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Results 43001-43050 of 184,431 sorted by author
I have the Honor to inform your Excellency that theer is every appearance of bringing the Bashaw...
17 July 1812, Natchez. Asks that JM permit him “to remain peacably untill He can dispose of his...
Thinking that the accompanying Report must contain something of interest to you in the...
An unfortunate accident preventing the insertion in the Newpapers of last week of the...
We refer to what we wrote you by Capt. Aselby who we have this day an account is safe arrived...
Our Friends Messrs. John Powell & Co: being desirous of sending a Ship with Slaves to your...
We have before us your favors of the 10th Septemr. 3. 24 and 30 Decemr. and agreeable to your...
We wrote you fully by the Virginia since which we have none of your favors. We did intend sending...
We duely received your favors of the 14th and 15 Septemr. and in conformity to the first we made...
Our last to you was the 15 Decr. by the True Patriot to which you will please to be refer’d. In...
Inclosed we transmit you Account Sales of your several parcells Tobacco viz. 50 hhds ⅌ Prince of...
The foregoing is Copy of what we wrote you by Capt. Emmes, to which we refer. We are since...
We wrote you the 3rd February by the York that we had engag’d with our Friends Messrs. John...
We duly received your Favour of the 30th Decem.⅌ the Prince of Wales with Fifty hhds Tobacco...
It is with great concern we have heard from Mr. Evans of the Death of our worthy Friend Mr....
We wrote you the 30th. July and are now to advise you of the safe arrival of the Virginian Capt....
We wrote you very fully the 10th Augt by the Virginian since which we have none of your favors....
We are now to acknowledge receipt of your favors of the 15 Janry 6, 19 and 25 April and 14th...
We wrote you fully the 15 Decem by the True Patriot since which we are not favor’d with any of...
i hope you will exscuise me for the following words. haveing seved 6 years to the wach makeing...
Custom has given sanction to what at first View in a modest Mind would seem too assuming;...
Be pleased, to accept the inclosed, as a real Testimony, of a sincere, & candid Respect, & Esteem...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania I hope you will not think it bold though I Present you...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania The Joy I had in receiving your Letter was beyond...
Since I had the Honour of answering your note of yesterday, I have received an answer from The...
The Situation of Consul for the United States of America in Gothenburg being vacant by the...
Un négociant français chargé dans les Etats Unis d’opérations commerciales pour le compte de la...
J’ai l’honneur de Solliçiter votre bienveillance en faveur de Monsieur le Comte de Regnaud de St....
(Translation) Sir, Philadelphia 30 Prairial 2 year of the French Republic one & indivisible. (18....
Je Suis chargé par le Conseil Exécutif de la République française de notifier au Gouvernement des...
Les deux millions et demi tournois que le Gouvernement des Etats Unis a mis provisoirement a ma...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Hier treize de ce mois nous avons celebré l’anniversaire de...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Permettés, Monsieur, que la Personne du monde qui vous est...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Sachant Combien les arts vous sont agreables, j’ai l’honneur...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’eu l’honneur de vous écrire pour vous engager a venir voir...
J avois eu l’honneur de vous écrire il y a un mois et demi, par mon fils Colonel qui avoit êté...
J’ose prendre la liberté de recommander à vos Bontés un libraire qui va etablir un Commerce de...
je proffite d’une occasion favorable pour avoir l’honneur de vous faire parvenir le second volume...
Vos recherches su l’éléphant à dents molaires protuberantes, du voisinage de lhoio, ainsi que...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Mr vaughan, m’ayant dit que vous seriés Curieux de voir le...
j ose esperer que votre amour pour les sciences, excusera la liberté que je prend, de recommander...
I have been instructed by the National Republican Convention of Virginia, which has this day...
We the undersigned members of the Legislature of Kentucky do cordially recommend Robert Trimble...
I take the Liberty of inclosing to you, certain recommendations, and certificates of my conduct...
Agreeable to the Orders I received in Novemr from Colo. Moylan to Join the 4th Light Dragoons, I...
Captain Stewart was very sure of succeeding in his Wish, as I shall always have pleasure in...
I recd your Dispatches containing the disagr⟨ee⟩able Accts of the Check we received before Fort...
Letter not found: from Francis Fauquier, 17 Aug. 1758. On 2 Sept. GW wrote to Fauquier : “Your...
Jenkins brought me yours of the 30th Octr and 5th instant. I hope this will find you full of Joy,...
Your Congratulations and kind wishes expressed in your Letter of the 17th wch I received...