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Results 4371-4420 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
4371[Diary entry: 22 April 1762] (Washington Papers)
22. Attachts. in my hands for Fosters effects.
4372[Diary entry: 24 April 1762] (Washington Papers)
24. Had the Plantn. viewed. Herrings run in gt. quantity’s. Planted new gd. at Williamson’s.
4373[Diary entry: 26 April 1762] (Washington Papers)
26. Began to plant Corn at all my Plantation’s.
Letter not found: from Richard Washington, 27 April 1762. On 27 Sept. 1763 GW mentions: “In...
MS Register of Convocation, University Archives: Oxford University The “Heads of Houses” at...
AD : American Philosophical Society When Franklin was about to leave for England in 1757 his wife...
Articles of agreement made and concluded upon this first day of May 1762 between George...
Letter not found: from Robert Cary & Co., 1 May 1762. On 18 Sept. GW wrote to Robert Cary & Co. :...
4379May [1762] (Washington Papers)
3. Mr. Daingerfields Negro Bricklayer Guy came here to work. Three William Daingerfields were...
4380[Diary entry: 3 May 1762] (Washington Papers)
3. Mr. Daingerfields Negro Bricklayer Guy came here to work. Three William Daingerfields were...
4381[Diary entry: 4 May 1762] (Washington Papers)
4. Finished Planting Corn at all Places.
ALS : American Philosophical Society I received this Morning my dear Polley’s kind Present of two...
Letterbook copy: American Philosophical Society Inclosed you have the second Copy of the above...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have a great many Thanks to give you for your Goodness in...
4385[Diary entry: 10 May 1762] (Washington Papers)
10. Counted the Tobo. Gd. at Doeg Run Qr. as follows—viz.—of Cowpen Ground 7500 Dungd Gd. in...
4386[Diary entry: 11 May 1762] (Washington Papers)
11. Told my Sheep as follows—viz. & Cut & Markd Ewes in all 104 Ewe Lambs 38 Weather’s Do. 29...
4387[Diary entry: 13 May 1762] (Washington Papers)
13. Got a Cask of Leith Ale from Mr. Marshall Piscatwy. Agreed to do Mr. Bells Work for £59....
4388[Diary entry: 15 May 1762] (Washington Papers)
15. 6 Cows & Calves from S. Johnson. 3 Do. 2 Do. from C.
I had the honour of writing to you the 12 Decemb: & 6 feb. last, and have since received your...
The Committee appointed to Consider in what manner the Proceeds of the Sale of the South Commons...
ALS : Royal Society of Edinburgh It is no small Pleasure to me to hear from you that my Paper on...
Soon after the Appraisment of the Decd Colo. Custis’s Estate it seemed to be a matter of doubt...
4393[Diary entry: 22 May 1762] (Washington Papers)
22. Young Countiss & black Mare Covered by Alexanders Ho[rse]. Alexander is probably Robert...
ALS : American Philosophical Society According to Promise I write on Monday to let my good Girl...
ALS : Princeton University Library For nearly twenty years Franklin had been interested in the...
4396[Diary entry: 28 May 1762] (Washington Papers)
28. Planted abt. 50, or 60,000—being the first—Tobo. put in. Roan’s bay & sorrel covered by Mr....
Your favour of the 1st of October I did not receive till yesterday, where it has lain ever since...
Your unacknowledged favours of the 26th June 10th Augt 16 & 19th Septr and the 19th of Octr...
4399[Diary entry: 30 May 1762] (Washington Papers)
30. Chesnut Mare covered by Alexrs. H[orse] Countis & blk. refused. Roan Mare & old black coverd...
4400[Diary entry: 31 May 1762] (Washington Papers)
31. White Mare & Rankin covered by Do.
Letter not found: from Robert Cary & Co., 31 May 1762. On 30 Sept. GW wrote to Robert Cary & Co....
4402June [1762] (Washington Papers)
1. Guy Sick and did no Work. 2. Good Season at D[ogue] Run Quartr. planted abt. there. 4. Jno....
4403[Diary entry: 1 June 1762] (Washington Papers)
1. Guy Sick and did no Work.
4404[Diary entry: 2 June 1762] (Washington Papers)
2. Good Season at D[ogue] Run Quartr. planted abt. there.
The Inclosed is a Copy of my last (of the 28th May) the intent of this is to tell you that I was...
On board the Unity Captn Cuzzens I put four hhds Tobacco to your Consignment, intending to have...
4407[Diary entry: 4 June 1762] (Washington Papers)
4. Jno. Askew came to Work. In 1759 GW hired John Askew, a local joiner, for £25 per year plus...
4408[June 1762] (Adams Papers)
Rode from Bass’s to Secretary Olivers, in Company with Judge Oliver. The Judge soon opened upon...
4409June 5th. 1762. (Adams Papers)
Rode from Bass’s to Secretary Olivers, in Company with Judge Oliver. The Judge soon opened upon...
ALS : Yale University Library I received your Favour of the 27th. past, and have since expected...
4411[Diary entry: 7 June 1762] (Washington Papers)
7. Jno. Askew came to Work.
4412June 8th. 1762. (Adams Papers)
Went to Taunton Court. To the Land of Leonards. Three Judges of the Common Pleas of that Name,...
4413[Diary entry: 8 June 1762] (Washington Papers)
8. Roan Mare took McCartys Horse. Old black—took—Do.—Do.
Letterbook copy: American Philosophical Society In my last to you, of the 10th ult. was designed...
4415[Diary entry: 9 June 1762] (Washington Papers)
9. Rankin’s—took—Do.—Do. White—refused Do.—Do. English Mare refused Alexrs. Horse.
A List of Tythables in Fairfax County—given into Captn Daniel McCarty—June 9th 1762—viz. George...
Draft: American Philosophical Society Whether the Invitation you give me to write to you proceeds...
4418[Diary entry: 13 June 1762] (Washington Papers)
13. Recd. a Pipe of Wine. Hogs at Mill—viz. 6 Sows 13 large Shoats 9 Smaller Do. 6 Large Pigs 12...
MS not found; reprinted from The Atlantic Monthly , LXI (1888), 34. Mr. Franklin’s Compliments to...
4420[Diary entry: 14 June 1762] (Washington Papers)
14. English Mare refused Do.