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Results 4261-4290 of 184,431 sorted by author
I thank you, my dear Sir for the promptitude of your Answer to my last Letter, and for inclosing the misterious one to you, which however has every Appearance of honesty about it. My Daughter Started the Idea that it might be our Friend Wm. Smith of Charlestown who married Miss Izzard: but the Date of the Letter is New York. My Daughter, upon my Receipt of your Letter wrote to her Husband on...
42621775. Decr. 10. Sunday. (Adams Papers)
Rode from Bristol to Trenton, breakfasted, rode to Princetown, and dined with a Captain Flahaven, in Ld. Sterlings Regiment, who has been express to Congress from his Lordship. Flahaven’s Father lives in this Province. He has lived in Maryland. Says that the Virginia Convention granting the Scotch Petition to be neutral has done all the Mischief and been the Support of Lord Dunmore. He says...
The United States of America in Congress assembled. To the Honble. John Adams Esquire Greeting. Whereas by our commission to the Honble. Henry Laurens Esqr. bearing date the thirtieth day of October in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy nine, we have constituted and appointed him the said Henry Laurens during our pleasure, our Agent for and on behalf of the said United...
Although it would do no good to excite your Tears or my own, by Allusions to your late Afflictions or mine; I Sincerely condole and Sympathize with you. Instead of bewailing the past, it is better to think of the future, and Serve our Generation, as well as We can by the feeble Forces and few days that may be lent Us. I know of nothing better that I can attempt at this moment in this Way, than...
I have, just now received your favour of the 6th. Who, pray, has injured the Character of Commodore John Paul Jones? and in what manner? It would give me Pleasure to furnish any Evidence in my Power in vindication of his Character against any Injury: but I have no recollection of any Acknowledgement of Jones himself, that his Surname was Paul, though I remember that the English Publications...
Your two Letters of the 5th. of May I have recieved with more pleasure than You can imagine. They are the first Lines I have recieved from Philadelphia. Your Letter prepared my mind for the horrid History We have since recieved in the Court Gazette from London of the Surrender of Charlestown. This is the severest Blow We ever recieved. Yet We shall soon get over it. I hope it will arouse the...
At first I intended to encumber your paper with no Documents but such as were absolutely necessary for my own vindication. But as the peace with France in eighteen hundred was not only an event of great importance in itself, but produced demonstrations of the prejudices, passions, views, designs and systems of parties, more perhaps than any other; I hope you will allow me room for such other...
Page 21. The Abby Raynal Says “Les Habitants de Boston detruisirent, dans le Port meme, trois Cargaisons de Thé qui arrivoient d’Europe.” As the opposition to the landing, and Consumption of the Tea and the Payment of the Taxes upon it, was the immediate occasion of this War, and all the vast Chain of great Events, which have succeeded, this Business ought to be Stated in great detail, and...
I have carefully read all the applications & recommendations for the office of collector of Norfolk & although the list of candidates is numerous and their pretensions respectable I think I discover sufficient reasons in the papers to concur with you in opinion that Col William Davis ought to be appointed and pray you to send him a commission accordingly. His letters have a strong character of...
Amsterdam, December 25, 1781—wrote to congress: “There has appeared an ulterior declaration, in addition to the ordinances of the thirtieth of April and the third of November concerning the navigation and the maritime commerce of the subjects of Prussia, during the present war. The ordinances, which the king has caused to be published of the 30th of April and third of November of this year,...
The letter herewith transmitted will inform you that it has pleased Divine Providence to remove from this life our excellent fellow-citizen George Washington, by the purity of his character, and a long series of services to his country, rendered illustrious through the world. It remains for an affectionate and grateful people, in whose hearts he can never die, to pay suitable honors to his...
AL (draft): Massachusetts Historical Society The Day before Yesterday, were brought to my House, Fifty one Bills of Exchange, amounting to 40958 B. f. [Banco florins] all drawn on the 22 June 1781 at Six months Sight, on the Honble Henry Laurens Esqr, in favour of Mr John Ross. This is a Pheenomenon which none but you Philosphers can explain, at least, I can think of but one Hypothesis, which...
I have received your kind letter of the 12 March instant—the contents of which are entirely satisfactory to me. Your memory is quite as particular as I could expect any gentleman of the company to retain except myself. I must confess I was very sore on the subject of my mission to France. I was attacked by two armies—a french army & an English army—each working warring upon me to conquer me...
I thank you, dear Sir for your favours of 7. and 20th. Ult. Messrs Everett and Mr Ticknor will have the benefit of your Introductions. Oh! that I had been So introduced when I entered Holland a forlorn Pilgrim in 1780, without a Single Line of Introduction to any body. What a Knighterrant I have been? There has been too much Said about Franklins Plagiarism. If he was guilty, which I do not...
I have this moment written a Message to the Senate nominating you to be an Envoy Extraordinary to the French Republic. Knowing as I did Mr Dana’s aversion to the Sea, and his continual dread of his Mother’s fate, I was always apprehensive he would decline and should have nominated you at first, if I had not been overruled by the opinions of many Gentlemen that Mr. Dana’s Experience in this...
Inclosed are six Passports for American Vessels, one of which You will please to deliver to M r. de Neufville for the Firebrand Capt. Frazier— You will dispose of the rest as You judge proper. There is also inclosed a little Packet directed to You, which You will dispose of as directed requested.— You will accept my Congratulations upon the late addition of a Daughter to your Family— I have a...
I am much obliged by your favor of the 5th, & for your introduction of Aaron Putnam Esqr, with whose person & conversation, I have been much pleased. The preparations for a decisision on the great subject are so advanced, that I hope it will not be postponed much longer. But there are so many great objects involved in the question, and so many considerations, great & small to be attended to,...
I thank you for Dr Ware’s letter to Dr Mc Load which I have read with pleasure, they are worthy of his Father, & his Father in Law—Mc Load’s choice of a Text is in the true Character of a Jesuitical Priest-hood whose maxim is, that it is lawful to lie for pious purposes You must at least have had a pleasant Eevening, on your return from Montezillo—And I rejoice to hear that none of your days...
I have the Honour of transmitting to you, herewith enclosed a certified Copy of an Act of Congress of the 21. of March last, instructing me to communicate to M r St. Saphorin, the high Sense, the United States of America in Congress assembled, entertain of the liberal Decision made by his Danish Majesty, on the Question proposed to his Minister by me, respecting the ordination of American...
4280[February 1772] (Adams Papers)
Have omitted now for 3 months almost to keep any “Note of Time or of its Loss.” Thomas Newcomb dined with me. He says that Etter, the Stocking Weaver, told him about a fortnight ago, that he saw the Governor within these 3 Months, and told him, he hoped the People would be contented and easy now they had a Governor from among themselves. The Governor said, “there were some Discontents...
I dined on Monday at the Presidents with young La Fayette and his Preceptor, Tutor or Friend, whatever they call him, whose Name is Frestel. I asked Them with M r Lear to breakfast with me this Morning and they agreed to come: but last Evening M r Lear came with a Message from The President, to ask my Opinion whether it would be adviseable for the young Gentleman, in the present Circumstances...
I read in the Chronicle some time ago, two Speculations with the signature of a military Countryman, and I read them with great pleasure for two very Substantial reasons, one of which is that I cordially approved and coincided with every Sentiment and every expression in them: the other was that I knew at once that General Heath was the Writer of them. How did you know that? you will ask. I...
Having just heard of a Small Brig bound directly from Nantes to Boston, I write you, one Line. The day before Yesterday, I had a letter from your Uncle S mith by Way of Amsterdam, 26 February. I should advise you to embrace these Opportunities by Way of Spain and Holland, otherwise I shall very seldom hear from you. There are a full Bushell of Letters from me, and your share is among them, on...
I received last night your favor of the thirtieth and am sorry that it is not in my power at present to comply with your request. The address from the protestant Episcopal church in Connecticut which I received and answered with much pleasure I left with the rough draught of the answer in Philadelphia. My papers have been since removed from my house to a place supposed to be of greater safety....
In a A Letter from Alexander Hamilton concerning the Public Conduct and Character of John Adams Esq. President of the United States printed at New York for John Lang, by George F. Hopkins, 1800. Copy right Secured; the Subject of the Negotiation with France in that year is considered. In the twenty fourth page it is Said that “The Session which ensued the Promulgation of the Dispatches of our...
As a few Weeks only intervene between Us and the Meeting of Congress I request the favour of you to turn your Thoughts to the subject of Communications both of Information and Advice necessary to be made to that Body at the opening of the session and in particular to prepare a summary of the Rise Progress , declension and suppression of the Rebellion in Pennsylvania. Every Thing in the Indian...
I pray you to accept my cordial thanks for the rich present of your Memoir, on the Commerce and Navigation of the Black Sea &ca. This work had been read to me throughout, three years ago, and I had long since purchased it if I had known where to find it. It is now the more acceptable to me as the it is a present from the Author. I know of no Monument that has ever yet been erected in America,...
I duely received the Letter, you did me the Honour to write me, on the Subject of a Treaty with Prussia and have communicated it to the Baron de Thuelemeier. The King agrees to take the Treaty with Sweeden for a Model and if your Excellencies have any Alterations to propose I should be obliged to you for the Communication of them. The Baron waits the further Instructions of the King, before he...
Permit me to introduce to your acquaintance The Reverend Thaddeus Mason Harris, the amiable Clergyman of the town of Dorchester, in my neighborhood, who is bound to Europe upon necessary business I know not whether I am not committing an Indiscretion, in presuming upon the small acquaintance with which you honored me in London, to take this Liberty: but I could not resist the Temptation, to...
your reccommendation alone would have been surficient apology for me Authority for me to sign my name to the recommendation of Mr Frances Coffin a Brother of our friend Mrs Derby to be Consul at Lima—tho the other names already signed to that reccommendation we being among the most respectable in the state, would have been amply surficient without mine—when the extreme heat of the weather is...