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Results 4261-4310 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
Since I had the pleasure of seeing You last, I have conversed with my Father on the plan you proposed to me of going into the Service; and tho’ we were both very sensible of the kindness of your Offer, and should have preferred the Office You engaged to procure me to any other Post, I could have expected to obtain, yet he seemed averse to my joining the Army on any Conditions at present. He...
I thought that I should postpone answering the letter of 18 December, which Your Excellency did me the honor to send, until I could give you an account of the success of my efforts in the execution of your orders. I neglected nothing, but am mortified to find that all my pains have been insufficient and it has been impossible to prepare things as promptly as Your Excellency wished for his...
In a letter which I had the honour to write you dated the 22d inst. I submitted the names of Messrs. Tracy and Badger for Lieutenancies in the Regiment commanded by Lt. Colonel Taylor. I received this morning the inclosed letter from the honourable Mr. Tracy, by which it would appear, that one of these gentlemen may answer better for the Provisional army, and that it is doubtful whether the...
When the dispute between America & the English ministry, first commenced; I summon’d a meeting of Americans and planters, in order to frame a petition against the measures, then agitated; it was sign’d by us and presented to each branch of the Legislature— after the war broke out, I wrote to the People of England under the signature of the Man of Ross, & inforced the doctrine of peace, and...
Your letter of the 28th was handed to me yesterday. That, which you did me the honor to write to me at Lexington, went thither in the mail and returned before I received it. I should have answered it immediately, had I not intended every day to get an early opportunity to make you a visit at Quincy. My wishes on this subject have been controled by the series of preparations which I have been...
I Hope this will meet you in good Health at Nantes and that you will find every thing there Agreable to your Wishes. By the Mail from England we learn Lord Norths Plan for raising the Money already voted. 1stly. a Surcharge of 5 per Cent on the Amount of all the Articles of the Duties of Excise and Customs, except, Beer, Soap, Candles and Hides *2dly. 9d. per Stage for last Horse in Post...
(domestic News) I have received by the packet some Medals inclosed in a Letter directed for You for which I paid 16/8 & shall not open it til I receive Your instructions I this day received a Basket sealed up & directed for You, as I suspected it was some sort of Game I resolved in the presence of D r. John Jebb to commit an act of felony & break the Seals, with an intent for D r. Jebb to seal...
I have the honour to acknowledge the President’s Letter of July 22d:—The Commission for Colo. Smith as Surveyor of the Port of New York was received and directed by me to be transmitted soon after my arrival at this place—His acknowledgment of the Commission was received about ten days since.— Presuming that it was the President’s intention that the usual commission of Inspector of the Revenue...
I have the honour to inclose, a submission to the Heads of Departments, in conformity with your letter of the 19th of June Ulto, and the answers thereto dated the 3d. 6th and 9th of July inst. I shall only observe, that it appears from the files of the proceedings of courts martial—during our revolutionary war, that the practice was not uniform, to mention on the face of the proceedings, the...
I am desired by Mr J Cartwright, whom I beleive you know by his writings, a firm honest & inflexible man in the cause of Freedom & a sincere friend to the true interests of America, by him I am requested to introduce two young men to some persons in America it occurred to me that your disposition & situation in life might be of service to them, Mark & Robert Denison. Their Father “Mr Denison...
Impressed with the importance of union in sentiment and action at the present momentous crises of Public Affairs, We the second Battalion of the Militia of Prince George think it our duty to come forward with assurances of our cordial approbation of every measure you have adopted to preserve peace and restore a good understanding with the French Republic— Warmly attached to the cause of...
I have the honour to transmit herewith a Letter from the Comptroller of the Treasury dated the Second instant, with the Abstract required by the fourth section of the Act entitled “An Act relative to the Compensations of certain Officers employed in the Collection of the duties of Import and Tonnage” passed February 14th. 1795.— I have the honour to be / With perfect respect / Sir, / Your...
I enclose you a small publication which contains an account of a new auxillary or palliative remedy for madness. It will serve perhaps be acceptable to some of your medical friends. You will I have no doubt amuse yourself and your fire side by wishing that it could be applied for the relief of napoleon,—George the third, and all the mad federalists & democrats in our country.— From Dear Sir /...
We beg leave to recommend William Lee Alexander Esquire of North Carolina as a person highly qualified to fill the office of Circuit Judge and to express a wish that this Appointment May be conferred upon him We have the honor to be / with great respect / your Mo Obedt / humble Servant MHi : Adams Papers.
It is with the greatest pleasure that I will forward your correspondence, and that I accept the offers you so kindly extend to me and which perfectly match our Minister’s views. I can assure you of his pleasure in giving his approval to publish in the Mercure everything that shall come from such a good pen. And you must rest assured that your name will be kept a secret from all except the...
Monsieur Weibert who was orderd by Congress to this Post has requested me to apply in his Behalf to you for Rank and pay in our Army; and has desird me to give you my Opinion of his Conduct and Services. Monsieur Weibert is in my Opinion a Gentleman of much Knowledge in his profession. He has been very, attentive to the perfecting this post and has never absented himself One Hour from his Duty...
Your Favour of the 30 Nov came to hand last Evening for which I most sincerely thank you. I wrote to you the 15: Nov. which I hope you have received. Your Observations of the Necessity of establishing a respectable Army are in my Judgment Very Proper. Congress have impowered Genl. Washington to raise 16 Battalions in Addition to those Already granted and 3,000 Cavalry. Also have given the...
Whereas the happy Moment is arrived that the united States of America are or in Short shall be acknowledged as Free and Independent by the States of these United Provinces, and that in Consequence thereof a Treaty of Commerce, Trade and Navigation is to be made between the aforesaid States, by which the Commerce, Trade and Navigation shall increase and florish more and more, And as different...
I have just received the enclosed letter and address. General Badgley of Hampton, lives near Baltimore, is one of the wealthiest men in the state of Maryland, and at the same time, influential and respectable. With the sincerest attachment / and respect, I am Sir / your faithful & / obt. st. Perhaps you may remember my putting an address into your hands the day before you left Philada to which...
The canvass of the votes for Senators for this district and for Members of Assembly to Represent the City of New York was finished yesterday by the Statement I send you herewith you will perceive that the politics of this State have begun to run in a vigorous stream in the proper channel. M r Burr is by this time pretty well convinced that his popularity is much less than he had fondly...
The inclosed copy of a letter to the Accountant for the department of War, dated the 11th: instant, with his answer of the same date, is respectfully submitted for your consideration. I have been induced to make this representation from the Accountant’s having refused to countersign a Warrant drawn by me agreeably, as I conceived, to my powers, and the practice of the Office; of the general...
If Capt. Talbott persists in declining the Command of the Constitution—I presume Capt. Sever will be quite equal to that service. For my own part, I have thought very highly of him, from his correspondence, and Capt. Murray informs me, that there was hardly a Vessel in our service, where better discipline was kept up than in the Herald, which he attributed in a great degree, to the good...
I have the honor to inform you, that there has lately been published in the Boston Gazettes, a letter signed “Timothy Pickering”, addressed “to P Johnston Esqr of Prince Edward County, (Virginia,) dated the 29th of September last; wherein Mr Pickering, speaking of the dispatches of the Envoys, says, “that Mr. Tallyrand affects an utter ignorance of the person, designated in the dispatches, by...
Mrs: Bradford & myself arrived here on friday Evening last—among the principal Objects we had in View in this long Journey, the honor of waiting on Mrs. Adams & your self was one. As the distance is so considerable, and the disappointment would be great, should you be from home, will you be so kind as to drop one a line by the Post, to let us know if you will be at home, the begining of the...
I had the honour of receiving your letter which you were so good as to write to me, yesterday—& beg leave to assure you that I feel in the approbation which you have been pleased to bestow upon my letters a great reward, Sir, at least, most anxious moments, & zealous endeavours in the service of my country—The times in my view of things, have been, & still continue tremendous—They will Sir be...
In addition to the papers I sometime ago sent you, relative to the encroachments made upon our Eastern boundary by our Neighbours of New Brunswick, I have the honor of transmitting to your Excellency copies of other Letters & papers upon the same subject— By Mess rs. Smith & Bowles’s Deposition it appears, that the Province of New Brunswick is by its Charter bounded on the Western shore of...
Mr S. Codmans Respects to the President of the United States, and takes the liberty to inclose two Letters to the Secretary of State on the Subject of the Capture of his & mr Head’s property by the Spaniards , & French, when Mr Codman had the honour to see the President at quincey he mentioned there circumstances & the President was so good as to say if mr. C. would leave the Letters with him...
a destrest person takes this opportunity to write to You, pleading an excuse, for so doing. I have serv’d the United State to the best of my abilityes in procureing the Condemnation of the Ship Niac which has ben imploy’d in the Slave traid & by which a considerable sum accrues to the United States and not being intitled by existing Laws to any compensation for my exurtions I have by advice of...
May we thank Yoúr Excellency for the Obligations she was so kind as to retúrn ús by Mr. Thaxter. The best way we foúnd to remedy the doúble númbers we have send to yoúr ExcellencŸ, would be that Mr. Thaxter númberd oúrs again conformably in Cifer under oúr written númbers, and signd them. We had the honoúr to forward yoúr Excellency; No. 21 to 30, those may easily be Alterd in the Cifers we...
It is with great pleasure I hear that my brother is appointed to speak the town Oration, on the fourth of July next. It would give me infinite satisfaction to hear him, but as I cannot, I request a few copies if they can be procured, as soon as they appear in print. Confined as he must be, by the shackles which are, I think erroniously, imposed upon those who have this duty to perform; I have...
Vous aurez reçu aujourd’hui, par un Courier de Mr. l’Amb. de f ce. parti Samedi 24 e après dîner ma Lettre du 24 e. , qui est de la derniere importance pour ceux de la part de qui je l’ai écrite, & sur laquelle ils languissent de recevoir votre réponse, parce que l’effet qu’ils s’en promettent est seul capable, à leurs yeux, de réparer l’énorme & impardonnable faute (c’est l’expression adoucie...
I Take this opportunity Just to advise You that if Your Congress will Appoint Capt. Job Prince (the Father) to the Command of one of the Continental frigates, he will Accept. His Great Abilities as A Seaman and Long Experience both in Mercantile and War Vessels Make no sort of Recomendation Necessary to You Who have Long known him as a foremost Man in the Character of an Able Seaman &c. His...
I delay’d to write you a few lines—to congratulate you cordially on the happy arrival of the 30th of Oct—and join your Relatives and frends in celebrating the anniversary of your 89 Birthday fostering the hope, that before this time I might have Seen a happy desired conclusion in our Legislature—with regard to the Presidential election—But the caucus-cabal thus far disappointed me in my ardent...
I am honored by your letters of the 7th and 8th instant. The satisfaction which you are pleased to express at my acceptance of the mission, is the most flattering circumstance of my political concerns. I have taken passage in the ship Union for Rotterdam, & expect to sail in ten days; having notified Mr Pinckney by two vessels which are to sail this day & tomorrow, of this circumstance, & of...
At the last Term of the Supreme Judicial Court held at Ipswich came upon Trial the Celebrated Cause of John Murray vs the Inhabitants of Gloucester— (This Murray is known by the Name of Salvation Murray, to contradistinguish him from another of the same Name, who preaches a very opposite Doctrine, and is known by the Name of Damnation Murray.) M r. Murray about a twelvemonth agone brought an...
I am hurt by your unexpected & I think unmerited resentment this morning, for I had not the most distant intention to give offence So many reflections have passed on the expenses of my office, I have redoubled my exertions to keep them as moderate as the nature of business will permit. I did accordingly at the close of the last Session agree with Mr. Heysham to bring up the business of the...
At lenght I take again mÿ pen, to assure you of the high respect, with which I am So fortunate to feel mÿ bosom glow for the un-appreciated blessings, which you have bestowed on a dear an ungrateful Countrÿ, for the kindness, which with you continue to honour your old frend—and what less can I return to the man, of whom a Washington declared, that none could more cordially than himself approve...
I had the Honour of Writing your Exc y: under the 26 ult o. Giving a Short Explaination of the Commerce of this place and its connections with the Northeren States. I also took the Liberty of Requesting a few lines of Introduction to Some of the Merchants your friends in Boston Marble Head Salem, &c, by which Means we May facillitate and Augment Very Much The fish Tread in that Quarter Being...
My Commission of Governor of the Territory of the united States north west of the Ohio will expire on the 9th. day of next month. A considerable time ago, I informed the late President that it was my intention to decline being appointed again, which he may probably have communicated to You. Various causes (but particularly a broken Constitution and a broken Fortune, both of them expended in...
Sans vouloir rien opposer aux bonnes raisons que vous donnez dans votre faveur du 12e. pour la prompte publication de la Résolution du Congrès, j’aurois voulu au moins avoir pu pourtant la différer d’un ordinaire, pour les raisons que j’ai eu l’honneur de vous dire: et la Copie imprimée que vous avez, eût été un garant suffisant pour la démarche que j’aurois faite, pour vous faire entrer dès à...
When a young man I read Sidney upon government. In one of his Chapters, he agitates the following question—“Whether A civil War, or slavery be the greatest evil” and decides in favor of the Latter. In ing and revolving that Subject in my mind, I have been led to suppose there are evils more afflicting and injurious to a Country than a foreign War. The principal evil of War is death. Now Vice I...
I could not omit so favourable an opportunity as the present of writing you a line by Mr. Warren who is upon his travells, and tis not unlikely may take France in his way. I know the welfare of your family so essential to your happiness, that I would improve every means of assureing you of it, and of communicating to you the pleasure I have had in receiving every Letter you have written since...
Je Serois bien flatté, Si j’etois le premier a Vous informer, que les Etats de la Prove. d’Utrecht ont pris hier unanimement la Resolution de concourir avec les Autres Provinces à Votre admission, comme Ministre Plenipot. du Congres des Prov. Unies de l’Amer­ ique; Je viens d’en recevoir la nouvelle de Mon frere, Membre du Tiers Etat de la dite Province: Je profite toujours de cette occasion...
Hereto adjoined is a copy of a Circular, which we have addressed to each Member of both Houses of Congress. The work therein suggested, we consider important to the public; and further, feel little anxiety for the result.—We deem it respectful to trouble you with our views on the subject, as if the work be undertaken, we shall ask with confidence your advice and direction as to the authorities...
There is very generally, so little attention paid to anonymous letters, that I have little to hope; but the present occasion to is so unprecedented, that I cannot avoid giving way to the impulse of the moment, and have therefore acted accordingly. Conscious of the rectitude of my intentions, and convinced that I am barely doing my duty, I feel little repugnance at betraying the horrid designs...
Ce matin le Concert avec la France, et la Mediation ont été résolus aux Etats d’Hollde en même temps. C’est une Singuliere Cuisine qui peut assaisonner, et un singulier Estomac qui peut avaler et digérer des choses si peu compâtibles. La Médiation est acceptée saufs les droits de la rep. à la neutralité armée; selon la resolution, on doit aussi donner connoissance de la Négociation pour la...
In your favor of 26th November last, you say “that you venture to say that about a third of the people of the Colonies were against the Revolution.” It required much reflection before I could fix my opinion on this subject; but, on mature deliberation, I conclude you are right, and that more than a third of influential characters were against it. The opposition consisted chiefly of the...
This will be handed to you by Robert Page esquire who succeeds me in Congress for the District composed of Frederick & Berkeley Counties; who I beg leave to introduce to you as a gentleman. He is a man of real information and a great supporter of the happy Government we live under, and I dare say you will find Mr. Page on further acquaintance worthy of your confidence. I hope you continue...
May it not displease yoúr Excellency that by this present we tútch upon the unhappy afair of St. Eústacia, we do realy pity them who will be loosers thereby, as it will be a terrible stroke and rúin many people, thank heaven oúr own loss and that of oúr frinds can not be by farr so great in this moment then it could have been; and we would willingly have sacrificd a múch larger Súmm in Case we...
It is some time since, I Wrote you, and I some times think I am culpable in not doing it more frequently, But my Apology to my self is, that it operates as a Tax upon your politeness, for a reply,—Be this as it may, you may be assured that seldom a Day passes, but I think of you, and it will afford me real pleasure to hear from you.—This World is yet in a troubled State—and in much confusion...