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Results 4301-4350 of 184,431 sorted by author
I have received your favour of August 27—and regr et that it is not in my power to give you any...
I have received the Letter, which you did me the Honour to write me the 21. May, and thank you...
Wednesday. August 14. 1776. A Letter of the 12th from General Washington with a return of the...
I have been deeply afflicted with the account of your accident—At first your Leg was broke—I...
Memorandum of Agreement made the 2d day of April in the year of our Lord 1819, between John Adams...
The Republicans have exerted their Energies, and propagated their lying Pamphlets so secretly,...
I this Moment had the Pleasure of your Letter of the 22d Instant, and am much obliged to you for...
Bilbao, Spain, 16 January 1780. RC in John Thaxter’s hand PCC No. 84, I, f. 234; docketed: “No. 3...
430928 Wednesday. (Adams Papers)
Ditto. Thick weather, and some rain.
The Post brought me two Letters from you, this Morning, one of the 7th. instant, and one before....
I have received your polite letter of the 28th. with the Splendid testimonial of the benevolence...
Your letter of the 6th is before me. to save me the time for writing & your that of reading long...
After my last Embarkation for Europe, Your Letter of October the eighth was brought me on Board...
Mr Henry Warren, a Son of your late friend Dr John Warren—and a young lawyer of promising hopes...
I am half inclined to be very angry with you for destroying the Anecdotes and documents you had...
I have read over with Pleasure, your Observations on the new federal Constitution, and am glad of...
I have received your Letter of the 1. of this month and the Packetts you Sent with it, by Mr....
The Baron de Arundl, desires a Letter of Introduction to some Gentleman in Congress from me, and...
4319[May 21. Thursday 1778.] (Adams Papers)
May 21. Thursday 1778. The disputes between the Parties had by this time become so well known to...
Yours of April 12/23 is just come to hand: Last night, for the first time, I Slept in this House,...
I have rec d your favour of the 19 th — I presume your answer to M r Jefferson will be...
I thank You for your favour of the 20th. of November. I am really weary of reading such Follies...
43235 Thurdsday. (Adams Papers)
A fair morning but some symptoms of a Change of Weather. Kept School. Spent the evening with...
You have most unexpectedly procured for me a very high gratification, by making me acquainted...
4325[April 1779] (Adams Papers)
At Nantes, Hotel de la Comedie, Rue Bignonestar.... Walked, this Morning with my Son over all the...
4326[Monday August 19. 1776.] (Adams Papers)
Monday August 19. 1776. Letters from General Washington referred to the Board of War. A Letter of...
Your Sympathy in my Sorrows, and Condolence in my grief—are soothing to my afflicted Bosom—Sixty...
I had Yesterday the Honour of your Letter of the Seventh of this Month. I thank you, sir, for...
Last Night, my Dear Son, I received your kind Letter of the 3d of the Month and hold myself under...
43301770 January 16. (Adams Papers)
At my Office all Day. Last Evening at Dr. Peckers with the Clubb.—Otis is in Confusion yet. He...
I return the Exequatur for Mr. Joham Ernest Christian Schultze to be Prussian consul at...
Last night, I received your Favour of the 17. If both Governments are possessed of the Contéents...
4333Fryday March 21st. (Adams Papers)
A fine Spring like Morning. The Birds of many Sorts, as sprightly and musical.
I have this morning, received your favor of the 20th. The anxiety of the gentlemen of the law in...
Do you See, in these Plays of Terence, which are the Translations from Menander, the Character of...
I thank you for this Address. The national honour and dignity of So many Nations have been...
4337[February 19. 1778.] (Adams Papers)
February 19. 1778. In the morning We discovered three Vessells a head of Us. They appeared to be...
I have received your kind Letter of the 30 Jan and thank you, for your obliging Complaisance in...
43391773. Ap. 25. Sunday. (Adams Papers)
Heard Dr. Chauncy in the Morning and Dr. Cooper this Afternoon. Dr. Cooper was up on Rev. 12.9....
AL (draft): Massachusetts Historical Society I have the Honour to inform you that I have this day...
I dined Yesterday with M r Madison. M rs Madison is a fine Woman and her two sisters are equally...
I had a tollerable Journey hither, but my Horse trotted too hard. I miss my own Mare—however I...
4343Tuesday April 29th. 1766. (Adams Papers)
At Boston. To this day the Superiour Court was adjourned: Hutchinson, Lynde and Cushing were...
I have received your favor of Sept. 27 & with pleasure agree to your plan of a visit to your...
I thank you for this respectfull Address. The Existence of the Independence of any Nation, cannot...
Your Letter by the Marquis de la Fayette I have received and it contained So handsome a Testimony...
This is St. Georges Day, a Festival celebrated by the English, as Saint Patricks is by the Irish,...
I have this day the Honour of yours of 5. It would be unwise in Congress, to neglect any Effort...
The president of the U.S. requests the Secy. at war to present to each of the heads of department...
Le Comte de Lusi. Minister of Prussia. Great Pultney Street. r De Tribolet Hardy. Secretaire de...