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Results 4321-4350 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
4321 Jefferson, Thomas Smith, John Spear From Thomas Jefferson to John Spear Smith, 13 April … 1825-04-13 The value which mrs Smith and yourself are so kind as to place on the trifle I sent my name sake...
4322 Titcomb, Pearson Adams, John To John Adams from Pearson Titcomb, 12 April 1825 1825-04-12 May I hope that you will pardon the liberty I have taken of obtruding on your notice the enclosed...
4323 Jay, John Schaack, Peter Van From John Jay to Peter Van Schaack, 12 April 1825 1825-04-12 On the 9 th . Inst. I rec . d had the pleasure of recieving your Letter of the 2 d ., and of...
4324 Madison, James Jefferson, Thomas From James Madison to Thomas Jefferson, 12 April 1825 1825-04-12 The letter for Judge Barbour inclosed in your last to me, did not reach him, till his return on...
4325 Madison, James McKenney, Thomas L. From James Madison to Thomas L. McKenney, 12 April 1825 1825-04-12 I have recd. your favor of the 7th. accompanied by the printed papers concerning the translation...
4326 Cogdell, John Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Cogdell, 12 April 1825 1825-04-12 It is a source of no little gratification to me that I am still an Officer of the “So Carolina...
4327 Jefferson, Thomas Coolidge, Joseph From Thomas Jefferson to Joseph Coolidge, 12 April 1825 1825-04-12 The arrival of our Professors from abroad has at length enabled us to get our University into...
4328 Madison, James Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from James Madison, 12 April 1825 1825-04-12 The letter for Judge Barbour inclosed in your last to me, did not reach him, till his return on...
4329 Peyton, Bernard Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Bernard Peyton, 12 April 1825 1825-04-12 I hand above ℀ sales the last parcel of 42 Blls:, fine flour, rec d on your ℀ , at $4⅛ Cash—I...
4330 Barbour, Philip Pendleton Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Philip Pendleton Barbour, 10 … 1825-04-10 Having just returned from the Superior Court of Culpeper, I did not receive your letter of the 29...
4331 Sherburne, John Henry Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Henry Sherburne, 9 April … 1825-04-09 With my most respectful thanks for the papers illustrative of the Life & actions of the Chevalier...
4332 Bowditch, Nathaniel Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Nathaniel Bowditch, 8 April … 1825-04-08 Please to accept a copy, of some remarks, on the late improvements in Astronomy, published in the...
4333 Jefferson, Thomas Hilliard, William From Thomas Jefferson to William Hilliard, 8 April 1825 1825-04-08 Memorandum of an agreement between Thomas Jefferson, Rector of the University of Virginia, on...
4334 Jefferson, Thomas Emmet, John Patten From Thomas Jefferson to John Patten Emmet, 8 April … 1825-04-08 By virtue of the authority vested by law in the Rector and Visitors of the University of...
4335 Jefferson, Thomas Perry, John From Thomas Jefferson to John Perry, 8 April 1825 1825-04-08 Memorandum that it is agreed by John M Perry that he will sell to the University certain lands of...
4336 Jefferson, Thomas Leitch, James From Thomas Jefferson to James Leitch, 8 April 1825 1825-04-08 2. yards best bed-ticking ViCMRL .
4337 McKenney, Thomas L. Madison, James To James Madison from Thomas L. McKenney, 7 April 1825 1825-04-07 I have the honor to enclose for your acceptance the documents connected with the communication...
4338 Willis, Byrd C. Madison, James To James Madison from Byrd C. Willis, 7 April 1825 1825-04-07 I intended to have done myself the honour of dining at MontPelier to day but from my nephews...
4339 Jefferson, Thomas Carden, Youen From Thomas Jefferson to Youen Carden, 7 April 1825 1825-04-07 According to promise I inclose you 20. Dollars. if you will be so good as to make your mark at...
4340 Carden, Youen Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Youen Carden, 7 April 1825 1825-04-07 By the bearer hereof I have Recved twenty Dollars two Bank notes one farmers Bank of Virginia one...
4341 Jefferson, Thomas Ticknor, George From Thomas Jefferson to George Ticknor, 7 April 1825 1825-04-07 I give you many thanks for your German catalogue, which is exactly such as I wished, that is to...
4342 Madison, James Ticknor, George From James Madison to George Ticknor, 6 April 1825 1825-04-06 Your letter of Mar. 29th. with a copy of the engraving of General Lafayette have just come safe...
4343 Cabell, Joseph C. Madison, James To James Madison from Joseph C. Cabell, 6 April 1825 1825-04-06 In my way from Charlottesville to this place on yesterday, I called at Monticello and passed an...
4344 Cocke, John Hartwell Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Hartwell Cocke, 6 April … 1825-04-06 I have just risen from a conference with General Cocke on the subject of the Law-Professorship at...
4345 Jefferson, Thomas Eppes, Francis From Thomas Jefferson to Francis Eppes, 6 April 1825 1825-04-06 The difficulty with which I write, my aversion to it, and the satiating dose which is forced upon...
4346 Hatch, Frederick Winslow Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Frederick Winslow Hatch, 6 … 1825-04-06 The Bearer of this, is Mr Reeder, & his object in calling on you is to recommend himself to your...
4347 Kean, John V. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John V. Kean, 6 April 1825 1825-04-06 It is not lightly that I appreciate the favour (for such I greatly esteem it) lately confered on...
4348 Williams, John W. Madison, James To James Madison from John W. Williams, 5 April 1825 1825-04-05 I herewith Inclose you the paper which will announce to you, the painful Intelligence of the...
4349 Colvin, Richard Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Richard Colvin, 5 April 1825 1825-04-05 I Present You assurances of my friendship for You. Sir. Pray, for me, if you please. Sir. God...
4350 Jefferson, Thomas Holley, Horace From Thomas Jefferson to Horace Holley, 5 April 1825 1825-04-05 The letter of Oct. 10. with which you favored me came safely to hand, and with it the Report of...