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Results 43661-43670 of 184,431 sorted by author
Wednsday 8th I started again for Monticello — Mr Kelly when I g ot t o Char. went with me. When we arrived at the foot of the hill, we wound a side way, circutous course to avoid the steapness in getting the house, which was immediately upon the top of the mountain. We rode up to the front gate of the door yard a servant took our horses— Mr. Jefferson appeared at the door. I was introduced to...
You will have perceived, by our paper of the 18th inst. that your first letter had been published, before the receipt of your Second, containing your wishes for correction. Under these circumstances, we were for some time at a loss to know in what manner to act; and had at one time determined to remain silent. But, we afterwards supposed that it was your wish to be definitely understood, and...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I Not having the Honr. of being personaly Known to you I beg leave to aquaint you, that I am the person who Commanded the Carteel Brigt. Temple which Arivd. at Bristol from Boston in August Last since which time my Name has been handed to you through mr Henery Broomfield who was with you about 10 weeks since, on some busness in which I was princapally...
Pardon me if I frank frankly confess, that I may not have duly appretiated the consequences of this letter when you are informed that I am prompted to present this petition to you by something for which I cannot accoumpt. My motive I own is selfish and that mere necessity is the cause of my imploring your fostering hand , It is not my talent to address as if ability and learning dictated my...
I have received your Esteemed favr of 14th Septemr and am quite Obliged pr your desiring General Heath to Afford me all possible Assistance in forwarding the Clothing. This Clothing had been arrived here some months before I recd charge of the same, landed in many places & some of the Packages with out any Particular Invoice, had it not been for those Circumstances I should have been able to...
I have duely received your Excellencys Esteemed favr 24th Septemr Informing me of Mr Measoms appointment, also a letter from the Honble board War pr Major Nicholas whom they have sent to Inspect the conductg the Cloathing to the Army I shall do everything in my Power for the Public Service in Conjuntion with those two Gentn. The Chief of the imported Cloathing is arrived here and a few days...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Nous recevons dans le moment d’envoy de mr Jn Williams de nantes pour votre Compte 6 Caisses de madere, a leur arrivées nous les avons examinées, il sen est trouvé quelsqunes de Cassées & ce parcequ’elles etoient fort mal Embalées, & si il faut vous les expedier dans le tat ou elles sonts vous En aurez plus de la moitié de Cassées dicy Chez vous En...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Nous avons bien recu celle que vous nous avez fait l’honneur de nous ecrire le 14e. 9bre expiré. Nous avons fait retablir vos 6 Caisses vin de madere et nous vous les avons Chargées le 3e. Courant par la voiture de mouseau d’orleans au prix de 52 s du (?) En droiture a passy cy joint vous en avez la notte de nos frais a £ 6 l.t. 5 s. dont il vous plaîra...
ALS : American Philosophical Society En reponse à L’honneur de la vôtre du 20 Xbre der nous sommes Charmé que vous ayez recû vos vins, En bon Etat. Nous vous avons expedié hier sur la voiture de monceau d’orleans au prix de 26 l.t. pour toute voiture un tonneau de vin vieux de st denis formant deux poinsons Ct. 430 Blles [Bouteilles] pintes de paris il vous plaira nous donner Credit de £ 215...
Observations Made at Cooper’s ferry. the 18. january. 1778. situation of the River. The River Delaware which is frozen at trenton, is not such opposite to philadelphia; the Current being very free, the ferry boat goes & Comes back every day. (that i have seen myself). But the boats Can not Land in any other place, than the wharf of kings-point , & the two of Cooper’s ferry . all the Remainder...