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Results 431-440 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
I am very sensible of the testimony of respect rendered me by the Calliopean society , in naming me an honorary membe r of their institution. if distance has rendered my personal a ction with them impossible, I am endeavoring nevertheless to m erit the association with which they have honored me, by emp loying the slender faculties which time and nature have spared me in fostering an...
Perhaps before this reaches you, you will have heard that the British have impliedly acknowleged our independence—by giving a commission of the 23d. of September to Mr Oswald to treat with The thirteen United States of America . Many are sanguine in expecting that peace will be the result of the Negotiations, for my part I have hopes, but if it should not be the case I shall not be much...
I was informed in the course of the last year that there was in the prison of Dunkirk a person of the name of Alexander Gross confined as hostage for the ransom of the sloop Charlotte taken by the privateer Countess d’Avaux, Capt. Carry, in Feb. 1782. I learn that his owners refused to release him, and that the owners of the privateer have since stopped paiment and become bankrupt. I will be...
Four of your fellow Citizens overwhelmed by the calamities of the times, with large families totally destitute of the means of Subsistence, are incarcerated by the government of their Country for—debt. Attached to the Republican Administration of that government by every tie which can direct & controul the affections of man, they have thro’ a series of misfortunes & sacrifices supported &...
435General Orders, 1 April 1779 (Washington Papers)
At a General Court Martial whereof Colonel Hall was President March 1779. Ludwick Wolfe, Trumpeter in the Marechausie Corps was tried for, “Concerting a plot to desert to the enemy and carry with him two horses the property of Captn Von Heer.” The court are of opinion he is guilty of attempting to desert to the enemy being a breach of the 4th Article of the 6th section of the Articles of War &...
I am in this moment favoured with a letter from Mr Bourne informing of my having lost my Object in the mint Department & I’ll assure you my Dr Sir the impression on my feelings is severe indeed—as I presume you had not the least doubt of my success from your conversation last had with me. I have on the strength made arrangments which will result injuriously to me—such as borrowing some money...
The circumstance of having offered my late report to Congress to the two houses which rendered two copies necessary & the extreme press of business in the office in preparing for my resignation prevented my sending you a manuscript copy of that Report. I have now corrected a printed copy for you which I have the honor to send herewith. With true respect & attacht I have the honor to be Sir Yr...
At this important Crisis, when war with all its train of Calamities seems ready to burst upon us; when by the malice of our Enemies we are reprisented as a divided people, a people inimical to the measures of our own Government, and wanting confidence in it; We deem it our duty as Citizens of the United States explicitly to declare, our fullest faith in the Integrity and Wisdom of all the...
Your Favour of the fourth of october, I have had the Honour to receive, and have dispatched the Resolution inclosed in it to Paris to go from thence to Spain: but I hope M r Lamb is already on his Passage for America. The Commotions in New England, will terminate in additional Strength to Government, and therefore they do not allarm me I have lately received from Lord Carmarthen officially the...
By Mr Turnbull who is just past this for Philadelphia I am informd that you have lately drawn 500 Hunting Shirts—500 Waistcoats—& 500 Overalls, in addn to the Cloathing you obtaind sometime ago—By a late return from Genl Putnam who Comds at Peeks kill, dated the 31st Ulto it appears that of your Regiment, he has only 21. Men at that Post—And, by a Return from Genl Parsons of the 13th of the...