Adams Papers

From John Adams to Ann Frances Bulkeley Humphreys, 14 July 1819

Quincy July 14th 1819

dear Madam

your reccommendation alone would have been surficient <apology for me> Authority for me to sign my name to the recommendation of Mr Frances Coffin a Brother of our friend Mrs Derby to be Consul at Lima—tho the other names already signed to that reccommendation <we> being among the most respectable in the state, would have been amply surficient without mine—when the extreme heat of the weather is over—I hope to have the honor of a Visit from you, I should have long since have had the pleasure of paying my respects to you at Mount Vernon—but indisposition has <[. . .]> therto prevented it—

Our friend Tudor, has followed so many of our other friends that the number of mine is reduced very low—

I am Madam with the sincerest respect and / affection, your obliged and affectionate / friend,

John Adams

MHi: Adams Family Papers, Letterbooks.

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