Adams Papers

Abigail Adams to Thomas Boylston Adams, 28 February 1802

Abigail Adams to Thomas Boylston Adams

Quincy Febry 28th 1802

my Dear Son

Your Father received a Letter from you last Evening; full of political information, and judicious reflection’s; there is a darkness visible; upon all our national prospects; which cast a Gloom upon my declining days.1 What of Life remains to me, I should rejoice to pass in tranquility; but danger takes rapid strides; and faction and party Rage will soon involve us in a civil war: or a Lethargy & Stupor render us fit Subjects for Southern despotism; the rising Generation will have more dangers to encounter than there Fathers have Surmounted; Such are your prospects my Son but be not dismayed; at this, or the little Success you have met with hitherto in Your profession; I know it must require a large portion of Patience, and perseverence to preserve an equal mind through so many Strugles. the reflection will obtrude, Why was I Educated to this Profession? Why am I placed in a situation where I cannot with all my assiduity, frugality, and oeconomy provide me an independance? has my Family made no Sacrifices for the benifit of their Country? have they lived for themselves only? You have the consolation of knowing that no mean, or disgracefull action has placed you or Your Father or Brother tarnishd the public conduct of either Father or Brother, that there Reputation and your own are built upon Solid and durable Material Honor Virtue and integrity they will out live the popular Clamour of the present age, and Shine brighter from the Shades with which future Historians must compose contrast them—

My own reflection upon what has been, and now is—are frequently tinged with a melancholy hue—not on my own account, so much, as for those who are to succeed me. With frugality we have enough for all our wants, because we can circumscribe them within narrow bounds. I once wrote you that I had a small matter saved from expences which I curtaild, and which I have been many Years collecting, expecting a time when I might have occasion for it, as I could I have placed it, in the Hands of our good Friend dr Tufts who has managed it for me in such a manner as to yeald me an interest of 200 dollors pr annum—2 this I call my pin money. as I have not had occasion for any of it, I have yearly added the interest to the principle. I have now happily by me half yearly interest which I calld for a few days since, and as I have not an immediate use for it, and can receive more in April, I inclose it to you, requesting you to accept it as a small token of the Love and affection I bear you, wishing at the same time, that it was ten times the value.— I have but one injunction to make you, it is that You make no mention of it; further than to Say You received my Letter Safe of the 28th of Feb’ry

We have had Winter enough Since the 22d of Fe’bry Snow in abundance, and cold. We are confined to our house by Banks of Snow, Ice and blocked roads— Your Father has been employd in reading a Work of 14 volms of Le Harps which your Brother has furnishd him with. he has lately read the Studies of nature by St P.3 I am happy to inform You that your uncle Cranch has surmounted his late illness so far as to give us hopes he may be spaired to us a little longer; Your Brother and sister have not been here for three weeks they have had the Measles in their Family, and my domesticks have been sick—4 Remember me to all those who inquire after / Your affectionate Mother

Abigail Adams

RC (Adams Papers).

1TBA to JA, 15 Feb., above.

3La Harpe, Lycée; ou, Cours de littérature ancienne et moderne description begins Jean François de La Harpe, Lycée; ou, Cours de littérature ancienne et moderne, 16 vols. in 19, Paris, 1799–1805. description ends , and James Henry Bernardin de Saint Pierre, Studies of Nature, transl. Henry Hunter, 3 vols., Boston, 1797, Evans, description begins Charles Evans and others, American Bibliography: A Chronological Dictionary of All Books, Pamphlets and Periodical Publications Printed in the United States of America [1639–1800], Chicago and Worcester, Mass., 1903–1959; 14 vols.; rev. edn., description ends No. 32796.

4JQA wrote to AA on 19 Feb. 1802 (Adams Papers), thanking her for sending a loaf of bread and a goose. He also reported on his servant William’s bout with measles, which began on the 12th, reporting, “Our black man too is recovering, and we have no symptoms yet in any other part of the family.” Servant Betsey Newcomb came down with the same illness on 26 Feb., as did GWA on 13 March (D/JQA/24, 13, 26 Feb., 13 March, APM Reel 27).

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