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Results 4381-4390 of 184,431 sorted by author
You are uneasy that I dont write enough. I understand you. You want me to unravel to you all the Mysteries of the Poli ti cks of Europe, and all the Intrigues of Courts. This would make Madam a Lady of Consequence no doubt and enable her to shine in a Circle of Politicians of Either sex.—But in the first Place I dont understand them—in the next if I did I would give the English Leave to laugh...
I Suffer So much Uneasiness, on Account of the State of Things here, that I cannot fail to communicate my Anxieties, so to some one in Congress, which you may We are very much Straightened for Funds, and you send Us no supplies, and yet you draw upon Us, from America from the West Indies, and from many other Quarters. We are continually exposed to the Insolen Reproaches, and the Insolence of...
I have this Morning, filed in order your Letters and have now in one bundle before me from N o. 6 to N o. 23 inclusively and will take care they shall not be again Seperated. The Western Posts are all delivered, and the Commissions in a good Way.— M r King and M r Gore in England and I hope M r Pinkney in France, will be your Friends bothe Personally and Politically. You are destined to...
I received but last night your favor of the 4th. The papers containing applications & recommendations for the collectorship of the port of Louisville in Kentucky I have read & agree with you that Mr James McConnel appears to be the person most suitable to receive the appointment to succeed Col. Richard Taylor resigned & you may send him a commission accordingly. I return all these papers &...
4385January 16. Sunday. (Adams Papers)
Reposed and wrote. Among other letters written this day JA addressed a very long one to Pres. Huntington devoted mainly to the geography, commerce, and governmental administration of the maritime provinces of Galicia and Biscay ( PCC , No. 84, I; copied from LbC , Adams Papers , into JA ’s Autobiography under its date ).
What apology can I offer, for the liberty I take of introducing to you the Revnd Henry Colman of Hingham? My apology is ready without ceremony. Mr Colman wishes to see, the great and good men and things in New York & Philadelphia, and as a man of Science, letters, and virtue, he is worthy to see them. Any notice you may take of him, will be gratefully acknowledged, by your humble Servant with...
Amsterdam, January 1st, 1781—wrote to Congress: “The mail from London arrived this morning, brought us for a new year’s entertainment, the following MANIFESTO. George R. Through the whole course of our reign, our conduct towards the States General of the United Provinces, has been that of a sincere friend and faithful ally. Had they adhered to those wise principles which used to govern the...
There is now an Harmony so entire between France America and Holland, that I think Affairs must come to a good Conclusion, if they do not it will I am perswaded be our Fault. But I am determined it shall not be mine, and I dont believe it will be Mr Jays. Spain is now inclined to make a Treaty with us, as I am informed, and the Comte d’Aranda is authorised to treat with him at Paris, this...
I received, this day with great Pleasure your Favour of the Twelfth and fourteenth Instant —and was the more gratified with it, because it was dated from Watertown, where I wish my excellent Friend very constantly to reside, for the good of the Public and where consequently I wish you to be, because his Happiness will be promoted by it. The Graces and the Muses, will always inhabit with such...
I have received this evening your favor of the 26 Nov. with the pamphlet inclosed. I have run it over in more haste, than it was written in, but am so far possessed of its purport, as to be better pleased that it was written in 20 hours, than if it had been the elaborate production of a week; because it shews the first impressions of the writer, upon reading the pamphlet it is an answer. This...