James Madison Papers

James Madison to William Patterson, 26 October 1833

Montpelier. Oct. 26th 1833.

Dear Sir

Your favor of the 14th. was duly recd. and your suggested precaution followed as to the calves, on the way hither. The Cow made her escape soon after the messengers set out; but I have the pleasure to say that the four young animals arrived without accident, and entirely well.

Their fine appearance answers to the character of the breed, and you will please accept the additional thanks which are due for the added number. One of the males will be called <Ho>lkam in reference to Mr. Coke: for whose equal merits as a farmer and a patriot I join in the general esteem. The name of the other will be a memento of the immediate and generous donor. The collective name of the four will be Coke Devon; as a germ, of that particular breed. Mrs. Madison unites with me, in offering our cordial salutations, and our best wishes for continued health and every other blessing.

J. M.


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