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Results 4381-4390 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
among the Numerous papers Sent to me from the friends of humanity both in England, and US, was one Containing Copy of your Letter dated August 25 th 1814, to Edward Coles Secretary to the president, in which you highly Approve his principle in fav r of the oppressed Affricans, and “Recommend to him as a Young man to persevere until Complete emansipation Shall be Affected, excusing yourself as...
Your kind letter just rec’d is a Cordial to my spirits, in the lengthend days of my confinement to a sick room since the 22d of last January, without any exercise but that of patience, under pain and debility, or even a Rocking Chair to give releif— I am now convalesing, tho’ at one time I apprehended from the attack being similar, I was soon to follow Govr Eustis & Gen Brooks—& a multitude of...
I saw Col. Barbour yesterday, as I intended. He remains decided agst. relinquishing his Judgship without a previous experiment of the Chair in the University. He feels evidently a strong attraction towards it; and I think a growing one. It is quite possible that the experiment he is making of his Judicial duties, carrying him as they will beyond the Mountains, will diminish his preference of...
I have reccd. your letter of the 24th. inclosing copies of letters from President Monroe Judge Washington, & Mr. Wirt. Having for a considerable time past, found it necessary to adopt the general rule of declining all interposition in cases of appointment to office, more especially where I could offer no evidence of claims or qualifications not attainable from others more capable of speaking...
I have received your letter of the 21 st inst. and hasten to answer it, before my departure for my Judicial circuit. At the time when I submitted the proposition which I did, I had not seen the regulations of the University. I certainly would not wish any course to be taken, which might affect it’s prosperity, for I feel the deepest interest in it’s complete success; and had I considered the...
The object of this letter will I trust be, in your eyes, an apology for the intrusion I am committing. The college in your neighbourhood, of which you are I understand the most efficient prop, has been pleased to designate my son Doctor John P. Emmet as the Professor of Chemistry &c, & he is now about to proceed to the college, & undertake the duties of his office. It is an object very near my...
With this letter you will receive a copy of a little work of mine on Education, which I learn from Miss Wright you have expressed a wish to see—Your least desire would be received by me as a command. for though my lot has been cast under a monarchy I am a warm admirer of republican Institutions, & I feel that in common with all mankind I owe the founders of the American Constitution a debt of...
I saw Col. Barbour yesterday, as I intended. He remains decided ag st relinquishing his Judgeship without a previous experiment of the chair in the University. He feels evidently a strong attraction towards it; and I think a growing one. It is quite possible that the experiment he is making of his Judicial duties, carrying him as they will beyond the Mountains, will diminish his preference of...
Ever since my return from the South, I have borne in mind your desire to have a list of the principal German works in literary History and of the best of their belles-lettres writers. The lists were easily made out; but there was some difficulty in obtaining the prices of each. This difficulty, however, I have at last overcome, & I now inclose the two lists, with, I believe, the exact cost of...
I rejoice to hear you are in better health than when I left you on Sunday Evg and earnestly hope that your approaching birth day will give a promise of greater improvement—I count with impatience the pleasure we have promised ourselves of finding our hopes confirmd— Yesterday my Nephew my Sisters only Son arrived from England by the way of Canada—with your leave, we shall bring him to pay his...