Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from Ahmad Qaramanli, 20 January 1806

Siracusa li 20 Geno. 1806

Per soddisfare al desiderio, e del onore delli Stati Vniti, il quale io scrivo, in questi due versi, ha voluto nondimeno inviare queste circostanze trovandomi in questa Siracusa, quale come prigioniere, supplicarla dunque d’inviarmi qualchi riscontri, acciocchè non resti allo scuro, io sempre sono con quella efficacia, e devozione chè per me sono maggiore, spero dunque a pregarla non mi sento più forte a poterlo soffrire

Resto dunque offerendomi à suoi servizi, e riverente le raccomando

A V Eccela. Ed Elettore Dell Governo delli Stati Vniti dell America

Ahmet Caramalli

Genitore di Tripoli di Barbaria

Figlio Di Alli Basiaw

Editors’ Translation

Syracuse, 20 Jan. 1806

It is in accordance with the desire and honor of the United States that I am writing. In these few lines I wanted to send these particulars none the less. Being here in this city of Syracuse as a prisoner, I beg you to send me some token, in order that I may not remain in the dark. I am bearing my fate with all the strength and devotion that is in me, but I place my hope in appealing to you, [since] I no longer feel myself strong enough to endure it.

I remain therefore at your service and recommend myself respectfully

To Your Excellency and Elector of the Government of the United States of America

Ahmad Qaramanli

Parent of Tripoli in Barbary

Son of Ali Bashaw

DNA: RG 59--CD--Consular Despatches, Algiers.

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