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Results 4261-4310 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
4261[November 1761] (Adams Papers)
Another Year is come round, and I can recollect still less Reading, than I could last Novr. The Increase of my Business, within 12ve months, has been nothing. I drew fewer Writs last October Court than I drew the October Court before, tho I drew an uncommon Number at both.—Yet I have advanced a few Steps. Have procured my Brother, his office, abated Nathan Spears Writ, Battled it with Capt....
4262Novr. 10th. 1761. (Adams Papers)
Another Year is come round, and I can recollect still less Reading, than I could last Novr. The Increase of my Business, within 12ve months, has been nothing. I drew fewer Writs last October Court than I drew the October Court before, tho I drew an uncommon Number at both.—Yet I have advanced a few Steps. Have procured my Brother, his office, abated Nathan Spears Writ, Battled it with Capt....
4263Novr. 14th. 1761. (Adams Papers)
Brother Quincy and I were Sworn, before the Superiour Court. It is now more than five Years since I began the study of the Law. And it is about three Years, since I was sworn at the Inferiour Court. “Upon a motion made by Jeremy Gridley Esqr. the Oath of an Attorney by the province Law prescribed was administred to Messrs. Samuel Quincy and John Adams in Order to their practising in this...
Letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania Benja. Franklin By Captn. Bradford } Infra Nover 16 [1761] Above is the Substance of my Last. I now send the Second Bill of Exchange No. 121 for £100. Sterling drawn by the Trustees on your Self. Please to Credit my Account Current with That Sum. I am afraid our last Assembly have been too precipitate in drawing These Bills but it is now too...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania; LS duplicate, New Jersey Historical Society I have this Day received from each of you, a Notification, (dated Octob. 1. 1761) that by a Resolve of the Assembly, you are ordered immediately to draw on me for the Whole of the Parliamentary Grant to our Province for the Year 1758. As I had acquainted the House from time to time, thro’ the Speaker, with...
Draft: American Philosophical Society I received your favor of 20 Feb. and 8 April last, the former inclosing Dr. Pringles paper on an extraordinary meteor, and the later Mr. Kennicotts papers relating to the Hebrew Bible. I am infinitely[?] obliged to you for introducing me to so valuable acquaintance as Dr. Pringle, several of whose curious papers I perused in the Phil. Trans. and whose...
4267Novr. 20th. 1761. Monday. (Adams Papers)
This day removed to my Chamber, and made a Fire. The Forenoon was Spent in Conversation with Zab, in walking to Dr. Turners, and up Pens Hill, and this afternoon in Conversation with Grindal Rawson and Zab at Mrs. Marshes. Yet I have caught several snatches of Reading and Thinking, in Blackstone, Gilbert &c. But I, as usual, expect great Things from this Chamber, and this Winter. This entry...
Draft (incomplete): American Philosophical Society This note serves to introduce both the present document and the one immediately below. Lord Baltimore, the Proprietor of Maryland, and his governors and supporters in the province continuously and successfully thwarted the desire of the House of Delegates to appoint an agent to represent its interests and point of view in England independently...
ALS not found; reprinted from National Intelligencer , July 7, 1824; draft (last part only): American Philosophical Society In mine of the 7th of August to Mr. Ringold, I acknowledg’d the Receipt of yours of May 9th, which had then just come to hand, but without the mentioned Address. Soon after, taking the Opportunity of the Vacation of Business in the Public Offices here, I went abroad and...
Copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania Sold for Benj: Franklin Esqr 1761 Novbr. 26 £700 4 per cents to Wm: Morris at 83½ £584. 10 – £1000 to J. Ruddell at 83⅜ 833. 15 – £1200 to S: Cazalet at 83⅜ 1000.
Copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania I have sent herewith a letter of Attorney to be Executed by you before two Witnesses to empower me to transfer the Fifteen Thousand Pounds 4 per Cents. as I could not do it without, you’ll please to return it per Bearer as it must be lodg’d at the Bank this afternoon—£8000 being sold for to morrow morning and must be done then as the Persons who bought...
Copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania I did not fully speak to the Proposition respecting the £3000. as I had not any discourse with my Son respecting it in which affairs we always consult and act in concert. We have now considered the proposition maturely and think it of that nature that when thou comes to reconsider it in all its parts must appear a Thing not eligible for us. First...
Know ye that whereas in and by an Act of Parliament made in the thir fourteenth year of the reign of the late King Charles the second it is declared the Officers of our Customs and their Deputies are authorized and impowered to go and enter aboard any Ship or Vessel outward or inward bound and for the Purposes in the said Act mentioned and it is also in and by the said Act further enacted and...
MS not found; translation of extract reprinted from Gazette d’Epidaure, ou Recueil de Nouvelles de Médecine , III , no. XI (Feb. 6, 1762), 81. (Bibliothèque Nationale) Il y a quelques années que la guerre a interrompu notre correspondance. Mon ami le Docteur Shippen partant pour voir Paris, j’ai profité de cette occasion pour vous communiquer l’extrait ci-joint d’une Lettre que j’ai reçûe de...
ALS : Yale University Library I have been favour’d with yours by your valuable Sons, on whose promising Worth I congratulate you and good Mrs. Babcock. I should be glad to see them oftner than I do. But young Men find in England, Amusements more agreeable than the Company of old ones. The Colonel is gone down with my Son to Bath, where I last Night had the Pleasure of hearing they were both...
ALS : Glassboro (N.J.) State Teachers College Enclos’d are some Letters for you, left with me by Mr. Strahan. I have some Time since bespoke the Brevier you last desired, and hope it will now soon be ready. In your last you desire to know my Mind about Remitting, the Price of Bills being so high with you. What Money I have here is chiefly in the Funds, from whence I cannot withdraw it for...
LS : Massachusetts Historical Society I should sooner have answer’d your obliging Letter of Jany. 9. but that I hoped from time to time I might be able to obtain some satisfactory Answers to your Queries. As yet I have done little, that kind of Information being look’d upon as a Part of the Mysteries of Trade, which the Possessors are very shy of communicating. But I think I am now in a Train...
I received the favour of Your letter dated the 27th of July, some time ago; which would have given me much greater pleasure had it brought me a better account of Your health; I hope however You are perfectly recovered, and that if You come to England, which I can assure Dear Sir would be greatly to my wish, it will be upon some much better Errand than ill health. I am much obliged to you for...
This Indenture made this 25th day of December in the year of Our Lord God One thousand Seven hundred and Sixty one between George Washington of the County of Fairfax in the Colony of Virginia Esquire of the one part and Samuel Johnson of the County and Colony aforesaid of the other part Witnesseth that the said George Washington for and in consideration of the Rents and Covenants herein after...
I was at Boston yesterday and saw your Brother who was well. I have but a moments notice of an oportunity of sending to you the enclos’d which I took at your Unkle Edwards’s. Here we are Dick and Jack as happy as the Wickedness and folly of this World will allow Phylosophers to be: our good Wishes are pour’d forth for the felicity of you, your family and Neighbours.—My—I dont know what—to Mrs....
Draft: Yale University Library I once more attempt to reach you with a Letter, which the Fate of war has I suppose hitherto intirely prevented. We are extremly sorry to know that Mr. Pitt has resigned the Seals: and have scarcely yet learned enough about the Earl of Bute (except from Scotsmen) to form an Idea of him. The only obnoxious Thing in Mr. Pitts Character that any in this Country...
AL : University of Pennsylvania Library Miss Ralphs best respects wait upon Dr. Franklin, she with Pleasure, informs him that her Pappa, as the Doctor Said, yesterday, was out of Danger; but, he remains very Low, and weak, She is very Sorry, that she had not the Pleasure of seeing Dr. Franklin, a Tuesday; but, she having set up all Night, was oblig’d, to go to Bed, in the Morning. She desires...
Letter not found: to Robert Stewart, 31 Dec. 1761. On 25 Feb. 1762 Stewart wrote to GW : “Your most acceptable Favour of the 31st Decemr I this Day had the very great pleasure to receive.”
MS not found; reprinted from extract in Benjamin Franklin, Experiments and Observations on Electricity (London, 1769), pp. 441–3. You may acquaint the gentleman that desired you to enquire my opinion of the best method of securing a powder magazine from lightning, that I think they cannot do better than to erect a mast not far from it, which may reach 15 or 20 feet above the top of it, with a...
I have taken the best Advice, on the subject of your Billet, and I find you cannot compell me to pay unless I refuse Marriage; which I never did, and never will, but on the Contrary am ready to have you at any Time. I hope Jemima’s Conscience has as good a Memory as mine. RC ( Adams Papers ); addressed: “To Miss —— Weymouth.” There is no clue to the precise date of this note, the “Billet” to...
AD : The Assay Office, Birmingham, England In an advertisement for the armonica in the London Chronicle , June 17–19, 1762, addressed “To the Nobility, Gentry, &c., ”Charles James of Purpool Lane, near Gray’s Inn, called himself “The Maker [who] has been employed by the Gentleman who is the real Inventor, in the First ever made in England, and continues to be honoured with his Approbation.” In...
AD : American Philosophical Society These notes in Franklin’s hand appear to have been memoranda jotted down during the reading of some unidentified account of travel in the Far East. The listing of the eclipses suggests that the date was not earlier than 1762, though Franklin’s reading might well have taken place considerably later. Painted Candles, of what are they made? Vinegar of Liche,...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. Cooper presents his Compliments to Mr. Franclin and begs he will give Mr. Cooper leave to bring Lady Abdy and Miss Baldwyn to hear the glasses on Monday or Thursday Evening next (which is most convenient to Mr. Franclin) about seven oClock. The Ladies have heard Mr. Franclin perform once before which has only given them a greater desire to hear him...
ALS : American Philosophical Society You will please to Excuse my thus addressing as I am personally an intire Stranger to you and I can find nobody at present that knows me or my Family. You have been pleased once to do a great favour for my Mother with Respect to her finding her Father the late Mr. Ralph for which you have laid us all under a lasting Obligation to you. And as my Mother is...
4290Cash Accounts, 1762 (Washington Papers)
Cash To Cash received in the year 1762 viz. of Smiths Work of Mrs Wade £ 0.12. 9 of Andw Robinson 0. 5. 0 T. Colter 0. 2. 3 Thos Hardin 0. 2. 6 Abednego Adams 0.10. 0 Captn [Sampson] Darrell 7. 9.10 Harrison Manley 0. 1. 0 Apl 12 Bonds—Interest of Mrs [Joanna] McKenzie 10.16. 0
4291Memorandum Division of Slaves, 1762 (Washington Papers)
Auge Washington George Washington Saml Washington John Washington Charles Washington Roger £ 60 Kate £ 50 James £ 60 Nan £ 35 Dublin £ 60 Phillis 50 George 40 Charles
4292Memorandum List of Quitrents, 1762 (Washington Papers)
A List of Lands for which I paid Quit-Rents due Michaelmas—1762 In King George County viz. 1250 Acres Frederick Do taken up 760 Ditto 453 bot of Johnston 552 Do of McCraken  550 2315 Hampshire Do 240 Fairfax Mt Vernon 2126 bot of Darrel 500
At your request I hav⟨e mutilated ⟩ / my Papers, & found the remarks / ⟨ mutilated ⟩ for the Remarks I made upon the Navigation of Potomack in the year 1754 & found the copy ⟨ mutilated ⟩ a Letter which I wrote to a gentn of our Assembly / in Aug. 1754 / at that time. the followg is an extract thereof. Sir, Your desire & my / own / curiosity together / engaged / excited me the last time when last
ALS and copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania Mr. Barclay is not come to Town yet, and it is uncertain whether we may be able to confer with him, and give you the result time enough for your writing by this packet, we will therefore take our own Resolution, and undertake to pay, ourselves, what part of the Colony’s drafts on you (by means of the deficiency of the Stock) you shall not have...
Two copies: Historical Society of Pennsylvania. The very obliging manner in which you have undertaken to support the Credit of the Province Drafts, demands my thankful Acknowledgments in Behalf of the Province, which I beg you to accept. Your doing it so readily and chearfully at my Instance I esteem a particular Obligation on myself. I shall not fail explaining your Motives in this...
ALS and copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania When your Drafts upon me first came to hand, the Form appearing new to me and very particular, containing as I thought an Alternative at my Choice to pay the Money in 30 Days or in 12 Months, I accepted some of them with the long Day, expecting that a Letter from you would explain your Intention in that Form; but receiving no Line on the...
ALS : Massachusetts Historical Society I receiv’d your Favour of Oct. 21 . with one enclos’d for Mr. Penn, which I have deliver’d to him. I doubt he will not know of this Opportunity time enough to write to you, and therefore I may say for him that he appear’d well-pleas’d with your Letter, and dispos’d to follow your Advice of not selling the Mannor. The Opinion that has been long expected on...
Two copies: Historical Society of Pennsylvania I have seen Mr. Barclay this Morning who concurs with our House in the Resolution we had taken to pay such of the Province Bills as the Cash in your Hands falls short of discharging. The Method of doing this, will be for you to suffer them to be noted for Non-acceptance, and to direct the Holders of them to us when the 30 Days are run out from the...
Two copies: Historical Society of Pennsylvania Mr. Barclay having been with us to day in consequence of his waiting on the Proprietor of Pensylvania for the Exemplification of the Bill, in order to take the necessary Steps for receiving the Colony’s Money from the Treasury, hath acquainted us, that upon mentioning to him our Intention of joining to take up such Bills as you were not provided...
ALS and copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania Notwithstanding what I wrote to you of the 9th Inst, that all your Bills would be paid, which I was warranted to do by the Letter from Messrs. Sargent & Aufrere that I enclos’d to the Speaker, and another from the same wherein they inform’d me Messrs. Barclay had agreed thereto, I have now the Mortification to acquaint you, that the last named...
Two copies: Historical Society of Pennsylvania I beg Pardon for giving you any farther Trouble relating to the Colony Drafts. It is only to request you would be assured yourselves, and do me the Favour to inform Messrs. Barclays, that I had not the least Intention to subject you and them to the precarious Pleasure of the Proprietor or his Governor, for your Reimbursement, when I requested your...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania This is to acquaint you that in consequence of your directions Mr. Shervell has Sold £5000 of the 3 Per Cents. at 65¾ that is without the Dividend 64¼ —he is attending the Sale of the remainder and as any thing is done in it will keep you advis’d. I am for Father and Self most Respectfully Yours Addressed: To / Benj. Franklin Esqr. / In Craven Street /...
Two copies: Historical Society of Pennsylvania We have this Morning receiv’d your two Letters, that of the 8th. Instant, which you had intended to favour us with sooner, and this of the 14th. Instant, in which to be sure what you say regarding the Colony Drafts, of the Regret you shall feel to let any of them go back, and the very evident Service that will be done the Colony, by preventing it,...
Two copies: Historical Society of Pennsylvania Knowing as I do the present great Scarcity and Value of Money here, and the many profitable Uses it may be put to at this Time, I cannot but esteem your Undertaking to pay those Bills out of your own Cash, a Proceeding extreamly generous towards the Province; as well as particularly obliging to me. I shall not omit to express fully, my Sentiments...
ALS and copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania In mine of the 14th. Instant, which I sent away by the same Night’s Post, in hopes it would reach the Pacquet at Falmouth, I inform’d you, that I had been disappointed in my Expectations of the remaining Bills being paid by Messrs. Sargent, Aufrere and the Barclays. But this Day, in answer of my last to them, of which I sent you a Copy, I...
Letter not found: from Robert Cary & Co., 18 Jan. 1762. On 28 May GW wrote to Robert Cary & Co. : “Your favour of the 18th Jany was presented to me.”
ALS : New York Public Library; copy (incomplete): Scottish Record Office It gives me Pleasure to learn, by yours of Nov. 12. that my young Friend Mr. Morgan has render’d himself agreable to you, and that your Health and Eyes were much better. I sent some time since to Mr. Dalrymple one of my Machines for your Chimney, who readily paid the Smith’s Bill for the same. But now, on discoursing with...
AL (incomplete): Royal Society of Edinburgh; printed in full in Essays and Observations, Physical and Literary. Read before the Philosophical Society in Edinburgh, and published by them , III (Edinburgh, 1771), 129–41. In Compliance with my Lord Marishall’s Request, communicated to me by you when I last had the Pleasure of seeing you, I now send you what at present appears to me to be the...
MS not found; reprinted from The Royal Society, Philosophical Transactions , LII (1761–62), 457–61. Mr. Delaval, in his curious electrical experiments, found that Portland stone, common tobacco-pipe, &c. would readily conduct the electrical fluid, when very hot, or when quite cold; but were non-conductors in an intermediate state. As no one, that I know of, has yet attempted to account for...
AL : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Mr. Brown’s compliments to Benj. Franklin Esqr. and acquaints him that he has sold Five Thousand Pounds more of the Annuities Vizt. £3000 at 64½  2000 at 64⅜ which was all he could do—the price is now but 63¾ and therefore before he sold the remaining five thought it proper to acquaint him with it—and Mr. Brown desires Mr. Franklin will please to send...