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Results 4301-4350 of 184,431 sorted by author
I have received your favour of August 27—and regr et that it is not in my power to give you any positive informati on concerning the subject of it. I was not a member of the Convention which formed the Constitution but though I have conversed very freely with the members of that Convention, I never heard one of them hint at the anecdote you recite. It is not however entirely inconsistent with...
I have received the Letter, which you did me the Honour to write me the 21. May, and thank you for your Congratulations, on the Tryumph the American Cause has gained, in this Country. I call it a Tryumph because, it prevailed over great obstacles, long Habits of Friendship, vast Interests of Capitalists in the Stocks, intimate ancient and modern Connections of ruling Families, and multifarious...
Wednesday. August 14. 1776. A Letter of the 12th from General Washington with a return of the Army at New York, and sundry other Papers inclosed, being received was read. Also sundry Letters from England were read. Resolved That the Letter from General Washington with the Papers inclosed be referred to the Board of War. The Board of War brought in a report, which was taken into Consideration,...
I have been deeply afflicted with the account of your accident—At first your Leg was broke—I shuddered, I feared that I should have no more letters from Montecello—Next came the account that it was only a small bone in the Arm—My hopes revived the difference between the leg and the Arm was immense. To illustrate this difference, and for your consolation and amusement; I will give you an...
Memorandum of Agreement made the 2d day of April in the year of our Lord 1819, between John Adams of Quincy in the County of Norfolk Esqr and Ebenezer Green of said Quincy Yeoman. It is covenanted and agreed by & between the parties to submit all Accounts and demands between them, to the determination of Messrs Josiah Bass, James Hall and George Beale all of Quincy—the Report of whom or any...
The Republicans have exerted their Energies, and propagated their lying Pamphlets so secretly, and with such effect as to make Federalists almost doubt their Empire in Massachusetts. They do not yet despair however: but their majority will not be so great as they expected. The Defection of the County of Essex is greater than was foreseen. The Causes of this are many, more than I know perhaps....
I this Moment had the Pleasure of your Letter of the 22d Instant, and am much obliged to you for your kind Congratulations on my safe Arrival, and agreable Reception here. The Commissioners have recommended a Lieut to you. Mr. Livingston, a Gentleman of good Character, as the Commissioners believe. But, altho the Hon. Commissioners have recommended him, as first Lieut. I hope he will, decline...
Bilbao, Spain, 16 January 1780. RC in John Thaxter’s hand PCC No. 84, I, f. 234; docketed: “No. 3 Letter from John Adams Bilbao Jany 16 1780 Read April 7.” LbC Adams Papers . LbC in Thaxter’s hand Adams Papers ; notations: “Recd in Congress Oct. 15. Triplicate.”; by Thaxter: “No.3.” For a discussion of the presence of two Letterbook copies, see part 2 of the Introduction: “John Adams and his...
430928 Wednesday. (Adams Papers)
Ditto. Thick weather, and some rain.
The Post brought me two Letters from you, this Morning, one of the 7th. instant, and one before. You seem to be in fine Spirits—I rejoice at it. General Gates has commanded in Philadelphia, untill about a Fortnight ago, he went to Ticonderoga, where he is to command all Summer. Schuyler is here, where he now commands. We are crouding along Soldiers to the General, as fast as they get well of...
I have received your polite letter of the 28th. with the Splendid testimonial of the benevolence of the City of New York in a Gold medal, and a Silver one in commemoration of the great Canal in New York, which is the pride and wonder of the age and deserves to be commemorated by every effort of Art. I rejoice that the City of New York has taken the lead in Striking medals on important events....
Your letter of the 6th is before me. to save me the time for writing & your that of reading long discourses, I will come directly to the point of most essential importance. you would “provide by Law, against employing foreigners on board our vessels.” I would not for these reasons. 1 We are under no obligation by any Law of nations to make any such provision. 2 No nation ever did make any such...
After my last Embarkation for Europe, Your Letter of October the eighth was brought me on Board the French Frigate the Sensible, just upon the point of sailing, so that I had no Opportunity to answer it in America, and since my Arrival in Europe, I have gone through a Land Journey from Ferrol in Spain to Paris little short of four hundred Leagues, in the dead of Winter, in such Roads and such...
Mr Henry Warren, a Son of your late friend Dr John Warren—and a young lawyer of promising hopes is a bout to travel to Washington—and will have the honour to deliver you this letter—I hope you will receive him with the utmost cordiality, for his Name and Blood are very dear to me The last news we have from your Sons—was their visit to Mr Boyleston last Saturday—In fine health and Spirits—to...
I am half inclined to be very angry with you for destroying the Anecdotes and documents you had collected for private Memoirs of the American Revolution. From the Memories of Individuals, the true Springs of Events and the real motives of Actions are to be made known to Posterity. The Period in the History of the World, the best understood, is that of Rome from the time of Marius to the Death...
I have read over with Pleasure, your Observations on the new federal Constitution, and am glad of an opportunity to communicate to you my opinion of some Parts of them. it is by a free and friendly Intercourse of Sentiments that the Friends of our Country may hope for Such an Unanimity of Opinion and Such a Concert of Exertions, as may sooner or later produce the Blessings of good Government,...
I have received your Letter of the 1. of this month and the Packetts you Sent with it, by Mr. Appleton. The arrival of the Convoy, at Bourdeaux is a fortunate Circumstance for Commerce: but I want to know the News and whether any of those Vessells were upon public Account, and whether any thing is sent to Us. I have taken a cursory View of Brussells, Antwerp, Rotterdam, Delft, the Hague,...
The Baron de Arundl, desires a Letter of Introduction to some Gentleman in Congress from me, and I dont know to whom to write upon this occasion better than to you. I inclose you some of our Constitutions. A vessell has arrived at L’orient, with a Paper of 8 April, and there are Letters to the Comtess de la Lucerne, and others perhaps as late as the 15th. but not a Line from Congress to any...
4319[May 21. Thursday 1778.] (Adams Papers)
May 21. Thursday 1778. The disputes between the Parties had by this time become so well known to me, and their violence had arisen to such rancour, that what ever was done or said by Dr. Franklin or by me, when I agreed with him in Opinion was censured and often misrepresented by one Party, and whatever was done or said by Mr. Lee or Mr Izzard, and by me when I thought they were in the right...
Yours of April 12/23 is just come to hand: Last night, for the first time, I Slept in this House, and I hope that the Air of the Hague will have a good Effect upon my Health, otherwise I must embark for the blue Hills. The Independance of America, has been acknowledged by this Republick, with a Solemnity and Unanimity, which has made it, in a peculiar Sense the National Act. The Publication of...
I have rec d your favour of the 19 th — I presume your answer to M r Jefferson will be sufficient: but If you write to the President, it will do no harm— Your letter to the President came to me after your appointment, so that I have never delivered nor mentioned it to any one; and shall keep it and all that came with it till your farther orders.— It is best it should not now be conveyed to the...
I thank You for your favour of the 20th. of November. I am really weary of reading such Follies as Motions to address the King for Peace. They are only delusions to the People of England, the People of America, and all the other Nations of the Earth. The Case of Mr. Laurens, and those of Mr. Trumbull and Tyler, among Millions of other Incidents shew, with whom We have to do. The States General...
43235 Thurdsday. (Adams Papers)
A fair morning but some symptoms of a Change of Weather. Kept School. Spent the evening with Messrs. Paine, Putnam, Willard, Thayer, partly at home and partly at Mr. Putnams. James Putnam (1726–1789) , who was to teach JA law.
You have most unexpectedly procured for me a very high gratification, by making me acquainted with so many anecdotes of one of the most sentimental and accomplished families our Country can boast. I feel myself more nearly attached to Judge Tucker since I learned that he had his legal education under my friend Mr Wythe one of the most learned and amiable men I have known. I have read the...
4325[April 1779] (Adams Papers)
At Nantes, Hotel de la Comedie, Rue Bignonestar.... Walked, this Morning with my Son over all the Bridges. There are several Islands in the River and they have built Bridges from one to another, and Houses upon the Islands. There are fine Meadows on each Side, and the mixed Appearance of Houses, Meadows, Water and Bridges is very uncommon and amuzing. The first Island is built on with very...
4326[Monday August 19. 1776.] (Adams Papers)
Monday August 19. 1776. Letters from General Washington referred to the Board of War. A Letter of the 14th. from Commodore Hopkins was read; whereupon Resolved That Commodore Hopkins be directed to repair to Rhode Island, and take the Command of the Fleet formerly put under his Care. Congress resumed the consideration of the Articles of War as revised by the Committee for that Purpose...
Your Sympathy in my Sorrows, and Condolence in my grief—are soothing to my afflicted Bosom—Sixty years of pure friendship; fifty -four of which, were passed in the Sacred State of Wedlock; are ties that can never be dissolved, and obligations that never can be forgotten, but this is a Subject that I cannot dwell upon— How my Letter of the 21st of Feby.—may appear in print publick I know...
I had Yesterday the Honour of your Letter of the Seventh of this Month. I thank you, sir, for your obliging Congratulations on my Return to my Family and Country. The Reason why my Letters of the 27th of February and the 1st of March arrived so late, was, that they were delivered at the Time of their Date to Gentlemen, then bound to the seaport who expected to sail directly for America but...
Last Night, my Dear Son, I received your kind Letter of the 3d of the Month and hold myself under great Obligations for so much information of various kinds at once. It is my determination to be a better correspondent than I was last Winter. I never explored that route through New Castle and Frenchtown but am very glad you have found it, because I believe it will Save you many an unpleasant...
43301770 January 16. (Adams Papers)
At my Office all Day. Last Evening at Dr. Peckers with the Clubb.—Otis is in Confusion yet. He looses himself. He rambles and wanders like a Ship without an Helm. Attempted to tell a Story which took up almost all the Evening. The Story may at any Time be told in 3 minutes with all the Graces it is capable of, but he took an Hour. I fear he is not in his perfect Mind. The Nervous, Concise, and...
I return the Exequatur for Mr. Joham Ernest Christian Schultze to be Prussian consul at Baltimore, which was enclosed in your letter of the 1st of this month signed, & am Sir your most humble MHi : Adams Family Papers, Letterbooks.
Last night, I received your Favour of the 17. If both Governments are possessed of the Contéents of my letter of the 7th. by opening it in the Post Office, much good may those Contéents do them. They both know they have deserved it. I hope it will convince them of their Error, and induce them to adopt more liberal Principles toward Us. I am for answering their Utmost Generosity with equal and...
4333Fryday March 21st. (Adams Papers)
A fine Spring like Morning. The Birds of many Sorts, as sprightly and musical.
I have this morning, received your favor of the 20th. The anxiety of the gentlemen of the law in New Jersey, to have the present P. of the US appointed chief Justice, after the third of March, is very flattering to me. Although neither pride nor vanity nor indolence would prevent me from accepting any situation, in which I could be useful, I know of none, for which I am fit. The office of...
Do you See, in these Plays of Terence, which are the Translations from Menander, the Character of the Athenians? Are not the Slaves Superior Beings to the Citizens? Every Smart Expression; every brilliant Image, every Moral Sentiment is in the Mouth of a Slave. To be Sure, however, Masters and Slaves are nearly on a Level, in Principles of Conduct. MHi : Adams Papers. {{Included with...
I thank you for this Address. The national honour and dignity of So many Nations have been wounded, within a late period and all from causes So analogous & uniform that very little refinement is necessary to discover the Causes investigate those which have involved Us in the general Calamity. Continue, Gentlemen to watch over your national Rights, and never Suffer any foreign nation to change,...
4337[February 19. 1778.] (Adams Papers)
February 19. 1778. In the morning We discovered three Vessells a head of Us. They appeared to be large Ships, and Captain Tucker observing them with his Glasses, gave it as his Opinion that they were British Frigates and was preparing to give orders to avoid them. But a murmur arising among the Men which was countenanced by some of the petty Officers, if not by some of the three Lieutenants,...
I have received your kind Letter of the 30 Jan and thank you, for your obliging Complaisance in nominating Dr. Bancroft to be a Member of our Academy and for your Compliments on the issue of the late Election. When you assure me, that your Brethren of the Clergy, of the Colledge and of the Accademy are “almost without an Exception my real Friends” you assure me of an approbation very much to...
43391773. Ap. 25. Sunday. (Adams Papers)
Heard Dr. Chauncy in the Morning and Dr. Cooper this Afternoon. Dr. Cooper was up on Rev. 12.9. And the great Dragon was cast out, that old Serpent called the Devil and Satan, which deceiveth the whole World: he was cast out into the Earth and his Angells were cast out with him. Q uery . Whether the Dr. had not some political Allusions in the Choice of this Text.
AL (draft): Massachusetts Historical Society I have the Honour to inform you that I have this day drawn upon you, a sett of 2 Bills of Exchange, at one usance, in favour of Messrs Fizeaux Grand & Co, for Six hundred and twenty five Pounds sterling being my Salary for one Quarter, computed in the Bill at four Thousands seven hundred and thirty three Crowns, Ten Sols and nine Deniers, of Sixty...
I dined Yesterday with M r Madison. M rs Madison is a fine Woman and her two sisters are equally so: one of them is married to George Washington one of the two Nephews of the President who were sometimes at our House. M r Washington came and civilly enquired after your Health. These Ladies, whose Names were Pain, are of a Quaker Family once of North Carolina. The Treaty with Spain is arrived...
I had a tollerable Journey hither, but my Horse trotted too hard. I miss my own Mare—however I must make the best of it. I send with this an whole Packett of Letters, which are upon a Subject of great Importance, and therefore must intreat the earliest Conveyance of them. There is but little Business here, and whether there will be more at York or Falmouth is uncertain, but I must take the...
4343Tuesday April 29th. 1766. (Adams Papers)
At Boston. To this day the Superiour Court was adjourned: Hutchinson, Lynde and Cushing were present. Two of the Bar, agreed to continue an Action. Hutchinson leans over and orders Winthrop to minute an Agreement to continue. We will consider of it, says he. Another of the Bar, moved for a Continuance and no Opposition. Hutchinson orders the Clerk to enter it, a Motion for a Continuance, &c....
I have received your favor of Sept. 27 & with pleasure agree to your plan of a visit to your family, whom I hope you will find in perfect health and remove to Philadelphia, when that city shall be healthy. I am assured glad that Mr Pickering can find time to do the business in your absence. The plan of naval opperations which you have suggested is quite agreeable to me. We must not suffer our...
I thank you for this respectfull Address. The Existence of the Independence of any Nation, cannot be more grossly attacked, the Sovereign Rights of a Country cannot be more offensively violated, than by a refusal to receive Ambassadors sent as Ministers of Explanation and Concord; especially, if such refusal is accompanied with public and notorious circumstances of deliberate, Indignity,...
Your Letter by the Marquis de la Fayette I have received and it contained So handsome a Testimony to the Merit of that gallant young Nobleman, as well as so many judicious observations on other subjects that I have ventured to permit it to be translated and published. The Complaint against the Family of Lee’s, is a very extraordinary Thing indeed. I am no Idolater of that Family or any other:...
This is St. Georges Day, a Festival celebrated by the English, as Saint Patricks is by the Irish, St. Davids by the Welch, and St. Andrews by the Scotch. The Natives of old England in this City heretofore formed a Society, which they called Saint Georges Clubb, or Saint Georges Society. Upon the Twenty third of April annually, they had a great Feast. But The Times and Politicks have made a...
I have this day the Honour of yours of 5. It would be unwise in Congress, to neglect any Effort to induce other Powers of Europe to acknowledge our Independancy, and therefore I am fully of opinion that at least one Minister Should be sent to treat with the Maritime Powers, or rather the neutral Union. For these Powers will all acknowlege our Independance at once, and none of them will do it...
The president of the U.S. requests the Secy. at war to present to each of the heads of department a copy of the schedule A with a request that they would examine it and consult such members of congress as they judge the best qualified to give information concerning the propriety of nominating the officers contained in the list. MHi : Adams Family Papers, Letterbooks.
Le Comte de Lusi. Minister of Prussia. Great Pultney Street. r De Tribolet Hardy. Secretaire de Legation de S.M. Prussienne. r Mr. De Jeanneret de Dunilac late Chargé D’Affairs of his Prussian Majesty at the British Court. South Moulton Street Oxford Street. No. 49. r Lord Mahon. Downing Street. r The Earl of Abbington. r. The Earl of Effingham. r. Mr. Cottrell Assistant Master of the...