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Results 4291-4320 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
[ Morristown, New Jersey ] February 19, 1780 . Explains why it would be inexpedient for a state to interfere in enlistment complaints. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
Your letters of the 12th & 13th instant, with their enclosures, were received by Mondays Mail, the 18th. The duplicate Commission for John Trumbull; the blank Commissions for the Revenue Officers; and the Patents passed by the Attorney General; are all signed & returned under cover with this letter. The want of funds to carry on Commerce with the Indian Tribes (agreeably to a late Act of...
Treasury Department, March 29, 1792 . “There is due to William Peck, Marshall for the District of Rhode Island upon a settlement made at the Treasury, the sum of two thousand, one hundred & five Dollars and twelve Cents, which sum I request you will pay to the said Marshall.… This transaction is of course not to be brought into your accounts, but merely to be noted at foot of your weekly...
The day following the one on which I wrote to you last, your letter of the 10th instt was received. It is to be regretted, exceedingly, that delegated powers are, oftentimes, so little regarded; and that trusts of an important nature, the neglect of wch may be attended with serious consequences, should be suffered to sleep in the hands of those who ought to carry them into activity. such, from...
Permit, me, to address you with these Lines: which I flatter myself will not Be taken amiss— about the Commencement of the revolutionnerry war,, a relative of Mine, of the Name of,, John Swope left the State of Maryland and went into virginia—and joined the army, in the virginia Line—during the war He Either got Killed or died a Natural death:—He was a young man without Family Left a Sister:...
As it may be of Consequence for you to be acquainted with every Movement of the Enemy, would inform your Excellency, that by a Letter this day receiv’d from Govr Bradford Dated the 20th instant, have Intelligence that, on the forenoon of that day, twenty seven Sail left New Port and appear’d to be bound up Sound—and that they learnt by some Deserters before that Time that two Hessian Regiments...
The inclosed Letters will inform you of what is passing with The Enemy. A movement will soon take place. Nixon and Parsons Brigades are on the Positions you were pleased to assign them. I have the Honor to be Your Excellency Hble Servant. ADf , NHi : McDougall Papers. These enclosures have not been identified. See GW to McDougall, 19 June.
Custom has given sanction to what at first View in a modest Mind would seem too assuming; therefore I shall without any further Apology, offer myself to your Excellency as a Candidate for the Office of Collector or Inspector of Excise, (as the case may be) for the District of Boston in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts: To detail all my Pretensions would be needless (the sum of them are) that...
I took the liberty of writing to you lately on the subject of our affairs, & will now trouble you once more, for my anxiety is extreme. The contemplated plan of raising 20,000 men for one year is a most erroneous one. By the time they are made good soldiers they must be disbanded—another army enlisted—your troops would always be raw—the expenses enormous—the delays incalculable. Besides the...
I had yesterday the high satisfaction of receiving your Official letter of Decr. 2. covering two cop ies of the Presidents Message. I have written to you lately several letters, publick & p rivate, some of which will reach you before this, & oth ers which are too bulky to go by the post wait a pri vate opportunity which I expect to have in a few da ys for Cadiz. Since my last there is nothing...
4301General Orders, 6 September 1777 (Washington Papers)
The General has no doubt, but that every man who has a due sense of the importance of the cause he has undertaken to defend, and who has any regard to his own honor and the reputation of a soldier will, if called to action, behave like one contending for every thing valuable; But, if contrary to his expectation, there shall be found any officers, or soldiers, so far lost to all shame as basely...
§ From Frederick I of Württemberg. 7 February 1816, Stuttgart. Announces the marriage of his son, the prince royal, to the Grand Duchess Catherine of Russia on 24 Jan. 1816. RC ( DNA : RG 59, Communications from Heads of Foreign States, Württemberg). 1 p.; in French.
Agreable to the Direction of the inclosed Resolution, I am to acquaint you that by a joint Ballot of both Houses of Assembly for the Colony of Massachusetts Bay You are elected one of the Delegates to represent that Colony in American Congress untill the first Day of January AD 1777 And the enclosed Resolve you are to make the general Rule of your Conduct. RC ( Adams Papers ); with enclosure,...
4304[Diary entry: 17 October 1786] (Washington Papers)
Tuesday 17th. Mercury at 68 in the Morning—64 at Noon and 59 at Night. Wind Southerly and raining till about 9 Oclock when it chopped round to the No. Wt.—blew hard & cleared. At home all day. Began to set a brick kiln.
facture des Livres remis en une caisse Cordeé et emballeé en toile grasse et Maigre; Marqueé. Libri. I. M. J T . J. adresseé a M rs Hottinguer et c ie , negociants au Havre . 1816 ƒ  Mai—30.
I long to hear again from you, having received but one letter, concerning Mr Clarks your own or Susanna Maria’s Health. The Paine of Writing has become to me insupportable. It is with infinite difficulty that I can Say We are all well, that Miss Hall was married on the 26th, that I was at the Ceremony, and that Mr and Mrs Taggart Sat off, for Bergen on the next hour. Kiss the little Cherub for...
Inclosd are the Observations taken by the Sentinal Posted upon Powder horn Hill and also two Letters in one cover Directed to Mr Nathl Noyes, Andover. which I thought Proper to Send for your Excellencies Perusal. Nothing Extraordinary has hapned Scince yesterday⟨.⟩ Two Boats only have come over with Passengers from Boston this day. I am your Excellencys most Obediant Humbe Servnt ALS , DLC:GW...
Persuaded that the President will receive favorably every expression of public opinion which has for its object the honor and true interests of the people; we inclose a vote, which expresses, as we trust, the general opinion of the citizens of the second Circuit. To the testimony of this vote we add our conviction that the talents and integrity of Judge Edwards are united with those personal...
Your Tobacco was inspected and sold yesterday, in presence of every dealer, in that article, in this city, & in the manner wished by them, of course every one had a fair chance, & the Tobacco, the best prospect of doing well—the first choice Hhd: brot $8.35, the next five choice, brot $8, the next Hhd: $7.05, & so on down to $2.45, which was the lowest, for the refused buys — eight of the...
4310[Diary entry: 25 January 1770] (Washington Papers)
25. At home all day alone.
Your letter to M r Jefferson of the 12 —upon the subject of M r Neilsons undertaking Pavilion N o 5 was forwarded to me in consequence of the indisposition of M r J. endorsed “ T Jefferson being unable to write, begs the favor of Gen l
The Postmaster at N. York, in a Panick, about a fortnight ago fled to Dobbs’s Ferry, about 30 Miles above N.Y. upon Hudsons River, which has thrown the Office into disorder, and interrupted the Communication so much that I have not received a Line of yours, since that dated the Second of September. Nor have I received a News Paper, or any other Letter from Boston since that date. The same...
[ London, August 1, 1798. Letter not found. ] Letter listed in Rufus King’s “Memorandum of Private Letters, &c., dates & persons, from 1796 to Augt 1802,” owned by Mr. James G. King, New York City.
I have duly recieved your favor of the 4 th and am sorry that I am totally unable to answer the questions you propose. after a lapse of between 30. and 40. years, during which I have been engaged in such a succession of scenes as occupied my mind for the time exclusively, leaving neither leisure nor occasion to look back and refresh my memory as to what had gone by, I retain not a trace of the...
Notwithstanding our wishes to the contrary, we are too often impelled to call your attention from the more important duties of your Office to circumstances trivial indeed compared therewith. However painful the measure we cannot avoid it & preserve that uniformity in the different Offices so much to be desired, as thereby the general interest is promoted & the minds of the People kept in a...
E. Randolph has the honor of submitting to the President a draft of a letter to Mr Hammond, upon Mr Butler’s statement. Judge Peters thinking that a marshall is immediately wanted, Mr Wm Nicolls’s name is inserted in the commission sent —A blank commission for the accountant is also transmitted. AL , DNA : RG 59, Miscellaneous Letters; LB , DNA : RG 59, GW’s Correspondence with His Secretaries...
Since the original of my last letter was written, I have received no letters from America, but there are newspaper Accounts and letters to other persons untill late in May—Universal War seems to be blazing out all at once—Here it has already commenced— I had indulged a faint hope that the tragical catastrophe which terminated the days of Spencer Perceval, was intended by Providence in Mercy to...
Every Person to whom ^ is committed ^ the Management of a Negociation, from which many good or ill Consequences will probably result, must find himself placed in a very delicate and responsible Situation. In that Point of Light I consider our present Negociations with Spain, and that my Sentiments on the Subject may be conveyed to Congress with Precision, and authentic Evidence of them...
Printed in a broadside, Proceedings of His Majesty’s Privy-Council on the Address of the Assembly of Massachusetts-Bay, to Remove His Governor and Lieutenant-Governor … [Boston, 1774]: Massachusetts Historical Society. I have just received from the House of Representatives of the Massachusett’s-Bay, their Address to the King, which I now enclose, and send to your Lordship, with my humble...
I do myself the Honor to transmit Your Excellency an Extract of a Letter of the 29th Ulto from a Confidential correspondent in New York. It contains the latest advices I have had from thence. By reports from our Officers advanced on both sides of the River, the Enemy broke up their Camp at philip’s burg on the night of the 30th and morning of the 31st Ulto. The accounts received by the...