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Results 43081-43090 of 184,431 sorted by author
15 August 1812. “As the people of the United States being citizens of a free goverment, have a natural, unalienable and constitutional right at all times peaceably to assemble and express their oppinions respecting public measures—and as it is Justly deemed highly important in the present interesting crissis, that all good citizens should yield their support to the war in which we are now...
27 June 1812. “Whereas the Congress of the United States have declared that War does exist between Great Britain & her dependencies & the United States of America, & Whereas it is the duty of every American Citizen to support his Government against any other power whatsoever with whom we may be engaged in War & to hazard his existence & his fortune in defence of his just & undoubted rights...
You have long been ranked among the number of distinguished Patriots, whose transcendent virtues claim the Plaudits of United America. In chusing you to fill the arduous office of First Magistrate of the Union, the Nations of the Earth shall behold another signal Instance evincing decided Worth alone, deserves the Suffrages of Freemen! Whatever diversity of opinion may have recently prevailed,...
When we contemplate the Wisdom and Firmness, the Integrity and Magnanimity of our National Executive; we rejoice that we are Men; we boast that we are Americans!— When Britain treated America with more than step-dame Cruelty, the daring Infant manfully asserted her rights and bade Defiance to her Foe. A surviving few of us acted on the memorable 19th. of April—We saw unsheathed the first...
I can not let so fair an opportunity pass for renewing my former acquaintance with you, and of offering my Warmest Congratulations upon your being placed at the Head of our Government, an event which fills the hearts of all true Republicans with joy! the more so (if possible) from the unwarrantable opposition which has been made. This last act of Fœderalism went far towards filling up the...
Your obliging favour of the 22d. Ulto. has been duly recd. The sentiments it contained are Characteristic of Geneuine Republican principles, they are such as I have ever supported invariably since we assumed our Independence; I hope never to have occasion to change. I have just recd. the enclosed letter from my Father in Law Mr. Broome, whose Zeal for the cause of his Country has proved...
I had the honor of your letter of the 30th ult. I omitted sending by the last post in Expectation of receiving the Quebec papers. I have established a corrispondence with several public characters in that Province, by which meanes I expect daily to receive them Regularly, no time will be lost in forwarding them to you, free of expence.—I enclose you several of our last papers, but they are...
This will be handed to you by my Father in Law Mr. Broome, with whom I believe you were some time since acquainted in France, he is on his way to pay his respects to the President of the United States, his object is to solicit the appointment of Collector for the Port of New Haven, which has become Vacant by the Death of Mr. Bishop. My connection with Mr. Broome by the Mariage of his daughter...
I feel so sensibly the many obligations you have laid me under by your expressions of friendship, that like others who wish to be mutually attached, I am induced to offer you my services in a matter of Interest, provided on a Stating you judge it an object worthy your Notice, and provided it will not interfere with your official situation. I have formed a Company for the purpose of procuring a...
At the request of Mr. Rathbone , I take the freedom to mention my acquaintance with his son, who is Esteemed a young Gentleman of respectable Character and connections, a regular bread Merchant, and promising Talents; I am informed that he is desirous of obtaining an appointment as commercial Agent to some Port in Europe. I am of opinion that he would be Capable of discharging the duties of...