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Results 4291-4320 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
4291Memorandum Division of Slaves, 1762 (Washington Papers)
Auge Washington George Washington Saml Washington John Washington Charles Washington Roger £ 60 Kate £ 50 James £ 60 Nan £ 35 Dublin £ 60 Phillis 50 George 40 Charles
4292Memorandum List of Quitrents, 1762 (Washington Papers)
A List of Lands for which I paid Quit-Rents due Michaelmas—1762 In King George County viz. 1250 Acres Frederick Do taken up 760 Ditto 453 bot of Johnston 552 Do of McCraken  550 2315 Hampshire Do 240 Fairfax Mt Vernon 2126 bot of Darrel 500
At your request I hav⟨e mutilated ⟩ / my Papers, & found the remarks / ⟨ mutilated ⟩ for the Remarks I made upon the Navigation of Potomack in the year 1754 & found the copy ⟨ mutilated ⟩ a Letter which I wrote to a gentn of our Assembly / in Aug. 1754 / at that time. the followg is an extract thereof. Sir, Your desire & my / own / curiosity together / engaged / excited me the last time when last
ALS and copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania Mr. Barclay is not come to Town yet, and it is uncertain whether we may be able to confer with him, and give you the result time enough for your writing by this packet, we will therefore take our own Resolution, and undertake to pay, ourselves, what part of the Colony’s drafts on you (by means of the deficiency of the Stock) you shall not have...
Two copies: Historical Society of Pennsylvania. The very obliging manner in which you have undertaken to support the Credit of the Province Drafts, demands my thankful Acknowledgments in Behalf of the Province, which I beg you to accept. Your doing it so readily and chearfully at my Instance I esteem a particular Obligation on myself. I shall not fail explaining your Motives in this...
ALS and copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania When your Drafts upon me first came to hand, the Form appearing new to me and very particular, containing as I thought an Alternative at my Choice to pay the Money in 30 Days or in 12 Months, I accepted some of them with the long Day, expecting that a Letter from you would explain your Intention in that Form; but receiving no Line on the...
ALS : Massachusetts Historical Society I receiv’d your Favour of Oct. 21 . with one enclos’d for Mr. Penn, which I have deliver’d to him. I doubt he will not know of this Opportunity time enough to write to you, and therefore I may say for him that he appear’d well-pleas’d with your Letter, and dispos’d to follow your Advice of not selling the Mannor. The Opinion that has been long expected on...
Two copies: Historical Society of Pennsylvania I have seen Mr. Barclay this Morning who concurs with our House in the Resolution we had taken to pay such of the Province Bills as the Cash in your Hands falls short of discharging. The Method of doing this, will be for you to suffer them to be noted for Non-acceptance, and to direct the Holders of them to us when the 30 Days are run out from the...
Two copies: Historical Society of Pennsylvania Mr. Barclay having been with us to day in consequence of his waiting on the Proprietor of Pensylvania for the Exemplification of the Bill, in order to take the necessary Steps for receiving the Colony’s Money from the Treasury, hath acquainted us, that upon mentioning to him our Intention of joining to take up such Bills as you were not provided...
ALS and copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania Notwithstanding what I wrote to you of the 9th Inst, that all your Bills would be paid, which I was warranted to do by the Letter from Messrs. Sargent & Aufrere that I enclos’d to the Speaker, and another from the same wherein they inform’d me Messrs. Barclay had agreed thereto, I have now the Mortification to acquaint you, that the last named...
Two copies: Historical Society of Pennsylvania I beg Pardon for giving you any farther Trouble relating to the Colony Drafts. It is only to request you would be assured yourselves, and do me the Favour to inform Messrs. Barclays, that I had not the least Intention to subject you and them to the precarious Pleasure of the Proprietor or his Governor, for your Reimbursement, when I requested your...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania This is to acquaint you that in consequence of your directions Mr. Shervell has Sold £5000 of the 3 Per Cents. at 65¾ that is without the Dividend 64¼ —he is attending the Sale of the remainder and as any thing is done in it will keep you advis’d. I am for Father and Self most Respectfully Yours Addressed: To / Benj. Franklin Esqr. / In Craven Street /...
Two copies: Historical Society of Pennsylvania We have this Morning receiv’d your two Letters, that of the 8th. Instant, which you had intended to favour us with sooner, and this of the 14th. Instant, in which to be sure what you say regarding the Colony Drafts, of the Regret you shall feel to let any of them go back, and the very evident Service that will be done the Colony, by preventing it,...
Two copies: Historical Society of Pennsylvania Knowing as I do the present great Scarcity and Value of Money here, and the many profitable Uses it may be put to at this Time, I cannot but esteem your Undertaking to pay those Bills out of your own Cash, a Proceeding extreamly generous towards the Province; as well as particularly obliging to me. I shall not omit to express fully, my Sentiments...
ALS and copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania In mine of the 14th. Instant, which I sent away by the same Night’s Post, in hopes it would reach the Pacquet at Falmouth, I inform’d you, that I had been disappointed in my Expectations of the remaining Bills being paid by Messrs. Sargent, Aufrere and the Barclays. But this Day, in answer of my last to them, of which I sent you a Copy, I...
Letter not found: from Robert Cary & Co., 18 Jan. 1762. On 28 May GW wrote to Robert Cary & Co. : “Your favour of the 18th Jany was presented to me.”
ALS : New York Public Library; copy (incomplete): Scottish Record Office It gives me Pleasure to learn, by yours of Nov. 12. that my young Friend Mr. Morgan has render’d himself agreable to you, and that your Health and Eyes were much better. I sent some time since to Mr. Dalrymple one of my Machines for your Chimney, who readily paid the Smith’s Bill for the same. But now, on discoursing with...
AL (incomplete): Royal Society of Edinburgh; printed in full in Essays and Observations, Physical and Literary. Read before the Philosophical Society in Edinburgh, and published by them , III (Edinburgh, 1771), 129–41. In Compliance with my Lord Marishall’s Request, communicated to me by you when I last had the Pleasure of seeing you, I now send you what at present appears to me to be the...
MS not found; reprinted from The Royal Society, Philosophical Transactions , LII (1761–62), 457–61. Mr. Delaval, in his curious electrical experiments, found that Portland stone, common tobacco-pipe, &c. would readily conduct the electrical fluid, when very hot, or when quite cold; but were non-conductors in an intermediate state. As no one, that I know of, has yet attempted to account for...
AL : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Mr. Brown’s compliments to Benj. Franklin Esqr. and acquaints him that he has sold Five Thousand Pounds more of the Annuities Vizt. £3000 at 64½  2000 at 64⅜ which was all he could do—the price is now but 63¾ and therefore before he sold the remaining five thought it proper to acquaint him with it—and Mr. Brown desires Mr. Franklin will please to send...
By way of Whiteha[ve]n I am furnished with an oppertunity of desiring the favour of you to place the last half years Interest due on Bank-Stock at Michaelmas, to the credit of Miss Patcy Custis’s Account and that you will for the time to come appropriate the said Interest as it arises to the same use that Stock being Assigned her in part of her Fortune. If this Letter shoud reach your hands in...
At Doctr Walker’s In Albermarle Coty My Dear Sir Janry 25th 1762. Soon after our last very mortifying Parting I was attackd with a Rheumatism which confind me till some Time after I had the infinite pleasure to hear of your being so much recover’d as to be in condition to return home —So soon as I got able to ride I went to Petersburgh where I put myself under the Direction of Doctor Jamison...
ALS : Scottish Record Office I was encourag’d by your Favour of the 22d. of November, to hope that the Beginning of the New Year would have brought me the Pleasure and Improvement I expect from the Perusal of your Elements of Criticism. As yet I hear nothing of any Copies being come to London; and I grow a little impatient. I am now so much employ’d in Preparation for my Return to America,...
4314[January 1762] (Washington Papers)
Note. Killed this 27th. of Jany. —18 hogs of abt. 15 Months old—and for an experiment weighed them alive, after they had fasted abt. 36 hours. They turned out 2147  When killed nett Wt. was 1774  Haslletts
4315[Diary entry: 27 January 1762] (Washington Papers)
Note. Killed this 27th. of Jany. —18 hogs of abt. 15 Months old—and for an experiment weighed them alive, after they had fasted abt. 36 hours. They turned out 2147  When killed nett Wt. was 1774  Haslletts
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je ne puis vous exprimer tout le plaisir que m’a causé La lettre que vous m’avez fait L’honneur de m’ecrire de Londres le 9. Décembre 1761. et qui m’a eté remise le 7. Janvier 1762. par M. Le Docteur Shippen. La guerre avoit interrompu depuis plusieurs années notre ancien commerce de lettres et j’en avois eté extrêmement mortifié. J’en ai eté d’autant plus...
AL : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Mr. Brown’s Compliments to B. Franklin Esqr. and acquaints him he has sold the £5000—3 per Cents. to be transferr’d to morrow—to day being a Holliday, at 61⅞. Addressed: To / Benj. Franklin Esqr. / In Craven street / Strand See below, p. 34.
MS not found; reprinted from The Royal Society, Philosophical Transactions , LII (1761–62), p. 456. Mr. Canton did me the favour to shew me the ingenious experiments he has described in the inclosed letter. They succeeded perfectly as he has related them; and I imagine, the communication of them must be agreeable to the curious in this branch of natural knowledge. I am, Sir, with great...
Letterbook copy: Yale University Library Notwithstanding thro the Fate of War I suppose all my Letters to you have been intercepted by the Enemy, I venture again to write. You know Professor Winthrop to be a Gentleman of exellent Abilities and Acquisitions in math[ematical] Learning. And persuade myself that you, Sir, who know his Merits, cannot but think they would do honor to an Enrollment...
4320[February 1762] (Washington Papers)
9. Began Plowing for Oats. 20. Rented George Ashfords Plantn. to Nelson Kelly for 1000 lbs. Tobo. & Cash. Sowed a good deal of Tobo. Seed at all my Quarters. George Ashford of Fairfax County sold GW 135 acres of land on the west side of Dogue Run 13–14 Jan. 1762 for £165 (Fairfax County Deeds, Book E–1, 22–30, Vi Microfilm). Adjoining this land on the north was another 135-acre tract that GW...