Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from William Keteltas, 19 January 1806

poughkeepsie Jany 19h 1806


In Your answer to A letter I Wrote You some time past, You Observed it would be agreeable at all times to have Every information touching all Matters, involving Your Responsibility in Making Appointments, with a View to Make the best—Having Made A Tour in the Course of the Summer, through upper and Lower Louissiana I had an opportunity of hearing the Opinion of the people Respecting their publick Characters—The Estimation in which Govr Wilkinson is Generally held in, is highly favourable to the peace, And Prosperity of the Territory Over Which he presides, And You May Rest Assured, that the Hostility Which has Arisen Between the Governor, and the Judges, I fear is Not without Justifiable Cause as Applicable to Judge Easton Whose Conduct and Character Generally, was spoken of With Great freedom and Indignation, as A Man Wanting principal and Integrity, With Respect to Judge Lucas, they Could form No Opinion of his Character, having but Just Arrived in the Country When I left it, A few days since Conversing With Judge Talmadge Son Inlaw of the Vice President on the subject of Easton had [. . . .] in the Territory he inform’d Me, that Easton had been once or twice Indicted in This State for Mal practice as A Lawyer—If This Information shall in Any degree Advance Impartial Justice to Whom it is due, And the Administration of the Genl Govt in the Accomplishment of This desirable Object, I shall have done My duty, And furnishd An Other Proof of My Solicitude for its General Welfare

With Respect

Wm Keteltas

DNA: RG 59—LAR—Letters of Application and Recommendation.

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