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Results 4351-4380 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
The morning after my arrival to this place, I waited on the President with your letter; upon reading of which, he informed me, that he did not think it in his power to give me the place which you so kindly sollicited for me, but assured me he would use his Endeavours to procure some place for me. I then waited upon General Roberdeau and the Massachusetts Delegates, who gave me the same...
I have the honor to advise you of my arrival to this City on thursday last; the important news from Europe, furnished us on that day, by an Arrival from France, you have e’re this received The inclosed containing the Speech of Governor Jay to our Legislature I have taken the Liberty to transmit for your perusal; from the choice of the Council of appointment, We are made happy in the overthrow,...
You will find enclosed your account, which I take the liberty to send, lest by not adverting to the state of it, some inconvenience might insue. You are I presume aware, that Mr. Clinton is to be your Competitor at the next election. I trust he could not have succeeded in any event, but the issue of his late election will not help his cause. Alas! Alas! If you have seen some of the last...
I answered your letter of the 14th. of Decr: on the 2/13th. inst: by post. I have also wrote to Mr: T. through the same channel, and enclosed the paper from France which you desired I wou’d send you. I have no copy of Spain ’s. I have seen Russia and Austria to France but ’tis not probable I cou’d obtain a copy of that if I asked for it; I am loth to make a request there, which may not be...
Permit me thro you to lay before the Honbl. the Senate my Indent accot. From the 1st July to the 30th Septemr 1791 as setled at the Treasury— I have the honor to be with perfect respect / Sr / Your most humble Servt DNA : RG 46—Records of the U.S. Senate.
This morning I was honoured with your letter of the 26th. My opinion is, that by the second Monday in November, the members of Congress may assemble in Philadelphia with perfect safety. The repeated frosts which are to be expected will doubtless destroy the remnant of contagion, in the fifteen days to come. The faculty of the College & schools at Philadelphia have advertised that they will be...
Having been so often blest by the soothing, chearing evidences of true greatness, in your company, I am emboldened to present myself before the first man in the Nation, with as little terror, as I would before the Being that made him so— First, then, Permit me, Sir, to congratulate you on the prospect of the recovery of your excellent Lady. I was this day made very happy by being informed she...
I am obliged for your favor covering the Clerks accounts. The affairs of Europe are changed since the last autumn and indeed are daily assumg a new face. Tis generally supposed that Dumorier is filed off, whether with or without an army is not yet ascertained. The next Ship from England, and must bring important accounts. We are disturbed here with the bickerings of French and English Sailors...
I have the honour to lay before you, in continuation of the subject of my dispatch of the 22 July inst, copy of a letter from Mr. Hawkins, which was received last Saturday. With the greatest respect I have the honour to be Sir / Your most ob. st. MHi : Adams Papers.
The Post of yesterday brought me the appointment of Commissioner of Loans for this State as Successor of the late General Skinner. The duties of that office I will endeavor to execute to the best of my knowledge and ability. Whilst I feel enough conscious of the trust your Excellency has been pleased to repose in me—Permit me to add it shall be my endeavors, as it is my best inclinations to...
The time which has intervened between the receipt of your favor, covering D’Ivernois’ letter, and this answer, needs apology, but this will be found in the state of the case. I had received from him a letter similar to that you inclosed. as the adoption of his plan depended on our legislature, and it was then in session, I immediately inclosed it to a member with a request that he would sound...
In the name of the Regiment of Militia of the Borough of Elizabeth, in the County of Essex, and State of New Jersey, consisting of a company of Light Horse, a company of Artillery, a company of Grenadiers, a company of Light Infantry, all completely equipped and uniformed, and eight companies of Infantry this day assembled under my command agreably to Law, for the purpose of improving...
Among the many Congratulations that will be presented to You, on your being elected to the high & important Office of President of the United States, permit me to present mine—I pray You not to accept them as offered to the Shrine of Power only, but as proceeding from the Heart of Friendship& the Soul of unfeigned regards— While our Country shall thus express their Gratitude to, and Confidence...
Amidst the trouble of our times, I have pleasure in the thought of your being on the bench and appointed to the head of it, a place I have heretofore had a Secret imagination you were destined to, which proves in event, not an enthusiastical Chimera. Reed, Paine and Sargeant it seems, have declined: and Foster, Sullivan and Warren are appointed in their room. Col. Warren has not yet accepted,...
Nothing but the singular & particular distresses of the unfortunate man who with diffidence makes his unhappy situation known to your Excelly. can appologies for the liberty he takes of Addressing the President of the U States. It’s a common maxim, “That necessity has no Law—and is the mother of invention ” —I am Sir, a Native of Sutherlandshire N. Britain, a Highlander, bred what is called a...
The House of Representatives have passed “A resolve making a temporary provision for the safe-keeping of prisoners committed under the authority of the United States;” in which they desire the concurrence of the Senate. The Speaker of the House of Representatives having signed several enrolled bills and resolves, I am directed to bring them to the Senate, for the signature of the Vice...
In obedience to a vote of the Standing Committee of the Washington Society I have the honor to transmit to you the enclosed Card, and to request that you will honor the Society with your presence on the ensuing Anniversary of American Independence. With respect, / your most obt Servt— MHi : Adams Papers.
It is with great pleasure I address to you the Information that on Wednesday General Henry Lee was elected the Representative in Congress for this District by a Majority of 32 Votes: Of General Marshall’s Election I presume you will be informed previous to the Receipt of my Letter the Communication being direct from Richmond to the General Post office; Of the Elections on the Post Road...
I had the pleasure of your favour of 8 th: March last on the 26 th: of last Month, in which you acknowledge the receipt of mine of the 12 th: Dec r: last. I have written to you since then, but doing it in haste, I had not time to take a copy of my letter, and do not now recollect the date of it. I remember however to have informed you that I had laid an account of my extra expences before...
Welcome, Welcome thrice welcome is Lysander to Braintree, but ten times more so would he be at Weymouth, whither you are afraid to come.—Once it was not so. May not I come and see you, at least look thro a window at you? Should you not be glad to see your Diana? I flatter myself you would. Your Brother brought your Letter, tho he did not let me see him, deliverd it the Doctor from whom...
Your favor of April 22d. came to hand a few days since. General Lincoln is deservedly acquited from any blame. It is as you observe impossible to guard against the intrigues of the Tories and the Negligence of the Militia. However I hope with you that few such surprises will take place. I most sincerely lament the great inattention and indifference that appears among the People in general...
I have written to my brother this day, informing him that I have consented that you and Charles should leave Cambridge, for your journey hither on the 23d. of this month, and requesting him to furnish each of you with 80 dollars, for the expenses of your Journey; an account of which expenses you will each of you keep to be exhibited to me. Take good care of yourselves on the road—We shall all...
I have the honour to enclose a Letter from the Commissioner of the Revenue dated the 19th. instant, and submit it as my opinion, that the proposals of Mr. Martin Lincoln, for erecting a Light House on Gayhead, are reasonable, and that it is expedient to authorize a Contract conformably thereto. The Act of Massachusetts requires, that the lands which may be designated as the scite, and for the...
I received by the last post Your favours dated 7 h 8 th & 12 of the present Month together with Pains Letter & the counter part Jasper I tremble when I look forward to the scene opening before Me. My own reflections and Meditations are similar to yours, except that I do contemplate a return to the Bar. Retirement at Peace Feild I think would be a much more Eligible situation than to be fastned...
Enclosed is a News-paper containing, under the Worcester head, a copy of some remarks made at a Meeting of this Town. The author is so plainly indicated by the style of his address, and by his initial, that it is unnecessary, and might appear ostentatious, to be more particular. With affection and gratitude, / I am, Dear Sir, / Your Friend & Servt. MHi : Adams Papers.
I return you my sincere thanks, Sir, for the petition from the City of Bristol in 1775, which I have found here on my return from Holland in the letter you did me the honor to write me the 29 th. of December. It will be of great service to prove, that the conduct of our Countrimen has been & is continually misrepresented. The petition, memorial, or address to the King, or some body else from...
I have just receivd your letter of the 22d. and am happy that the proceedings with the Spanish Minister have your approbation. I inclose you a letter from Mr. Stevens which represents the part of St. Domingo which had adherd to Rigaud as being completely reducd under the dominion of Toussaint. I transmit you also a letter from a Mr. Mitchell of Charleston in South Carolina and a letter I have...
I could not return You the Papers, which Mr. Thaxter was so obliging as to deliver us early this morning, without giving You my best and sincerest thanks for the attention, You had in communicating to us so fresh and so important an intelligence. Our love for truth and liberty induced us, from the very beginning of the American Contest, the first (I dare say) amongst the European News-Writers,...
Some time past my Father directed me to forward your Excellency, a copy of a Certificate given him by General Gates relative to his Service in the Continental Sloop Argo, during last War— I have made diligent Search for it, and am unable to discover where my Father put it, on his leaving this for Boston—I well remember his having refer’d to it in a letter to Genl. Hamilton, who has been good...
I have to thank you for the introduction of the Reverend Mr; Henry Colman to my acquaintance, and am sorry his other engagements deprived me of his company as often and in the manner I wished. My last letter was (I perceived) dated in August instead of September; your’s of that date, to which mine was an answer, bore the same date, and I suppose lay before me. Old age will discover itself,...