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Results 4271-4280 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
Impressed with the importance of union in sentiment and action at the present momentous crises of Public Affairs, We the second Battalion of the Militia of Prince George think it our duty to come forward with assurances of our cordial approbation of every measure you have adopted to preserve peace and restore a good understanding with the French Republic— Warmly attached to the cause of...
I have the honour to transmit herewith a Letter from the Comptroller of the Treasury dated the Second instant, with the Abstract required by the fourth section of the Act entitled “An Act relative to the Compensations of certain Officers employed in the Collection of the duties of Import and Tonnage” passed February 14th. 1795.— I have the honour to be / With perfect respect / Sir, / Your...
I enclose you a small publication which contains an account of a new auxillary or palliative remedy for madness. It will serve perhaps be acceptable to some of your medical friends. You will I have no doubt amuse yourself and your fire side by wishing that it could be applied for the relief of napoleon,—George the third, and all the mad federalists & democrats in our country.— From Dear Sir /...
We beg leave to recommend William Lee Alexander Esquire of North Carolina as a person highly qualified to fill the office of Circuit Judge and to express a wish that this Appointment May be conferred upon him We have the honor to be / with great respect / your Mo Obedt / humble Servant MHi : Adams Papers.
It is with the greatest pleasure that I will forward your correspondence, and that I accept the offers you so kindly extend to me and which perfectly match our Minister’s views. I can assure you of his pleasure in giving his approval to publish in the Mercure everything that shall come from such a good pen. And you must rest assured that your name will be kept a secret from all except the...
Monsieur Weibert who was orderd by Congress to this Post has requested me to apply in his Behalf to you for Rank and pay in our Army; and has desird me to give you my Opinion of his Conduct and Services. Monsieur Weibert is in my Opinion a Gentleman of much Knowledge in his profession. He has been very, attentive to the perfecting this post and has never absented himself One Hour from his Duty...
Your Favour of the 30 Nov came to hand last Evening for which I most sincerely thank you. I wrote to you the 15: Nov. which I hope you have received. Your Observations of the Necessity of establishing a respectable Army are in my Judgment Very Proper. Congress have impowered Genl. Washington to raise 16 Battalions in Addition to those Already granted and 3,000 Cavalry. Also have given the...
Whereas the happy Moment is arrived that the united States of America are or in Short shall be acknowledged as Free and Independent by the States of these United Provinces, and that in Consequence thereof a Treaty of Commerce, Trade and Navigation is to be made between the aforesaid States, by which the Commerce, Trade and Navigation shall increase and florish more and more, And as different...
I have just received the enclosed letter and address. General Badgley of Hampton, lives near Baltimore, is one of the wealthiest men in the state of Maryland, and at the same time, influential and respectable. With the sincerest attachment / and respect, I am Sir / your faithful & / obt. st. Perhaps you may remember my putting an address into your hands the day before you left Philada to which...
The canvass of the votes for Senators for this district and for Members of Assembly to Represent the City of New York was finished yesterday by the Statement I send you herewith you will perceive that the politics of this State have begun to run in a vigorous stream in the proper channel. M r Burr is by this time pretty well convinced that his popularity is much less than he had fondly...