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Results 4251-4300 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I send you Doctor Emmets statement of the value of his apparatus ($500) which he wishes the...
The University of Virginia has, at different times, recieved from public-spirited citizens, as...
I thank you, Dear Sir, for the Extract of your Review from the North American. it is instructive...
I take the Liberty to introduce to your acquaintance and Attention M r Benjamin Walker the Son,...
Your kind & most acceptable remembrance of the 4 th inst. calls for all my thanks. It gave me the...
I have read with interest and admiration the history of your life—your assidious toils in gaining...
I have delayed answering the letter which you did me the honor to write to me on the 16th inst,...
I take the liberty of enclosing to you the National Journal of this morning. I am led to do so by...
In reply to your letter of the 23 d ins t , received today, I have to inform you, that the...
I hand herewith your ℀ current to date, agreeable to your request, & regret that I should have...
Your letter of the 23 inst: reached me last evening, and I was in hopes of obtaining to day an...
You will no doubt my dear Mrs. Adams, be much surprised at receiving a letter from one of whom...
I am very sorry that it was not in my power sooner to answer your very kind letter of April 12: I...
10.℔ Coffee, not green . ViCMRL .
I am so oppressed with writing that I put off answering your two letters in the expectn I should...
Your letter of the 5th. having made a circuit, thro’ Montpellier in Hanover County, has but just...
I have the honor of transmitting you herewith, a Copy of my prospectus for the publication of the...
Having sollicited mr James Barber to expedite as much as he could the reciept of the 50. M .D. of...
I presume to address you a few lines though not enjoying a personal acquaintance with you which I...
On Wednesday I received yours of the 14 th and instantly prepared to execute the commissions with...
I have to thank you, for your letter of the 15 th inclosing a copy of the rules for the...
I received your letter of the 15. Inst: on yesterday, and having considered the subject matter...
Fearing that there might be some obstacle at Wash n to the speedy reciept of the last donation to...
In return for the honor you did me by the Communication in your favour of the 15 th Jan y ,...
Towards the close of last year, I had the pleasure of addressing the Hon ble Tho s Jefferson in...
I have been detained in this part of the Country somewhat longer than I expected by business...
I take the liberty of enclosing you five numbers of a little work, which I have undertaken with a...
You have been the most punctual correspondent that I ever had except your Brother—but for four...
I have recd. your letter informing me that I have been elected an honorary member of the Bunker...
I take the liberty of sending by this mail some recent publications, all of my writing, except...
It gives me much pleasure to inform you that I have this moment received a letter from M r Wagner...
I enclose you N o 1 & N o 2 of Annals of Generosity, & c of which I request your acceptance. I am...
M r Benson has had the politeness to say that he would be the bearer of a book (which is entitled...
According to your request I have sent the catalogue, which you have been so kind as to make for...
I have recd yours of the 15th. relating to a purchase of the parcels of land offered for sale by...
I had the pleasure last night of rec g your letter of the 15 th ins t . & hasten to say to you...
In answer to your letter proposing to permit the lecturing room of the Pavilion N o 1. to be used...
The enclosed imperfect manuscript Containing the plan of Insurance, was prepared some time last...
I have rec d yours of the 15 th relating to a purchase of the parcels of land offered for sale by...
The perpetual trouble and occupation we have found in getting into our new residence has...
I have recd. your letter of the 15th. Having ever entertained for you the respect & friendly...
having omitted to note my last renewals, I have lost sight of their dates, but I am sure I must...
The subject of this communication will I hope be a sufficient plea to your friendly...
The appology I have to offer you for thus obtruding myself into your notice, is that your...
Mr. Charles Sigourney & Lady, a respectable pair in Hartford, Connecticut, the Husband a Son of...
M r Charles Sigourney & Lady, a respectable pair in Hartford, Connecticut, the Husband a Son of...
Yours of the 16 th is this moment received—The appeal you have made to me on the subject of the...
Several persons residing here being desirous of having religious worship here on sundays—I have...
M r Denison, M r Labouchere, & M r Wortley take the liberty of presenting the inclos’d letter to...
It is not in my power to inform you of the precise time of the death of Commodore P. Jones. I...