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Results 4291-4320 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
4291Memorandum Division of Slaves, 1762 (Washington Papers)
Auge Washington George Washington Saml Washington John Washington Charles Washington Roger £ 60...
4292Memorandum List of Quitrents, 1762 (Washington Papers)
A List of Lands for which I paid Quit-Rents due Michaelmas—1762 In King George County viz. 1250...
At your request I hav⟨e mutilated ⟩ / my Papers, & found the remarks / ⟨ mutilated ⟩ for the...
ALS and copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania Mr. Barclay is not come to Town yet, and it is...
Two copies: Historical Society of Pennsylvania. The very obliging manner in which you have...
ALS and copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania When your Drafts upon me first came to hand, the...
ALS : Massachusetts Historical Society I receiv’d your Favour of Oct. 21 . with one enclos’d for...
Two copies: Historical Society of Pennsylvania I have seen Mr. Barclay this Morning who concurs...
Two copies: Historical Society of Pennsylvania Mr. Barclay having been with us to day in...
ALS and copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania Notwithstanding what I wrote to you of the 9th...
Two copies: Historical Society of Pennsylvania I beg Pardon for giving you any farther Trouble...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania This is to acquaint you that in consequence of your...
Two copies: Historical Society of Pennsylvania We have this Morning receiv’d your two Letters,...
Two copies: Historical Society of Pennsylvania Knowing as I do the present great Scarcity and...
ALS and copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania In mine of the 14th. Instant, which I sent away...
Letter not found: from Robert Cary & Co., 18 Jan. 1762. On 28 May GW wrote to Robert Cary & Co. :...
ALS : New York Public Library; copy (incomplete): Scottish Record Office It gives me Pleasure to...
AL (incomplete): Royal Society of Edinburgh; printed in full in Essays and Observations, Physical...
MS not found; reprinted from The Royal Society, Philosophical Transactions , LII (1761–62),...
AL : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Mr. Brown’s compliments to Benj. Franklin Esqr. and...
By way of Whiteha[ve]n I am furnished with an oppertunity of desiring the favour of you to place...
At Doctr Walker’s In Albermarle Coty My Dear Sir Janry 25th 1762. Soon after our last very...
ALS : Scottish Record Office I was encourag’d by your Favour of the 22d. of November, to hope...
4314[January 1762] (Washington Papers)
Note. Killed this 27th. of Jany. —18 hogs of abt. 15 Months old—and for an experiment weighed...
4315[Diary entry: 27 January 1762] (Washington Papers)
Note. Killed this 27th. of Jany. —18 hogs of abt. 15 Months old—and for an experiment weighed...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je ne puis vous exprimer tout le plaisir que m’a causé La...
AL : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Mr. Brown’s Compliments to B. Franklin Esqr. and...
MS not found; reprinted from The Royal Society, Philosophical Transactions , LII (1761–62), p....
Letterbook copy: Yale University Library Notwithstanding thro the Fate of War I suppose all my...
4320[February 1762] (Washington Papers)
9. Began Plowing for Oats. 20. Rented George Ashfords Plantn. to Nelson Kelly for 1000 lbs. Tobo....