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Results 4261-4290 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
To George Washington President ⟨mutilated⟩ States, the Memorial & Petition of the Subscrib ⟨mutilated⟩ Inhabitants of the Township of Bellpre, in the County of Washington, & Territory northwes⟨t⟩ of the River Ohio, humbly sheweth— That your Petitioners have fo⟨r⟩med a settlement upon the said Ohio River; beginning at a point opposite to the mouth of the little Kanhaway: extending eleven Miles...
Yours of May 27. is recieved and I now supply the omission of my former letter by stating that it is double rolled sheet iron which I have occasion for. I have this moment recieved a letter from my workman at Monticello stating his want of the iron below described. as this want is immediate, I should be glad you could put the iron on board the first vessel going to Richmond. it will be...
Amidst the general Joy and Congratulations of my fellow-Citizens on your Excellencys Appointment to the Presidency of the United States, permit me to express the mingled Emotions, which I feel, on the interesting occasion. While on the one hand, I am animated with Joy, that my Country has been blessed with so happy an Event, on the other I cant but feel a degree of anxiety that after so many...
Letter not found. February 1785, Williamsburg . This letter informed JM that the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws had been conferred upon him by “the University of William & Mary.” See JM to Wythe, 15 April 1785 .
ALS and LS : American Philosophical Society I take the liberty of troubling your Excellency with information of an accident which lately happened to some Bills of Exchange drawn by the Commissioner for the time being at the Court of Versailles. The fourth Bills of four sets were delivered to a gentleman in Philada. to be taken to Borden Town in order to procure a continuation of the set as it...
The situation in which I have left Colo. Nichs. Lewis leaves me not without pain and doubt for the event of his disease. I hope the best, but it may turn out otherwise. Besides the general loss which will be sustained by such a death, mine will be particularly great, as I have left all my affairs in his hands. The letters I receive from the President are so pressing to go on to New York that I...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; copy: National Archives <On board the Providence , Brest, August 19, 1778: I wrote you from Paimboeuf on July 31; since then the Boston joined me and on Aug. 8 we proceeded in company to Brest, delayed by unfavorable winds until the 14th. I found here that Lt. Simpson had obeyed my orders of July 24th in quickly preparing for sea. But I was surprised to...
M r Garrett has just had the misfortune to lose his youngest child . It is the request of M rs Garrett , many of whose connections have been buried there, that you will permit his remains to be deposited in the burial ground at Monticello . In his affliction M r Garrett has desired me to present the request to you— RC
22 October 1801, Cap Français . No. 13. Encloses decree of Toussaint opening some ports to neutrals. Has been too busy to make an intended trip to Port Républicain. Has received a letter from British agent Corbet complaining that American vessels clear from Jamaica for the U.S. then come to Saint-Domingue to buy produce with Jamaican profits. Has not replied in full but only stated that the...
I embrace this opportunity, My Dear Friend, by Mr. Marshall, to tell you that my health which had suffered a severe shock by an attack of the malignant disease lately prevalent here is now almost completely restored. The last vestige of it has been a nervous derangement; but this has nearly yielded to Regimen, a certain degree of exercise and a resolution to overcome it. The political...
I Have Been Honoured with your favor of the 14th and while I am to thank you for the pains You took of Acquainting me with particulars Relative to Col. Ross, I feel a sincere pleasure in this opportunity to Continue our Correspondance. The Honor of Hearing from you Shall Ever Be wellcome, and I Beg leave from time to time to present You with the Camp Gazette, and with the assurance of My...
I this day receiv’d Your Excellencys Letter of the 27th of April and have laid the same before the General Assembly now convend in this place—A Committee is appointed to take the Subject matter thereof into consideration and will report to the present Session When effectual Measures will be taken for Levelling the Works around Newport Agreable to Your request. I must beg your Excellency to...
I have the honour, Sir, to send you a copy of an Arret passed in Council, for encouraging the Commerce of the United States of America in France. I shall furnish you with a number of others as soon as they shall be printed. You will therein see that several considerable favors, not before promised to the American Commerce, have been added to those which the king announced to you, in the letter...
I have the Honor to transmit to you, Copies of a Memorial of sundry Officers of the Invalid Regiment, and the Opinion of a Board of Inspection on their several Cases; which you will be pleased to lay before Congress for their Consideration & Determination. With great Regard and Esteem I have the Honor to be Dear Sir Your most Obedient & humble Servant, DNA : Item 149, Letters and Reports from...
Will you allow me to recall to your y m ind one, whom a long absence may have almost obliterated from your reccollection,—One, who never had any claim to your kind regard, but what she derived from a sensibility to that worth, which once to know, is never to forget.—Yes dear Sir, for the enthusiasm inspired by great talents, or the veneration from g awaken’d by the union of great virtue, to...
The two foregoing covered two letters from Mr. Erving, and i n closed go the two which accompanied them that he desired me to send by a different conveyance. There has been considerable rumours here for several days past, as I mentioned in my last that the Emperor Napoleon had required that the ports of Portugal should be shut against the Commerce of Gt. Britain. This is however absolutely...
4277General Orders, 14 June 1778 (Washington Papers)
In General Orders of the 12th instant the Commissary General of Issues was, thro’ mistake inserted instead of the Commissary General of Purchases, who is to observe said order. Varick transcript , DLC:GW .
The books mentioned in your letter of Jan. 25. are safely recieved. in your Catalogue No. 3. pa. 25. I observe the following which be pleased to send. ✓ Arabia seu &c } edit. Elzevir in 32mo. ✓ Descriptio Africae ✓ Bohemiae ✓ Galliae ✓ Germaniae ✓ Hungariae ✓ Leudiens
427928th. (Adams Papers)
Mr. Williams, this day, gave us, the first Lecture, upon Experimental Philosophy. It was upon the Properties of Matter, as Extension, Divisibility, Solidity, Mobility, figure , and Vis Inertiae. After the Lecture was over, he told us, the Regulations, which were, that the Door should be lock’d at the beginning of the Lectures; that there should be no whispering, nor spitting on the floor, and...
To the Honl. The Speaker and Delegates of the Common Wealth of Virginia. The Petition of Thomas Johnson Jun. humbly shewith that your petitioner was appointed a Captain in the County of Louisa and raised his quota of men and when he was about to march to Join his Ridgment, was obliged to hire a Cart and two Stears of Charles Yancey to carry his mens baggage &c. as far as Carrs bridge and after...
4281[Diary entry: 10 March 1797] (Washington Papers)
10. Dined & lodged at Elkton. Tolerably pleasant all day. “At Elkton . . . Hollingsworth’s is a quiet orderly Tavern, with good beds, and well in other respects” ( GW to Elizabeth Willing Powel, 26 Mar. 1797 , ViMtvL ). “We encountered no adventures of any kind, & saw nothing uncommon, except the light Horse of Delaware, & Maryland, who insisted upon attending us through their states” (Eleanor...
Your favor of the 16th. was recieved on the 20th. the post having departed the day before as usual. you ask what shall be done with Shadwell? there was a wish in mr Tom Esting Randolph to have rented it. mr T M Randolph can tell whether he now wishes it. if not, let it to some one tenant, if you please, subject to my approbation which can be asked in a fortnight always. I say to some one...
The last subject before the H. of Reps. was a Bill revising the Naturalization law, which from its defects & the progress of things in Europe was exposing us to very serious inconveniences. The Bill requires 1. A probationary residence of 5 instead of 2 years, with a formal declaration on oath of the intention 3 years at least prior to the admission. 2. an oath of abjuration , as well as of...
I recieved from Genl. Wilkinson, on the 23d. inst. his affidavit charging Samuel Swartwout, Peter V. Ogden, and James Alexander with the crimes described in the affidavit, a copy of which is now communicated to both houses of Congress. It was announced to me at the same time that Swartwout & Bollman, two of the persons apprehended by him, were arrived in this city, in custody each of a...
I recd Yours of the 2d last Night & must refer You to mine of the 5th which I sent You by Express, & doubt not You will receive at Fort Loudoun; The pressing Letter from Govr Littleton makes it absolutely necessary to send 200 of our Regimt to his Assistance; & I must therefore repeat my Orders for their march to Fredericksburg, & I hope they will be there by the 20th of this Month & I am...
7 April 1802, Paris. Notes that the letter JM wrote him from Virginia on 25 Aug. 1801 could not have been more favorable to him. His passage from New York to Lorient and his arrival in Paris made him aware of his good fortune in having merited JM’s commendation. The Americans and the French are very pleased with these evidences of JM’s kindness and esteem; moreover, they value the one who is...
4287[Diary entry: 9 October 1781] (Washington Papers)
9th. About 3 o’clock P.M. the French opened a battery on our extreme left, of 4 Sixteen pounders, and Six Morters & Hawitzers and at 5 oclock an American battery of Six 18s & 24s; four Morters & 2 Hawitzers, began to play from the extremity of our right—both with good effect as they compelled the Enemy to withdraw from their ambrazures the Pieces which had previously kept up a constant firing....
When we contemplate the near approach of your retirement from public to private Life, as announced to your Fellow Citizens, in your Address of the 17th of September last; we should be wanting in duty to our own feelings, and those of our Constituents, if we did not cordially embrace this last occasion, to join the grateful Voice of the American Nation, in the Acknowledgment of your long...
[ New York ] January 1, 1798 . “Permit me to request your attention to the case of Bull agt Armstrong & Barnewall.…” ALS , Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress. Bogert was a New York City attorney. This is a reference to the case of Henry Bull v William Armstrong and George Barnwall . For a discussion of this case, along with the relevant documents, see Goebel, Law Practice Julius Goebel, Jr.,...
Morristown, 22 Jan. 1780 . Acknowledges TJ’s letter of 16 Dec. 1779, which did not come to hand until 16 Jan. Will give proper consideration to applications from the enemy for flag-of-truce vessels to the Chesapeake. Has communicated Col. Bland’s case to Congress. Dft ( DLC : Washington Papers); 2p. In hand of James McHenry; endorsed. Printed: Washington, Writings , ed. Fitzpatrick, xvii ,...