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Results 43051-43080 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
Being personally acquainted with the Gentlemen who have subscribed and addressed to you the Statements herewith enclosed, relating to the Case of William Richardson 2nd., I can assure You that full Confidence may be placed in them—They would not deceive You—Circumstanced as Richardson is, a Substitute having been provided who is now in actual Service, and he having received neither Bounty,...
On the Thirteenth instant Entered here, from Bordeaux, the Brigantine Betsey, John Arnold Master, the Property of Mr. Stephen Dexter of this Place: In her were imported Ten Kegs of Brandy, consigned to James Johnson of New-York; which, together with the Vessel, being forfeited by the 33 Section of the Excise Act, I have requested the District Attorney to proceed against them as the law...
I beg leave to transmit to you the enclosed account through the advice of Mr Miller the Quarter Master and request an order to him to pay me the money. Being a young Officer and not accquainted with that rigid œconomy which is absolutely necessary to be observed by an Officer of my grade find myself under very disagreeable pecuniary embarrassments and at this time under marching orders to...
Permit me Sir to intrude so fancy to call your attention for a moment on a subject that to me is very interesting. In a report I made to Gel. Knox the 21st of February last a copy of which I am told was sent to your Office, I stated some facts relative to the Conduct of the late contractors, and having since learnt that they have by some means procured certificates contradicting this report, I...
In traveling through the Country I have lately observed a considerable uniformity of Sentiment among the People with a great want of Consistence of which they do not themselves appear to be conscious. There are frequent complaints of the want of vigorous measures in the Executive to resent the Insults of the british Nation. This they receive from a certain Class of Politicians & political...
Providence, June 25, 1790. “Your favor of 17th. Inst. transmitting your instructions and communications to the several Collectors of the United States came to hand this day.…” Copy, RG 56, Letters from the Collector at Providence, National Archives.
Frenchman’s Bay [ District of Maine ] September 21, 1794 . “I embrace the first opportunity to communicate to you the particulars of a seizure lately made in this District.… The account from the person who appeared as Master is as follows. That the Schooner William of St. John’s sailed from Martinique last July, that the day after their Departure the Master died, that the next day the Mate...
New London [ Connecticut ] December 3, 1790 . “… The Light, which has been usually kept in the Light House, cannot be maintained for a less Sum than 380 dollars Per Annum, allowing the Contractor any Thing for his Trouble and Risque it consumes in a year about 800 Gallons of the best strained Sperma Ceti Oil, which, delivered at the House, will cost at the common Price, 350 dollars. I have...
Philadelphia, October 23, 1786. “Your favor of the 17th. was handed me this morning. Mr. Robert Bowne my Attorney … [will] call upon you for the One hundred and sixty Pounds received from Mr. Bostwick.” ALS , Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress. Letter not found.
I enclose you a further request on the subject of the paper communicated to you in my last, that you may have the whole before you and that you may aid me with your talents and experience. It strikes me that, it will be proper for the Pres. to state to Congress the species of defensive force necessary for the occasion, and consider it an essential attribute of negociations I had given him in...
Portsmouth, New Hampshire, February 1, 1792. “The Packet herewith enclosed contains the Accts. of the Revenue Cutter Scammel to the 31 of December last. In addition to the payments made to Cap Yeaton for his Wages and Rations from the date of his Commission (the 21st. of March 1791), he claims allowance of Wages & Rations from the 6th. of Octr. 1790 as the time of his appointmt: as Stated in...
I arrived here on the 3rd Inst. & expect to Embark on the 10th. directly for the port of your residence. I have Offered two & would have given four hundred do⟨l⟩lars for a passage in the Sloop which bears this as she is reputed a good sailer, but find myself excluded by a band of Kentuckeans, who anticipated my application. Contrary to my expectations I do not find an armed Vessel in port, &...
[ Philadelphia, December 12, 1792. On this date “Mr. Reynolds sent a letter to Col. Hamilton by a girl; which letter [Jacob] Clingman saw delivered to the girl.” Letter not found. ] “Reynolds Pamphlet,” August 31, 1797 . The statement from which this quotation is taken was made by Clingman and is printed as document No. IV (a) in the appendix of the “Reynolds Pamphlet,” August 31, 1797 . For...
On examining the subsisting contracts, between the United States, and the Government of France, and the Farmers General and a comparison thereof with the foreign accounts and documents transmitted to the Treasury the following facts appear. That previous to the Treaty of February 1778, the sum of Three millions of Livres had been advanced by the government of France, to the agents of the...
il-y-a quelque tems mon respectable et cher ami que j’eûs le plaisir de vous ecrir de Paris, et de vous envoier en même tems une Certaine Correspondence du ministre Diplomatique Munrroe —ainsi que une histe. de la Revolution française par Desodoard. je n’ai reçü aucune repponse encore; ce qui ne me surprends pas, atendü la suitte des evenements: et sur tout ma nouvelle proscription du 18....
The arrival of Mr. Blake whom the sec. of State has despatched from Philadelphia with letters for Mr. Carmichael & myself, being without any letter from you, & the letters he brought having shewn that several written from hence had not been recieved at the time of his departure, I think it may not be improper to state to you by him, those which I have had the honor of writing to & recieving...
Boston, January 26, 1790. Discusses the problems involved in the re-exportation of imported wines. Suggests placing imported raisins, lemons, pepper, and pimento on the enumerated list, and states that the additional levies would produce a “handsome” sum. ADf , RG 36, Letters from the Treasury and Others, 1789–1818, Vol. 11, National Archives.
Tho from the expressions & innuendos in yours of the 5th instant which I received from Col Henly the last tuesday, I cannot apprehend myself treated with due respect, yet I shall not be thereby drove either to reply with asperity, or to quit my own plan of conduct. Said one of the greatest soldiers of the age in which he lived, “The business of a general is not to fight but to overcome.” When...
Enclosed is a copy of a report received this morning from the Purveyor, relative to the quantity of Clothing, which, in his opinion, he will be able, under his arrangements, to turn weekly in to the public store &c &c I have the honor to be, with great respect your most Obdt Hb St ( LS , Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress).
Alexander Hamilton Esqr. to Francis Childs Dr. 1787 Nov. 12. to advertising the Farm for Sale on Frog’s Neck —9 weeks } £1.1⟨–⟩ ADS , MS Division, New York Public Library. Childs was the editor and publisher of The [New York] Daily Advertiser , a newspaper that he had established on March 1, 1785. Throgs (Frogs) Neck is a peninsula at the eastern end of the East River in what was then...
We have to request your acceptance of our most hearty Thanks for Your very polite letter of 24th January, and for your alacrity to contribute to the success of the object, We commissioned Mr. Sterett to obtain for us. We are apprized of the Doubt whether the Constitution by prescribing a general Uniform rule of naturalization, did not preclude the granting it in any particular Case: wherefore...
I am aware that my Resignation opposes my claim to established Rank in the Army, but I hope in settling the relative rank of the Officers of the present establishment that my former Services and experience will not be forgotten. I entered the army in the year 92, under that excellent Officer Genl. Wayne as a Volunteer, on the 17th. of July 93 I was Appointed a Cornet of Dragoons, on the 14th....
The principal design of this letter, is to inform you, that your favor of the 30th. Ulto, with its enclosure, got safe to my hands by the last Post, and that the latter shall have the most attentive consideration I am able to give it. A cursory reading it has had, and the Sentiments therein contained are extremely just, & such as ought to be inculcated. The doubt that occurs at first view, is...
Philadelphia, October, 1789. Acknowledges receipt of circular letter of October 2, 1789. Complains that method of filing returns requires so much clerical assistance that it imposes a very heavy financial burden on the collectors. LC , Bureau of Customs, Philadelphia.
Pay to the Director of the Mint the within sum of sixteen hundred dollars and also the further sum of one thousand dollars for the purposes of that establishment. LC , George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. At the bottom of this document is the following note by David Rittenhouse, director of the Mint: Including all the arrears due to Albion Cox, Assayer, Dolls. cts. since he was first...
I take the liberty to hand You the Enclosed statement respecting an embarrassment I am at present under regarding the Brig Peace expected to arrive dayly in Virginia & request the favor (if consistant) of Your opinion on the Subject which will operate to prevent the detention & expence that may other wise ensue. I set out for Richmond Virga. on Monday Morning in the stage & shall be happy to...
New York, July 2, 1795. “The land which I have discovered in this city that belonged to Richard Ashfield deceased, under whom we claim by descent, is situated on the south side of liberty street, between Nassau street & Broadway, adjoining west on the lot of Doctor Moore’s. On one of these lots is a painters shop and house; and on the other a blacksmiths shop belonging to Mr. Cliland. This...
[ Philadelphia ] April 23, 1791 . “I am desirous of having the evidence preserved of the Original Amount of a Debt, for money loaned the United states between septr. 1777 & March 1778 (6 ⅌ Cent per Ann. on the Amount of which is now payable) And at the same time of taking out a predicated Certificate on which to draw Interest as a Non Subscriber. I am informed that you will, in case of...
I send you Dunlap of this Morning, in it you have the foreign intelligence. Fenno Dunlap & others have erroneously stated that Mr Warder brought the Ratification of Great Britain—no official Dispatch has been received. Rutledge was negatived yesterday by the Senate. From present appearances the address to the President by the House will pass without a Debate. The Draft has been by agreement in...
I wrote a letter last night to you & one to Mr Church, but as these must go by some private hand who will carry Safe my Bond & Mortgage I send this by Post to let you know that those papers are duly executed & the Mortgage acknowledged by Mrs Morris & myself before Judge Wilson. They shall be sent by the first safe Conveyance I can meet with by Dr Sir   Yrs LC , Robert Morris Papers, Library...