on the whole...
After living uninteruptedly in your family, for almost three years, and uniformly receiving, both...
The House of Representatives have received with great respect the communication which you have...
Learning in our country has been hitherto sadly neglected—Those of us who wish to promote it, are...
I do myself the honor to enclose a letter to Capt Tryon, covering Warrants for Loudon Baley,...
The Committee of the corporate Body of Merchants, Manufacturers and Traders of this City have...
The Subscribers having by their labour and Industry & at a great expence, errected Machinery &c,...
I am much Obliged to you for your Letter of the 26 th Ult. it was so long that I had heard from...
Your esteemed favors of 30 April inclose to us 60 coupons of ƒ 40. ƒ 2400 66 " 50 " 3300 the...
Your Favor per Dr. Jackson of the 7 Instant came to hand this day. It gives me pleasure that you...
I send, by this Mail, Nos. 7, 8, & 9, of my Magazine, & invite thy particular attention to the...
I sent last Evening to the post office in hopes that I might get a Letter of a late Date. I...
this Ans is a true statement of my prosidins under the Volinteer acts of Congress of the 6th of...
J’etois porteur d’une Lettre pour vous de mes amis Messr. Grand & Cie. de Paris que je gardois...