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Results 4251-4300 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
I have hitherto delayed answering the letter, you did me the honor to write under date 28 Febry,...
Want of time this Morning prevented my giving the reasons that operated in my mind against the...
On the other side you have the only articles of interesting intelligence which I can find in...
Mr. Lowrey a Merchant in your district presented at the Treasury some time ago the within...
I returned to this post last Night with Vanscheacks Regt—on Thursday they will reach Albany—I...
Some further detention of the Brig Da Bailes affords me an opportunity of enclosing to you the...
Philadelphia, 21 Mch. 1781 . Encloses proclamation of 20 Mch. recommending that Thursday, 3 May...
4258General Orders, 19 November 1778 (Washington Papers)
Varick transcript , DLC:GW .
The Letter which your Excellency did me the Honor to write on the 13 th . March last, was...
With regard to the first question —We are to examine whether the Enemy may expect formidable...
To George Washington President ⟨mutilated⟩ States, the Memorial & Petition of the Subscrib...
Yours of May 27. is recieved and I now supply the omission of my former letter by stating that it...
Amidst the general Joy and Congratulations of my fellow-Citizens on your Excellencys Appointment...
Letter not found. February 1785, Williamsburg . This letter informed JM that the honorary degree...
ALS and LS : American Philosophical Society I take the liberty of troubling your Excellency with...
The situation in which I have left Colo. Nichs. Lewis leaves me not without pain and doubt for...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; copy: National Archives <On board the Providence , Brest,...
M r Garrett has just had the misfortune to lose his youngest child . It is the request of M rs...
22 October 1801, Cap Français . No. 13. Encloses decree of Toussaint opening some ports to...
I embrace this opportunity, My Dear Friend, by Mr. Marshall, to tell you that my health which had...
I Have Been Honoured with your favor of the 14th and while I am to thank you for the pains You...
I this day receiv’d Your Excellencys Letter of the 27th of April and have laid the same before...
I have the honour, Sir, to send you a copy of an Arret passed in Council, for encouraging the...
I have the Honor to transmit to you, Copies of a Memorial of sundry Officers of the Invalid...
Will you allow me to recall to your y m ind one, whom a long absence may have almost obliterated...
The two foregoing covered two letters from Mr. Erving, and i n closed go the two which...
4277General Orders, 14 June 1778 (Washington Papers)
In General Orders of the 12th instant the Commissary General of Issues was, thro’ mistake...
The books mentioned in your letter of Jan. 25. are safely recieved. in your Catalogue No. 3. pa....
427928th. (Adams Papers)
Mr. Williams, this day, gave us, the first Lecture, upon Experimental Philosophy. It was upon the...
To the Honl. The Speaker and Delegates of the Common Wealth of Virginia. The Petition of Thomas...
4281[Diary entry: 10 March 1797] (Washington Papers)
10. Dined & lodged at Elkton. Tolerably pleasant all day. “At Elkton . . . Hollingsworth’s is a...
Your favor of the 16th. was recieved on the 20th. the post having departed the day before as...
The last subject before the H. of Reps. was a Bill revising the Naturalization law, which from...
I recieved from Genl. Wilkinson, on the 23d. inst. his affidavit charging Samuel Swartwout, Peter...
I recd Yours of the 2d last Night & must refer You to mine of the 5th which I sent You by...
7 April 1802, Paris. Notes that the letter JM wrote him from Virginia on 25 Aug. 1801 could not...
4287[Diary entry: 9 October 1781] (Washington Papers)
9th. About 3 o’clock P.M. the French opened a battery on our extreme left, of 4 Sixteen pounders,...
When we contemplate the near approach of your retirement from public to private Life, as...
[ New York ] January 1, 1798 . “Permit me to request your attention to the case of Bull agt...
Morristown, 22 Jan. 1780 . Acknowledges TJ’s letter of 16 Dec. 1779, which did not come to hand...
[ Morristown, New Jersey ] February 19, 1780 . Explains why it would be inexpedient for a state...
Your letters of the 12th & 13th instant, with their enclosures, were received by Mondays Mail,...
Treasury Department, March 29, 1792 . “There is due to William Peck, Marshall for the District of...
The day following the one on which I wrote to you last, your letter of the 10th instt was...
Permit, me, to address you with these Lines: which I flatter myself will not Be taken amiss—...
As it may be of Consequence for you to be acquainted with every Movement of the Enemy, would...
The inclosed Letters will inform you of what is passing with The Enemy. A movement will soon take...
Custom has given sanction to what at first View in a modest Mind would seem too assuming;...
I took the liberty of writing to you lately on the subject of our affairs, & will now trouble you...
I had yesterday the high satisfaction of receiving your Official letter of Decr. 2. covering two...