Results 4351-4400 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
Extract: The Royal Society Franklin, like other members of the Royal Society, sometimes served as a means of communication whereby nonmembers with news of curious phenomena or interesting discoveries might hope to have their reports transmitted to the Society to be read and printed. In this instance John Whitehurst passed on to Franklin a letter he had received from Rev. Samuel Evatt of...
4352[Diary entry: 29 March 1762] (Washington Papers)
29. Engagd my Ferriage at Fredksburg. by the Year of Mr. Jas. Hunter. James Hunter, Jr. (1746–1788), inherited this Rappahannock River ferry from his father, William, who died in 1754. Since James Jr. was still a minor in 1762, GW must have dealt with his older cousin and guardian, James Hunter, Sr. (d. 1785), a major merchant, planter, and iron manufacturer then of King George County.
I have before me your esteemed favour of the 3d April. am extreamly Sorry for the Comps. you Should make of the Sales of your Tobo wch you are pleased to Say are as well manged as formerly & that Mr Carry of London had made of them £17 to £18 a hhd. I must Confess its a Price that our markett wont Admitt of for them. Consequently so long as you Can make that money of them there I cant expect...
MS not found; reprinted from John Bigelow, ed., The Works of Benjamin Franklin (Federal edition, N.Y. and London, 1904), XII , 281–3. I am favored with yours of the 27th instant, enclosing a bank note of £20, which makes £70 now repaid by Overal. I acquainted you in mine by last Saturday’s post that I had reason to think the whole sum to be repaid would not be so great as I before computed it,...
4355[Diary entry: 30 March 1762] (Washington Papers)
30. Sowed in the Meadow at Ashfords, eight Quarts of Timothy Seed four Do. of Lucerne, and three pecks of Hop Trefoil.
The Estate of Daniel Parke Custis Esquire Dr. Current Sterling 1761 To Robert Cary & Co. for Fees paid at the Bank .10.6 for Goods sent from Scotland 13. 7.0 for Impost & Cocket of 50 hhds of Tobo lost in the Cary   5. 1.  18.18.6 1762 To Joseph Valentine for so much paid Henry Weatherborne £ 1. 4.0 for so much paid Thomas Hornsby 1.13.6 2.17. 6
4357April [1762] (Washington Papers)
5. Sowed Timothy Seed in the old Apple Orchard below the Hill. 7. Sowed—or rather sprinkled a little of Ditto on the Oats. 8. to the 10th. Getting Swamp Mud, & laying it in heaps—also got a little of the Creek Mud—Both for tryal as Manures. 14. Inspected 20 Hhds. Tobo. 15. John Foster run away. 21. Sent Jno. Alton to take charge of Plantation. John Alton (d. 1785), a white servant, worked...
Letterbook copy: American Philosophical Society Yours of December 10. by the Packet, I received, with your Opinion relating to my remitting you; and have, accordingly sent you the first Copy of a Bill of Exchange for Three Hundred Pounds Sterling (Exchange Seventy-seven and a Half) drawn by Messieurs Plumsted and Franks, on Sir James Colebrooke Baronet, Arnold Nesbitt, George Colebrooke, and...
4359[Diary entry: 5 April 1762] (Washington Papers)
5. Sowed Timothy Seed in the old Apple Orchard below the Hill.
4360[Diary entry: 7 April 1762] (Washington Papers)
7. Sowed—or rather sprinkled a little of Ditto on the Oats.
4361[Diary entry: 8 April 1762] (Washington Papers)
8. to the 10th. Getting Swamp Mud, & laying it in heaps—also got a little of the Creek Mud—Both for tryal as Manures.
Invoice of Goods Shipped on board the Unity William Robson for Virginia on the proper acct and risque of Colo. George Washington and goes to him Consigned. Richd Farrer & Co. China 1 Dozn China Patty Pans [£] . 8.   1 Dozn Ribbed Custard Cups . 5.   12 breakfast Cups 12 Saucers B[lue] & W[hite] China .15.   Box . 6   Theoda Crowley & Co. Iron 1 Drill Plow, 1 Hoe Ditto—Fitted with Wheels Iron...
The Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Braintree Qualifyed by Law to vote in Town affairs being assembled by adjournment from the Twenty ninth of March last. The Bonds of Arbitration between the Towns Committee and the Leasees of the South Commons with the award were read before the Town. Then the Committee Respecting the South Comons offered their Report thereon to the Town...
Mr John Parke Custis Dr Current Sterling 1761 To Balle of your Acct then Settled & approvd of by the Genl Court 293. 2.11 10/12 Nov. 5 To the Estates Acct as above 6. 6. 2 To 2/3 of £151.3.–3/4 the Amount of Goods Shipd by Gildart for your Negroes 100.15. 4 1/2 To Goods by Boyes for the use of your Plantations & Negroes pr Robert Cary & Co. 72. 3. 1 To Robert Cary & Co. for Goods by Johnson...
4365[Diary entry: 14 April 1762] (Washington Papers)
14. Inspected 20 Hhds. Tobo.
We wrote thee ⅌ the Fauquier wth thy Accot Currt: it will bring pleasure to us to hear it gets to hand, and proves r⟨ig⟩ht. We have got a Copy of the Condemnation of the Joseph from France, and the loss is now adjusting wth the Underwriters. We hope ⅌ the first opportunity to be favour’d wth some Consignments from thee, and if it be fine Tobacco it will give us a double pleasure as we doubt...
4367[Diary entry: 15 April 1762] (Washington Papers)
15. John Foster run away.
AL : British Museum Mr. Franklin’s Compliments to Dr. Birch and returns Mr. Delaval’s and Mr. Canton’s Papers. Mr. F. thought he had prevail’d with each of those Gentlemen to omit or change some Expressions that might tend to occasion a Dispute, but on farther Discourse finds that neither of them cordially approve the Alterations propos’d, tho’ they might consent to them at the Instance of...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Having completed an Analysis of Oratory, as more particularly mentioned in the enclosed proposals, Upon a plan never attempted before in any language, I take the liberty to address You, as a friend to learning and an Encourager of arts and sciences. You will view the drawing, now laid before you, as the first, and as it were a rude, sketch of the Design,...
4370[Diary entry: 21 April 1762] (Washington Papers)
21. Sent Jno. Alton to take charge of Plantation. John Alton (d. 1785), a white servant, worked faithfully for GW for more than 30 years. He accompanied GW as his body servant in the Braddock campaign and later served in various capacities at Mount Vernon. When John Foster ran away from Mount Vernon, GW sent Alton to take over the overseer’s duties at the Dogue Run farm. Later in the year...
4371[Diary entry: 22 April 1762] (Washington Papers)
22. Attachts. in my hands for Fosters effects.
4372[Diary entry: 24 April 1762] (Washington Papers)
24. Had the Plantn. viewed. Herrings run in gt. quantity’s. Planted new gd. at Williamson’s.
4373[Diary entry: 26 April 1762] (Washington Papers)
26. Began to plant Corn at all my Plantation’s.
Letter not found: from Richard Washington, 27 April 1762. On 27 Sept. 1763 GW mentions: “In July—62 I received the Copy of your Letter of the 27th of April preceeding.”
MS Register of Convocation, University Archives: Oxford University The “Heads of Houses” at Oxford University had voted, Feb. 22, 1762, to confer on Franklin the honorary degree of Doctor of Civil Law “whenever He shall please to visit the University.” Above, p. 59. The ceremony took place at a special Convocation on April 30, 1762. No copy of the diploma survives and the only official record...
AD : American Philosophical Society When Franklin was about to leave for England in 1757 his wife Deborah started to keep her household accounts in a memorandum book he provided her. This record is described above, VII , 167–8. On September 1 (the year is not stated) she indicated her intention to stop entering her expenses in detail, “as I am not abell to set down every penney.” But in May...
Articles of agreement made and concluded upon this first day of May 1762 between George Washington of Fairfax County Gent. of the one part, and Burgess Mitchell of the Provence of Maryland of the other part; Witnesseth, that the said Burgess Mitchell for the Consideration’s hereafter to be mentioned, doth Covenant and agree to and with the said George Washington that he will well and truely...
Letter not found: from Robert Cary & Co., 1 May 1762. On 18 Sept. GW wrote to Robert Cary & Co. : “I have now to acknowledge the receipt of your favours of April the 10th and 1st of May.”
4379May [1762] (Washington Papers)
3. Mr. Daingerfields Negro Bricklayer Guy came here to work. Three William Daingerfields were living in Virginia in 1762, all of whom GW knew. Col. William Daingerfield (d. 1769), of Greenfield, Essex County, whom GW had visited in 1752 as he was traveling home from Barbados, had a son and a nephew, both named William. The son William Daingerfield (d. 1781), of Coventry and Fredericksburg,...
4380[Diary entry: 3 May 1762] (Washington Papers)
3. Mr. Daingerfields Negro Bricklayer Guy came here to work. Three William Daingerfields were living in Virginia in 1762, all of whom GW knew. Col. William Daingerfield (d. 1769), of Greenfield, Essex County, whom GW had visited in 1752 as he was traveling home from Barbados, had a son and a nephew, both named William. The son William Daingerfield (d. 1781), of Coventry and Fredericksburg,...
4381[Diary entry: 4 May 1762] (Washington Papers)
4. Finished Planting Corn at all Places.
ALS : American Philosophical Society I received this Morning my dear Polley’s kind Present of two Tickets for the Latin Play at Hackney, enclos’d in her agreable little Letter of the 8th. for both which she will please to accept my Thanks. I am oblig’d also to Mrs. Tickell and to her for the kind Invitation of Dining on the Day of the Play. But I think we are engag’d for that Day to Dine at...
Letterbook copy: American Philosophical Society Inclosed you have the second Copy of the above mentioned Bill, which I hope will come safe to your Hands; and am Yours, &c. Copy sent by the Patty, Captain Widdet from this Port to Bristol, in which was inclosed the second Copy of the above Bill. Third Copy of Do. sent by the Grace, Captain Kerr, to Bristol, Via New-York. . See above, p. 73. Pa....
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have a great many Thanks to give you for your Goodness in remembering my Request, and for the exact Description, which you sent me of your Method of preserving Houses from Thunder. I communicated it to our philosophical Society, as you gave me Permission; and they desire me to tell you that they claim it as their own, and intend to enrich with it the...
4385[Diary entry: 10 May 1762] (Washington Papers)
10. Counted the Tobo. Gd. at Doeg Run Qr. as follows—viz.—of Cowpen Ground 7500 Dungd Gd. in Peach Orchard 3100 Ditto in Apple Orchard 3500 14,100 New ground 12500 Old Ground J. Gists adjg. 10700 large Cut by Corn field fence 22000 Middle Cut adjoing. 9200 Small Cut next Woods Do. 4500 round New Tobo. House
4386[Diary entry: 11 May 1762] (Washington Papers)
11. Told my Sheep as follows—viz. & Cut & Markd Ewes in all 104 Ewe Lambs 38 Weather’s Do. 29 left for Ram’s 4 Ram’s 6 Weather’s 8 139 left for killing 16 66 Note. The above Includes falling Sheep Ewes & Lambs. Put 31 hides in Soak for Tanning.
4387[Diary entry: 13 May 1762] (Washington Papers)
13. Got a Cask of Leith Ale from Mr. Marshall Piscatwy. Agreed to do Mr. Bells Work for £59. Marshall is probably James Marshall, who owned or managed a “Public House of Entertainment” in Piscataway in 1761 ( Md. Gaz. , 23 April 1761). Piscataway is on Piscataway Creek in Prince George’s County, Md., almost directly across the Potomac from Mount Vernon. At this time it was a thriving town made...
4388[Diary entry: 15 May 1762] (Washington Papers)
15. 6 Cows & Calves from S. Johnson. 3 Do. 2 Do. from C.
I had the honour of writing to you the 12 Decemb: & 6 feb. last, and have since received your favours of the 31st Octob: & 17 Nov r together with the Magazines. It gives us a very sensible pleasure that you and the my Cousins your Sisters were well, and we wish you all a long continuance of perfect health. in my last I acquainted you of my wife being on the recovery of a pretty severe...
The Committee appointed to Consider in what manner the Proceeds of the Sale of the South Commons may be Secured as a fund to the Town made their Report as follows, (viz.) We the Subscribers appointed a Committee to consider in what manner the Proceeds that may arise by the Sale of the South Commons be Secured to the Town as a fund that the Town may Reap the annual Benefit of the Same and if...
ALS : Royal Society of Edinburgh It is no small Pleasure to me to hear from you that my Paper on the means of preserving Buildings from Damage by Lightning, was acceptable to the Philosophical Society. Mr. Russel’s Proposals of Improvement are very sensible and just. A Leaden Spout or Pipe is undoubtedly a good Conductor so far as it goes. If the Conductor enters the Ground just at the...
Soon after the Appraisment of the Decd Colo. Custis’s Estate it seemed to be a matter of doubt whether Davy (a boy) who was appraised among his Negroes belonged to him, or Mr Dandridge your Father. Your Bro: then having, as I have understood, the Administration of his Affairs, conceived him to be the property of the latter and offered the boy to Mrs Washington at the Appraisment price, which...
4393[Diary entry: 22 May 1762] (Washington Papers)
22. Young Countiss & black Mare Covered by Alexanders Ho[rse]. Alexander is probably Robert Alexander, son of Col. Gerard Alexander and his wife Mary Dent Alexander. It is probable that GW sent some of his mares to Alexander’s nearby plantation to be bred, possibly to an English stallion which he had previously sold to Alexander ( General Ledger A General Ledger A, 1750–1772. Library of...
ALS : American Philosophical Society According to Promise I write on Monday to let my good Girl know how her Mama does; but so late in the Day that I fear I might as well have let it alone till Tuesday. She is not yet quite well, but so well as to be abroad ever since Morning. I went early into the City, Din’d there, and return’d hoping for the Pleasure of a Dish of Tea with her; when I learnt...
ALS : Princeton University Library For nearly twenty years Franklin had been interested in the possibility that a navigable waterway between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans might be found somewhere north of Canada. He had read the pamphlets on the controversy between Arthur Dobbs and Christopher Middleton which followed Middleton’s unsuccessful voyage of 1741–42, and he had included in Poor...
4396[Diary entry: 28 May 1762] (Washington Papers)
28. Planted abt. 50, or 60,000—being the first—Tobo. put in. Roan’s bay & sorrel covered by Mr. Rozers Traveller. English bay & black covered by Aeriel. Roan may have been John Roan, overseer of Claiborne’s, the Custis dower plantation in King William County. Ariel was a thoroughbred black stallion from the famous Belair stables in Prince George’s County, Md. In 1762 he was standing at William...
Your favour of the 1st of October I did not receive till yesterday, where it has lain ever since is not easy to imagine—I have examined the Acct Currt therein Inclos’d and believe it to be right saving that it wants credit for the Tobo lost in the Deliverance—your next possibly will acct for that, as well as the other Tobo taken in the Joseph. I have met with very bad luck in all the Tobo I...
Your unacknowledged favours of the 26th June 10th Augt 16 & 19th Septr and the 19th of Octr following now lye before —in that one of Augt 10th I perceive you bring the shortness of some of the Bundles of the Tobo Shipped in the Bland to acct for the lowness of the Price —That some of the Tobo was small I shall not undertake to dispute, but at the sametime I must observe that it was clean &...
4399[Diary entry: 30 May 1762] (Washington Papers)
30. Chesnut Mare covered by Alexrs. H[orse] Countis & blk. refused. Roan Mare & old black coverd by McCartys horse. Capt. Daniel McCarty (d. 1792) of Mount Air charged GW £3 for “the use of your Horse to 4 Mares” ( General Ledger A General Ledger A, 1750–1772. Library of Congress, George Washington Papers, Series 5, Financial Papers. , folio 82).
4400[Diary entry: 31 May 1762] (Washington Papers)
31. White Mare & Rankin covered by Do.