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Results 4251-4300 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
The undersigned having been appointed by the Subscribers to the inclosed Address to transmit it...
I Expected to write to You By c ll franks, But as His departure Has Been daily differed, I will...
Mr. John Adams To Jacob Beninghove s d To 1 Carrot pigtail Tobacco 2 6 To 6 lb. Cutt Do. @ 12d...
Not haveing anything worth troubling you with for sometime have been silent. The late Affair of...
I thank you for giving me the perusal of the enclosed.—The details are interesting.—The Picture...
You cannot Immagine the comfort your Letter of 22d Ultimo gave me I fear’d Indisposition had so...
Our enemies, for their own further security, as well as to bring the town into the most complete...
Shortly after we had the pleasure of paying you our respects under date of the 30 April, we were...
I have just this Moment receivd your Excellencys Letter of the 23d. Instant, it Honors and...
In doing myself the honor to submit to your consideration the ideas contained in the inclosed...
Since I had the pleasure of seeing You last, I have conversed with my Father on the plan you...
I thought that I should postpone answering the letter of 18 December, which Your Excellency did...
In a letter which I had the honour to write you dated the 22d inst. I submitted the names of...
When the dispute between America & the English ministry, first commenced; I summon’d a meeting of...
Your letter of the 28th was handed to me yesterday. That, which you did me the honor to write to...
I Hope this will meet you in good Health at Nantes and that you will find every thing there...
(domestic News) I have received by the packet some Medals inclosed in a Letter directed for You...
I have the honour to acknowledge the President’s Letter of July 22d:—The Commission for Colo....
I have the honour to inclose, a submission to the Heads of Departments, in conformity with your...
I am desired by Mr J Cartwright, whom I beleive you know by his writings, a firm honest &...
Impressed with the importance of union in sentiment and action at the present momentous crises of...
I have the honour to transmit herewith a Letter from the Comptroller of the Treasury dated the...
I enclose you a small publication which contains an account of a new auxillary or palliative...
We beg leave to recommend William Lee Alexander Esquire of North Carolina as a person highly...
It is with the greatest pleasure that I will forward your correspondence, and that I accept the...
Monsieur Weibert who was orderd by Congress to this Post has requested me to apply in his Behalf...
Your Favour of the 30 Nov came to hand last Evening for which I most sincerely thank you. I wrote...
Whereas the happy Moment is arrived that the united States of America are or in Short shall be...
I have just received the enclosed letter and address. General Badgley of Hampton, lives near...
The canvass of the votes for Senators for this district and for Members of Assembly to Represent...
The inclosed copy of a letter to the Accountant for the department of War, dated the 11th:...
If Capt. Talbott persists in declining the Command of the Constitution—I presume Capt. Sever will...
I have the honor to inform you, that there has lately been published in the Boston Gazettes, a...
Mrs: Bradford & myself arrived here on friday Evening last—among the principal Objects we had in...
I had the honour of receiving your letter which you were so good as to write to me, yesterday—&...
In addition to the papers I sometime ago sent you, relative to the encroachments made upon our...
Mr S. Codmans Respects to the President of the United States, and takes the liberty to inclose...
a destrest person takes this opportunity to write to You, pleading an excuse, for so doing. I...
May we thank Yoúr Excellency for the Obligations she was so kind as to retúrn ús by Mr. Thaxter....
It is with great pleasure I hear that my brother is appointed to speak the town Oration, on the...
Vous aurez reçu aujourd’hui, par un Courier de Mr. l’Amb. de f ce. parti Samedi 24 e après dîner...
I Take this opportunity Just to advise You that if Your Congress will Appoint Capt. Job Prince...
I delay’d to write you a few lines—to congratulate you cordially on the happy arrival of the 30th...
I am honored by your letters of the 7th and 8th instant. The satisfaction which you are pleased...
At the last Term of the Supreme Judicial Court held at Ipswich came upon Trial the Celebrated...
I am hurt by your unexpected & I think unmerited resentment this morning, for I had not the most...
At lenght I take again mÿ pen, to assure you of the high respect, with which I am So fortunate to...
I had the Honour of Writing your Exc y: under the 26 ult o. Giving a Short Explaination of the...
My Commission of Governor of the Territory of the united States north west of the Ohio will...
Sans vouloir rien opposer aux bonnes raisons que vous donnez dans votre faveur du 12e. pour la...