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Results 42461-42510 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
I have taken the Liberty to enclose a Letter for your Nephew, in which I know not how far I may...
As the Appointments to the fœderal Offices were honored by Your Communication of them, I presume...
I thank you for the communication of mr. Rush’s letter which I now return. Mr. Bentham’s...
ALS, LS and L : University of Pennsylvania Library; ALS (draft): New-York Historical Society;...
RC ( LC : Madison Papers). Docketed by JM, “Ths. Jefferson 17 June. 1783,” also “June 17. 1783....
Reading and writeing have for some time past been Interdicted on Account of the small Pox...
42467Saturday June the 16th 1781. (Adams Papers)
This day Mr. Brice, Commodore Gillon, Colo. Searle, Major Jackson, Captn. Coltyzer and Mr....
I have done Myself the honour of writing to your Excellency by Mr. Broom. The purpot of that...
I now inclose you an order of the bank of the US. at this place on that at Baltimore for two...
On the 27 & 28th of last month I took the liberty of writing you an official and private Letter,...
Je me suis presenté Chez vous pour avoir l’honneur de vous voir et j’ai eu le malheur de n’avoir...
A Deputy Pay Master General for the troops under my command is wanted—Would Capt Williamson of...
My last to you was of the 16th. of March, as was the latest I have received from you. By the...
We inclose you copies of our several letters to the states, agreable to the inclosed list. We...
Copy: Archives of the Moravian Church, Bethlehem What you have done hitherto for the Defence of...
I have recd inteligance that Yesterday betwixt two and three in the afternoon a signell Gun was...
Your favors of June 3. were duly recieved. I made the last year but little tobacco, and my...
Hoping that the present favorable change of weather will re-establish the health of New York, and...
I take the liberty of transmitting to you a report on a proposition to establish a financial bank...
En réponse à l’honorée vôtre du 26 Juin, j’ai déjà eu l’honneur de vous rendre compte dans une...
I had the Honor to recieve your favr of the 5th Inst. & am much Oblig’d to you. I hope you will...
Your Excelly I am sure will pardon me, when the momentary interruption I give you, is for the...
Nothing but sickness would have prevented my attendance at the Seneca Falls on Monday next...
The bearer hereof, Mr. Louis Osmond , desires me to [convey?] to you the circumstances known to...
ALS : American Philosophical Society La paix glorieuse, que l’Amérique vient de conclurre, doit...
Your favor of the 13th. is duly recieved. I have not yet had a good opportunity of speaking with...
I have received and read with much pleasure your kind letter of the 20th: Ult; Your sympathy with...
The Committee of both Houses appointed to consider a Letter from General Washington to the...
424891778 May 20. Wednesday. (Adams Papers)
The french Opera is an Entertainment, which is very pleasing, for a few Times. There is every...
Copy: Library of Congress I hope you got safe home & had a happy meeting with your Family &...
This will be accompanied by dispatches received from Mr. Morris since the last Vessel sailed for...
27 November 1802, Washington. On 25 Nov., received JM’s letter of the same date , in which JM...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I cannot omit this Opportunity to Congratulate Your...
The time of my departure from this place is now so near at hand that I have begun to calculate...
AL : American Philosophical Society Le Duc de la Rochefoucauld fait bien des complimens à...
I Silas Burbanks of lawful age testify and say, that in the spring of the Year 1766, a few days...
In a letter which I had the honor to address you from Natchez, I inclosed an extract from the...
424988th. (Adams Papers)
My Aunt spent the afternoon at Mr. White’s. I was not outside of the gate once. Closed my Letter...
42499Pass for Charles? Torriano, [1780?] (Jefferson Papers)
Mr. Torriano has permission to visit Colo. Wilson Miles Cary at his residence either in Fluvanna...
Colonel Jelles A Fonda has signified a desire of receiving an appointment in the army—He served...
Reasons which I have frequently assigned, have prevented me from acknowledging sooner, the...
When I had Last the pleasure of addressing Mr Jefferson from Naples Octr. 8th 1804—I expected to...
Proposition by Ezekiel Scott of Farmington Connecticut that for the purpose of obtaining and...
August 27. I see by the papers that Mr. Harrisson has lost his daughter Mrs. Mason—This is a...
When I wrote to you last I informed you that the Vaccine Matter you supplied me with had proved...
I this day received the Federal Gazzet, tho I got no Letter from you, I was in hopes to have...
I have recd. your favor of yesterday inclosing a Gazette with a new Petition or Address to the...
The memorandum which I had the Honour of delivering you a day or two ago was in General the State...
Quoique J’aye de grands torts avec vous Monsieur d’avoir tant tarde à vous accuser La récéption...
Copy and transcript: National Archives I do myself the honor to enclose you a convention for the...