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Results 43101-43150 of 184,431 sorted by author
But for the satisfaction I have received from the interesting Letters you have taken the trouble...
I had the honour of recg. at its time the Pamphlet You kindly took the trouble to Send me. The...
I am recently returned from an Excursion to Europe with my Family, which has lasted about 15...
I had the honour to receive your very obliging Letter of December last, and now request your...
I have the honour to enclose to You An Address from the Board of Agriculture of the State of New...
Permit me to offer You a Copy of An Address from the Board of Agriculture of this State to the...
I had the unfeigned pleasure of receiving your letter, respecting the proper manner of opening to...
I had the pleasure to receive your Letter of the 2nd July, and immediately directed the Publisher...
It was with much reluctance I gave up the idea of calling to see you on my way to the Mountains,...
I have directed the Publisher to forward to you a little Work which has engaged some of my hours...
The expressions of esteem contained in the letter you have taken the trouble to write me, are...
After returning Your Excellency the most sincere Thanks of Colonel Morgan, Major Heth and myself...
At the Request of Captn Calmes who is desirous of leaving the Service. I do certify that to the...
By Order of Generall Woodford I have been in philadelphia and gott made up and procured for the...
Letters not found : from Col. Christian Febiger, 31 July 1779. GW’s aide-de-camp Richard Kidder...
Haveing had the honor of being Known to and treated with the politest Attention by you and...
In the Absence of General Muhlenberg, (whose ill state of Health obligd him to go to the Springs)...
Sensible, that your Excelly would be inform’d of my haveing travell’d this Way and anxious to see...
In Obedience to Orders from Major Generall Lord Stirling to communicate to your Excellency as...
Fully sensible of the very delicate & troublesome Situation, in which you are placd, the...
I was this moment honourd with your Excellencys Favour of the 12th instant inclosing one for...
I was this moment honour’d with your Excellencys of the 12th ultimo inclosd from Governor...
When Colo. Benjn. Harrison was at this place he inform’d me that he had obtain’d an Order for 5...
I had begun a Letter to Major General Lincoln and made out some of my Estimates; But observing by...
RC ( NA : PCC , No. 78, XVI, 109–10). Addressed to “Colonel Bland, and Mr Maddison. Present” Some...
Pardon this Intrusion and believe me, when I solemnly aver, that I have no other Motive, than a...
My Son attends to receive Your Excellency’s Answer to a Lettr. some time since delivered You—I...
I am cover’d with confusion when I think it should be my Fate to engage Your Attention from the...
  Please to excuse me for troubling you but the reason of my taken this liberty is to beg you to...
Please to excuse me for troubling you but my reason for troubling you Sir, is to beg you would be...
For the Minerva. To the Citizens of New-York. Fellow Citizens, Elections in Republics are always...
With very great respect I take leave to address you on a subject which I am convinced you have...
Nous avons Reçu, Monsieur, la Lettre que vous nous aves fait L’honneur de nous Ecrire Le 19...
Bordeaux, 14 July 1787 . Acknowledge TJ’s letter of 4 July and inform him that they have...
Bordeaux, 19 Aug. 1788 . Opportunities to recall themselves to TJ being rare, they seize this one...
Nous sommes bien impatients d’apprendre vôtre heureux retour dans la capitale, et nous vous...
L : American Philosophical Society Permettez qu’un admirateur depuis 35 ans aumoins de vos grands...
I write to you as a friend of Mr. Luzac (editor of the French gazette in this town), who I have...
Quioque Je n’aïe Eu qu’une Seule fois L’honneur de Rencontrer votre Exelence chés Monsieur Luzac...
Letter not found. 4 November 1801. Calendared as a one-page letter in the lists probably kept by...
The place of commercial Agent at Havana in the Island of Cuba being vacant, I beg leave to...
your favor of the 25th ult., I last night received. We have no account that our general Court...
For a private individual, so little known as myself, to address the President of the United...
The treatment of American prisoners by the English, particularly in the West India Islands, is...
The shameful abuse which has been profusely bestowed upon Thomas Paine and his writings by those...
Apprehending that the office of military storekeeper, which I hold by your favour, is rendered...
I have recd your Excellency’s Letter of the 31. ult., imediately I dispatched Major Root to...
Am in duty bound to accquaint your honr that I am well informed from a person of real Dependence,...
On the 15th I Received the inclosed, (which is post dated ) and altho I have the honor of a...
Since my arrival here have endeavour’d by the Assistence of the Majestrates to put the Troops in...