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Results 43051-43100 of 184,431 sorted by author
Letter not found: from Francis Fauquier, 7 Oct. 1758. On 30 Oct. GW wrote to Fauquier : “I have...
I received your Favour of the 10th on the 18th with an inclosed Acct of the Stores left at...
By an Act of the last Assembly The Regiment under your Command was remanded back to Virginia to...
I am obliged to you for the particular Acct you have sent me of the State of our Affairs wch I...
Letter not found: from Francis Fauquier, 3 Dec. 1758. On 9 Dec. GW wrote to Fauquier : “I was...
I have shipped on board of the King’s Packet, number 3d. Capn. Rolland, Sailed for Newyorck the...
Two DS : American Philosophical Society Received of his Excellency B. Franklin Esqr Two Louis...
To you, a man and the friend of mankind, I herewith send my Periods of human life and my...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Permetté que Je prenne la liberté de Vous Ecrire pour vous...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library Mes malheurs ne vous Sont pas connus, et si l’on vous en...
J’ai fait passer en son tems à ma Cour le projet du Traité, que vous m’avés fait L’honneur de...
Le projet du Traité, que vous m’avés fait l’honneur de m’adresser dans le mois de Decembre...
Favi a L’honneur de remercier Monsieur de Jefferson de l’ouvrage interessant, qu’il a bien voulu...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ai L’honneur de vous adresser une Lettre de M. Ingenhousz;...
ALS and copy: National Archives ⟨Paris, November 16, 1784, in French: I sent to my court your...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ai L’honneur de vous envoyer un portrait qui a etè adressè...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ai L’honneur de vous envoyer un Livre avec une Lettre de...
J’ai reçu la lettre, que vous m’avés fait L’honneur de m’écrire le 30 du mois passé, et par La...
D’après vos observations sur les changements que la Cour de Toscane avoit proposé sur quelques...
Je n’ai pas manqué de faire passer à ma Cour La Lettre, dont vous m’avés honoré Le 30. 7b e...
J’ai reçu avec la lettre, que vous m’avés fait L’honneur de m’ecrire Le 8 de ce mois Les...
Je n’ai pas manqué de faire passer à ma Cour La Lettre, dont vous m’avés honoré Le 30. 7be....
Le projet du Traité, que vous m’avéz fait l’honneur de m’adresser dans le mois de Decembre...
Craignant de faire des fautes en faisant l’exposé cy après en anglais; Je vous prie de m’excuser,...
By the Assumption Law of Congress, an Orphans Court is directed to be established in the County...
I avail my self of the opportunity which offers it self, by M r Dickerson, of sending you...
When I tell you that among other authors, I have read with much attention the political writings...
6 October 1801, Bennington. Encloses information from the docket of the circuit court, classified...
25 February 1812, Bennington. Transmits “the proceedings of a meeting of the Republican citizens...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Altho’ I cannot Claim a sufficient Acquaintance with You to...
15 August 1812. “As the people of the United States being citizens of a free goverment, have a...
27 June 1812. “Whereas the Congress of the United States have declared that War does exist...
You have long been ranked among the number of distinguished Patriots, whose transcendent virtues...
When we contemplate the Wisdom and Firmness, the Integrity and Magnanimity of our National...
I can not let so fair an opportunity pass for renewing my former acquaintance with you, and of...
Your obliging favour of the 22d. Ulto. has been duly recd. The sentiments it contained are...
I had the honor of your letter of the 30th ult. I omitted sending by the last post in Expectation...
This will be handed to you by my Father in Law Mr. Broome, with whom I believe you were some time...
I feel so sensibly the many obligations you have laid me under by your expressions of friendship,...
At the request of Mr. Rathbone , I take the freedom to mention my acquaintance with his son, who...
Bennington, 9 Aug. 1791 . Has this day received TJ’s of 16 June and cannot account for delay. The...
Your letter of the 19th Ulto enclosing proposals for selling your Virginia Lands, came duly to...
Mr. Broome having defered his Visit to your Excellency until your return to the seat of...
I had this day the honor of your letter of the 27th. Ulto. in which you lay me under too much...
Refering you to my letter of this day to be handed you by Mr. Broome, permit me to add my...
I have taken the earliest care to collect a few of the maple seeds, which you will receive...
Inclosed you will receive my latest Canada papers, by which you observe their publications begin...
Your favours of the 18th. and 2lst. March, I had the honor to receive, and altho I should have...
I have been absent a number of weeks attending our fall Session of the Legisture, during which...
Thomas Fearn M.D, a native of Virginia , is returning home, from a tour of improvement in Europe...