Benjamin Franklin Papers

From Benjamin Franklin to Sargent Aufrere & Co., 16 January 1762

To Sargent Aufrere & Co.

Two copies:4 Historical Society of Pennsylvania

To Messrs. Sargent & Aufrere.

Craven Street Janry, 16, 1762


Knowing as I do the present great Scarcity and Value of Money here, and the many profitable Uses it may be put to at this Time, I cannot but esteem your Undertaking to pay those Bills out of your own Cash, a Proceeding extreamly generous towards the Province; as well as particularly obliging to me.5 I shall not omit to express fully, my Sentiments of it to our Friends there by the first Opportunity, and doubt not but an adequate Remittance will immediately be made to Reimburse you, with their best Acknowledgments.6 In the mean time be pleased to accept of mine, with the sincerest Wishes for your Prosperity. I am, Gentlemen, Your most obedient humble Servant

B. Franklin

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

4The copy from which this letter is printed is marked “No. 7” and is the last of a series of copies on a single set of papers which is endorsed: “London Janry 8. 9 13 14 15 1762 Copies of Letters between B Franklin and Messrs. Sargent & Co.” It includes all the letters of this description printed above. The top corner of the first page carries the initials “I.N.”

5See immediately above.

6See immediately below.

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