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Results 4261-4270 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
Since I had the pleasure of seeing You last, I have conversed with my Father on the plan you proposed to me of going into the Service; and tho’ we were both very sensible of the kindness of your Offer, and should have preferred the Office You engaged to procure me to any other Post, I could have expected to obtain, yet he seemed averse to my joining the Army on any Conditions at present. He...
I thought that I should postpone answering the letter of 18 December, which Your Excellency did me the honor to send, until I could give you an account of the success of my efforts in the execution of your orders. I neglected nothing, but am mortified to find that all my pains have been insufficient and it has been impossible to prepare things as promptly as Your Excellency wished for his...
In a letter which I had the honour to write you dated the 22d inst. I submitted the names of Messrs. Tracy and Badger for Lieutenancies in the Regiment commanded by Lt. Colonel Taylor. I received this morning the inclosed letter from the honourable Mr. Tracy, by which it would appear, that one of these gentlemen may answer better for the Provisional army, and that it is doubtful whether the...
When the dispute between America & the English ministry, first commenced; I summon’d a meeting of Americans and planters, in order to frame a petition against the measures, then agitated; it was sign’d by us and presented to each branch of the Legislature— after the war broke out, I wrote to the People of England under the signature of the Man of Ross, & inforced the doctrine of peace, and...
Your letter of the 28th was handed to me yesterday. That, which you did me the honor to write to me at Lexington, went thither in the mail and returned before I received it. I should have answered it immediately, had I not intended every day to get an early opportunity to make you a visit at Quincy. My wishes on this subject have been controled by the series of preparations which I have been...
I Hope this will meet you in good Health at Nantes and that you will find every thing there Agreable to your Wishes. By the Mail from England we learn Lord Norths Plan for raising the Money already voted. 1stly. a Surcharge of 5 per Cent on the Amount of all the Articles of the Duties of Excise and Customs, except, Beer, Soap, Candles and Hides *2dly. 9d. per Stage for last Horse in Post...
(domestic News) I have received by the packet some Medals inclosed in a Letter directed for You for which I paid 16/8 & shall not open it til I receive Your instructions I this day received a Basket sealed up & directed for You, as I suspected it was some sort of Game I resolved in the presence of D r. John Jebb to commit an act of felony & break the Seals, with an intent for D r. Jebb to seal...
I have the honour to acknowledge the President’s Letter of July 22d:—The Commission for Colo. Smith as Surveyor of the Port of New York was received and directed by me to be transmitted soon after my arrival at this place—His acknowledgment of the Commission was received about ten days since.— Presuming that it was the President’s intention that the usual commission of Inspector of the Revenue...
I have the honour to inclose, a submission to the Heads of Departments, in conformity with your letter of the 19th of June Ulto, and the answers thereto dated the 3d. 6th and 9th of July inst. I shall only observe, that it appears from the files of the proceedings of courts martial—during our revolutionary war, that the practice was not uniform, to mention on the face of the proceedings, the...
I am desired by Mr J Cartwright, whom I beleive you know by his writings, a firm honest & inflexible man in the cause of Freedom & a sincere friend to the true interests of America, by him I am requested to introduce two young men to some persons in America it occurred to me that your disposition & situation in life might be of service to them, Mark & Robert Denison. Their Father “Mr Denison...