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Results 4291-4320 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
4291 Madison, James Lee, Richard Bland From James Madison to Richard Bland Lee, 20 April 1825 1825-04-20 I have recd. your letter of the 15th. Having ever entertained for you the respect & friendly...
4292 Jefferson, Thomas Peyton, Bernard From Thomas Jefferson to Bernard Peyton, 20 April 1825 1825-04-20 having omitted to note my last renewals, I have lost sight of their dates, but I am sure I must...
4293 Randolph, David M. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from David M. Randolph, 20 April … 1825-04-20 The subject of this communication will I hope be a sufficient plea to your friendly...
4294 Snead, Achilles Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Achilles Snead, 20 April 1825 1825-04-20 The appology I have to offer you for thus obtruding myself into your notice, is that your...
4295 Adams, John Jefferson, Thomas From John Adams to Thomas Jefferson, 19 April 1825 1825-04-19 Mr. Charles Sigourney & Lady, a respectable pair in Hartford, Connecticut, the Husband a Son of...
4296 Adams, John Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Adams, 19 April 1825 1825-04-19 M r Charles Sigourney & Lady, a respectable pair in Hartford, Connecticut, the Husband a Son of...
4297 Barbour, James Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from James Barbour, 19 April 1825 1825-04-19 Yours of the 16 th is this moment received—The appeal you have made to me on the subject of the...
4298 Brockenbrough, Arthur S. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Arthur S. Brockenbrough, 19 … 1825-04-19 Several persons residing here being desirous of having religious worship here on sundays—I have...
4299 Denison, J. Evelyn Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from J. Evelyn Denison, 18 April … 1825-04-18 M r Denison, M r Labouchere, & M r Wortley take the liberty of presenting the inclos’d letter to...
4300 Jefferson, Thomas Sherburne, John Henry From Thomas Jefferson to John Henry Sherburne, 18 April … 1825-04-18 It is not in my power to inform you of the precise time of the death of Commodore P. Jones. I...
4301 Madison, James Biddle, Nicholas From James Madison to Nicholas Biddle, 16 April 1825 1825-04-16 Such has been of late years the unfavourableness of the Seasons for the staple productions in...
4302 Jefferson, Thomas Barbour, James From Thomas Jefferson to James Barbour, 16 April 1825 1825-04-16 Pray, Dear Sir, expedite by every means in your power the dispatch of our 50. M .D. our Agent who...
4303 Jefferson, Thomas Carr, Dabney From Thomas Jefferson to Dabney Carr, 16 April 1825 1825-04-16 As a supplement to my letter of Apr. 3. I can now inform you that I have rec d M r Cabell’s, Gen...
4304 Jefferson, Thomas Madison, James To James Madison from Thomas Jefferson, 15 April 1825 1825-04-15 I have received a proposition from Mr. Perry the owner of the lands which separate the two tracts...
4305 Lee, Richard Bland Madison, James To James Madison from Richard Bland Lee, 15 April 1825 1825-04-15 The rapidly declining health of that excellent man Elias B. Caldwell rendering it almost certain...
4306 Cooper, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Thomas Cooper, 15 April 1825 1825-04-15 I was exceeding glad to receive one more letter from without expecting it, and I rejoice to find...
4307 Jefferson, Thomas University of Virginia, Circular of Estimates of UVa … 1825-04-15 this estimate was made in Apr. 25 but refers to Jan. 1. 25 Estimate of Income for 1825. and...
4308 Jefferson, Thomas University of Virginia Board of Visitors From Thomas Jefferson to University of Virginia Board … 1825-04-15 I have rec d a proposition from m r Perry the owner of the lands which separate the two tracts of...
4309 Ticknor, George Madison, James To James Madison from George Ticknor, 14 April 1825 1825-04-14 Mr. Ticknor presents his respectful compliments to Mr. Madison & sends him a second copy of the...
4310 Jefferson, Thomas Greenhow, Robert From Thomas Jefferson to Robert Greenhow, 14 April 1825 1825-04-14 In the letter of Mar. 22. with which you favored me, is the following passage, of informn with...
4311 Kean, John V. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John V. Kean, 14 April 1825 1825-04-14 Agreeably to your request. I have sent by the boy. the 5 Catalogues embracing the works belonging...
4312 Jefferson, Thomas Key, Thomas Hewitt From Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Hewitt Key, 14 April … 1825-04-14 Th: Jefferson asks the favor of mr and mrs Key to dine at Monticello tomorrow, Friday his dinner...
4313 Jefferson, Thomas Thomas Jefferson: List of Books Donated to Univ. of Va. … 1825-04-14 Donation of mr Joseph Coolidge j r of Boston. ✓ 31. Homeri Ilias Gr. Lat. 2. v. 8 vo ✓ 1 Tacitus...
4314 Madison, James Barbour, James From James Madison to James Barbour, 13 April 1825 1825-04-13 I have just recd. a letter from Mr. Byrd Willis manifesting great anxiety to obtain a Cadet appt....
4315 Madison, James Cabell, Joseph C. From James Madison to Joseph C. Cabell, 13 April 1825 1825-04-13 I have just recd. yours of the 6th. from Bremo. Judge Carr had long before occurred for the Chair...
4316 Madison, James Jefferson, Thomas From James Madison to Thomas Jefferson, 13 April 1825 1825-04-13 When I suggested, some time ago, Judge Carr for the Law Chair in the University, I did not know...
4317 Madison, James Williams, John W. From James Madison to John W. Williams, 13 April 1825 1825-04-13 I recd. by the last mail your favor of the 5th. A newspaper had apprized me a few days before of...
4318 Madison, James Willis, Byrd C. From James Madison to Byrd C. Willis, 13 April 1825 1825-04-13 I did not receive your letter of the 6th till yesterday. Altho’ I have been for a considerable...
4319 Appleton, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Thomas Appleton, 13 April 1825 1825-04-13 The last letter, I receiv’d from you, was in date of the 8 th of October, & which reach’d me, on...
4320 Madison, James Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from James Madison, 13 April 1825 1825-04-13 When I suggested, some time ago, Judge Carr for the Law Chair in the University, I did not know...