George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Robert Stewart, 25 January 1762

From Robert Stewart

At Doctr Walker’s In Albermarle Coty1

My Dear SirJanry 25th 1762.

Soon after our last very mortifying Parting I was attackd with a Rheumatism which confind me till some Time after I had the infinite pleasure to hear of your being so much recover’d as to be in condition to return home2—So soon as I got able to ride I went to Petersburgh where I put myself under the Direction of Doctor Jamison from whose skill I derivd considerable advantage and on the sitting of the last Assembly I returnd to Williamsburgh where I had the further great satisfaction to hear of your being almost well.3

You would no doubt have heard of the Proceedings of the last Assembly with regard to the Corps, but tho’ its vastly short of our expectations yet we had the great satisfaction to see the most eminent Men in the Country warmly espoused our Cause which we esteem a propitious Omen that portends better Success in the next effort our Friends may exert in our Favour—we miss’d your Friendly Offices excessively4—I would fain have applied for Liberty to have return’d to Camp by the way of Mount Vernon but as I was by various and unforeseen accidents detain’d from the Regiment much longer than I expected I could not with any Grace ask it—whenever we go to the right about which in all probability will happen in about two Months nothing shall rob me of the Happiness I promise myself from seeing you perfectly recover’d at your own House—I am this far in my way to Join the Regiment from whence I will do myself the pleasure to write you more fully.

That Heaven may Bless you with the Re-establishmt of perfect good Health and confer on you every thing else that can contribute to compleat your Felicity are the most fervent wishes of him who ever is with the most perfect Esteem and unalterable Regard My Dear Colonel Your most Affectionate & Most Obliged hble Servt

Robert Stewart

I Beg you’ll be so good as to offer my Respectfull Complemts in the most obliging Terms to Mrs Washington.


1Dr. Thomas Walker lived at Castle Hill in Albemarle County.

2Stewart’s most recent meeting with GW must have taken place in Williamsburg when GW arrived on 3 Nov. 1761 for the meeting of the legislature, became ill, and there remained perhaps as late as 29 November. See Stewart’s letter of 17 Sept. 1761 written from Philadelphia during GW’s earlier illness. See also GW to Peter Stover, 9 Nov. 1761, and GW’s accounts with doctors and with Mrs. Campbell’s tavern in Cash Accounts, 1761.

3Alexander Jameson (died c.1766) practiced medicine in Blandford, near Petersburg.

4Governor Fauquier called the Virginia assembly into session on 14 Jan. 1762 to inform the House of Burgesses that Gen. Jeffrey Amherst was strongly opposed to the assembly’s act of November 1761 providing for the dissolution of the Virginia Regiment as soon as peace should be made with the Cherokee. On its second reading on 16 Jan., the burgesses voted down an amendment prolonging the life of the regiment (7 Hening description begins William Waller Hening, ed. The Statutes at Large; Being a Collection of All the Laws of Virginia, from the First Session of the Legislature, in the Year 1619. 13 vols. 1819–23. Reprint. Charlottesville, Va., 1969. description ends 463–65; JHB, 1761–1765 description begins H. R. McIlwaine and John Pendleton Kennedy, eds. Journals of the House of Burgesses of Virginia. 13 vols. Richmond, 1905–15. description ends , 33–36). GW was present at the initial discussion of the bill relating to the Virginia Regiment in the session of November 1761, but he was not in attendance in the session of January 1762 during which the amendment was rejected.

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