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Results 43081-43110 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
The Spirritted resolves of the Dutch alters the Face of the War. Russia and Holland with the other Northern Powers that will naturaly Acceed to the Confederacy will either bring on the said Confederate Nations to declare open War or by their protection defend their Trade from interuption and thereby procure the means to prolong the War. England appears to have divided her Naval Force into...
The day before yesterday I had the honor of your letter of the 29th. of April, transmitting the latest Philadelphia papers. I immediately sent them to the officer commanding on the lines to be exchanged in persuance of the plan which has been preconcerted. The papers expected in return are not yet arrived, the moment they do, they shall be forwarded. ’Tis probable our first experiment may meet...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je Souhaiterois beaucoup d’avoir de vos nouvelles, mais je pense que les affaires vous empechent de m’écrire, car sans cela je serois fort en peine, mais du moins je voudrois que mon cousin me donnât de vos nouvelles, et en même temps des siennes, ainsi que mon ami Cockran, je voudrois aussi avoir des nouvelles de mon papa et de ma mama. Je me porte très...
ALS : National Archives By the enclosed affidavits and protests you will perceive that James Robinson Esquire late commander of the continental Sloop Fly being dispossed of that sloop by a Majority of the Crew at Sea, was together with his Docter and Pilot put on board a Schooner called the Daphne bound from Providence to New York which schooner they also took possession of and carried her...
LS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Jespere que votre excellence aura bien reçu par le dernier ordinaire, la procedure de MM. les officiers de lAmirauté de Cherbourg concernant la Prise hollandoise la flore Chargée pour Compte des Negts De Dublin, faite par Le Corsaire Americain le Black prince armé à Dunkerque, par M. J. Torris qui est parti depuis quelques jours pour Paris, & qui aura...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library; copy: Yale University Library I wrote you the 18 April informing you of the Cloathing I had at different Times sent to Brest by M. de Chaumonts direction. I have since Advice that the said Cloathing arrived in Time but that the Transports were all full & Consequently but a small part is embarked. This being the Case I concluded not to send any more...
43087[Diary entry: 6 May 1780] (Washington Papers)
6th. The forenoon was clear & Warm with little or no Wind. In the afternoon the Wind was fresh from the Eastward & became raw & cold.
43088General Orders, 6 May 1780 (Washington Papers)
[Officers] Of the Day Tomorrow[:] Brigadier General Clinton[,] Lieutenant Colonel Commandant Hubly[,] Brigade Major Maxwell’s Brigade The Morristown Guards all small detached Guards and fatigue Parties ’till further orders to be furnished weekly in rotation by two Divisions while the third are to hold themselves in readiness to march on the shortest notice with two days provisions. Lord...
The Board being directed by Congress, to send your Exellency Two Pipes of the best Madeira Wine, the same is put under the care of a Waggon Master, as by his receipt inclosed. Two Pipes of Wine, of the same quality, was heretofore sent to your Excellency from Egg-harbour, the Board wish to know if they have been received. I have the honor to be Your Excellency’s Most Obedient Humble Servant...
I have the Pleasure to inform your Excellency that a Party under the Command of Capt. Cushing of the 1st Massachusett’s Regt went down the other Night to the Quarters of Col. Delancey, & brought off three Officers & seventeen Privates from within two or three Hundred Yards of their Work Number Eight—Col. Delancey had, luckily for himself, gone out upon some Occasion in the Eveg, & was...
General Parsons havin⟨g⟩ arrested Captain Hoogland of Sheldons Dragoons for several Circumstances of Disrespect and other matters has requested of me a Court martial, I have doubts of the propriety of my ordering it as I am not certain the Horse at present Attach to my Command, and therefore I beg leave privately to be inf⟨orm⟩d by your Excellency whether I ought to do it or not, which I...
Brigade Major McCormick of the pennsylvania line two days ago sent his Commission and his Oath of Allegiance to the States to a Capt. Wilson of the same line and went off—What makes his disappearance the more suspicious is, that he has been for some time discontented on account of his Rank, and as he came over from the enemy at Boston at the beginning of the War, there is reason to apprehend...
att the f[l]ag Staff 2–18 pounders the works on the Bank 12–24 pounders Cherry Redout 2–18 pounders—No. 1: 1–6 pounder No. 2: 3–9 pounder No. 3: 3–12 pounders—att Richmond three Small Redouts with Each One Gun 12 pounders, 22 Re[gi]m[en]t att Richmond, 82 att the flag Staff 57 Remt and Bartens at the Watering place No. 1–2–3 Buskerks Remt along Shore Light horse about 125 on the Island, 2...
RC ( LC : Madison Papers). The manuscript is much faded and barely legible. In his old age JM evidently selected this letter for inclusion in the first printed edition of his papers. With this purpose in mind he added at the beginning of the first paragraph and at the close of the long final one a bracket and quotation mark. Apparently at eight places in the letter he crossed out a word or...
I am sorry I can give you no other account of our public situation than that it continues equally perplexed and alarming as when I lately gave you a sketch of it. Our army has as yet been kept from starving and public measures from a total stagnation by draughts on the States for the unpaid requisitions. The great amount of these you may judge of from the share that has fallen to Virginia. The...
I thank you for the Loan of the inclosed Paper. I think there is room to hope that Clinton will meet with a Reception that will not be agreable to him, even to hope that he will not succeed. But there is great danger. The Loss of the Frigates will give an Additional Sting to that of the Town. It is truely deplorable that these Devils should be allowed to commit such Ravages and do Such...
I yesterday received your Excellencys Letter of the 30th of last Month, inclosing Advice, relative to the fortunate Arrival of the Transports at their destined Ports, which shall be made the proper Use of to Confound and Laugh at our Ennemies: it Contains too the purport of his Excellencys at Passy Conversation with you, He told your Excellency, “that the Marylands Act directd Him first to...
I should have paid my respects to you before now had I known where to have directed my letters, for at this time I have no other method than to inclose the present to our friend Mr. Lovell at Philadelphia, who I trust will know the best manner of conveying it. The enemy appear to have abated very little of their pride, however much their power may be lessened. It may be expected nevertheless...
43099[Diary entry: 7 May 1780] (Washington Papers)
7th. Clear morning, & not unpleasant but rather cool. Mid-day lowering & raw. Wind at East.
43100General Orders, 7 May 1780 (Washington Papers)
[Officers] Of the Day Tomorrow[:] Brigadier General Hand[,] Lieutenant Colonel Willet[,] Brigade Major 1st pennsylvana Brigade. Varick transcript , DLC:GW .
Early this Morning a Quantity of Goods seized under the Law of this State by Capt. Harriman & Doctr Halstead of Eliza. Town & Liut. Thomas Farmer of the Connecticut Line, were brought before me for Condemnation; I Informed the Captors, it would be illegal to do Business of that kind on the Sabbath, but would order a Trial for the Condemnation of the Goods tomorrow I had an Inventory of the...
[ Richmond?, before 7 May 1780 . In a letter to Gen. Washington from Fredericksburg, 8 May 1780 (DLC: Washington Papers), Gen. Muhlenberg quotes from a letter received from TJ on 7 May, as follows: “As to the pay of the Officers left in this State, the poverty of the Continental Treasury shall not prevent their receiving it, if You will procure Authority for them to apply to the General...
Paris, 8 May 1780. RC ( PCC , No. 84, II, f. 31–33). ( LbC in John Thaxter’s hand ( Adams Papers ). printed : Wharton, ed., Dipl. Corr. Amer. Rev. Francis Wharton, ed., The Revolutionary Diplomatic Correspondence of the United States , Washington, 1889; 6 vols. , 3:663–664. In this letter, read in Congress on 20 Sept., John Adams noted that “the English have a faculty of deceiving themselves,”...
Paris, 8 May 1780. RC ( PCC , No. 84, II, f. 27–30). LbC in John Thaxter’s hand ( Adams Papers ). printed : Wharton, ed., Dipl. Corr. Amer. Rev. Francis Wharton, ed., The Revolutionary Diplomatic Correspondence of the United States , Washington, 1889; 6 vols. , 3:660–663; extracts in various American newspapers, including the Pennsylvania Gazette of 27 Dec. 1780 and the Boston Gazette
Paris, 8 May 1780. RC ( PCC , No. 84, II, f. 19–22). LbC in John Thaxter’s hand ( Adams Papers ). printed: Wharton, ed., Dipl. Corr. Amer. Rev. Francis Wharton, ed., The Revolutionary Diplomatic Correspondence of the United States , Washington, 1889; 6 vols. , 3:652–656. The letter, read in Congress on 20 Sept., opens with the text of a resolution by the States General of Holland and West...
Paris, 8 May 1780. RC ( PCC , No. 84, II, f. 23–26). LbC in John Thaxter’s hand( Adams Papers ). In the Letterbook this letter begins on the page following that of 11 May, numbered 64. printed: Wharton, ed., Dipl. Corr. Amer. Rev. Francis Wharton, ed., The Revolutionary Diplomatic Correspondence of the United States , Washington, 1889; 6 vols. , 3:656–660. In this letter, read in Congress on...
I now put a letter of introduction into the hand of a son, who agreeable to your polite and friendly invitation waits on you on his first arrival at Paris. I believe I may venture to say he is a youth, who, will by no part of his conduct, disgrace the recommendations of the friend, or disappoint the expectations of the parent. Yet whoever enters at an early period amidst a world of strangers,...
Morristown [ New Jersey ] May 8, 1780 . Asks Huntington to inquire into the circumstances of Major Benjamin Throop’s affair. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
Morristown [ New Jersey ] May 8, 1780 . Reports that he has asked Brigadier General Jedediah Huntington to inquire into Major Benjamin Throop’s affair. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. Woodruff was a justice of Elizabethtown, New Jersey.
ALS : American Philosophical Society We have received a letter from Doctor Laurence Brooke late Surgeon of the Ship Bon Homme Richard, dated at Lisbon the 6th. ulto. extract of wch. we have the honor of transmiting you agreeable to his request. We are with the utmost respect Honord sir Your most obt. & most humble Servts Extract from Doctor Laurence Brooke’s Letter “I saild from Curuna the 10...