Thomas Jefferson Papers

From Thomas Jefferson to James Lyle, 20 January 1806

Washington Jan. 20. 06.

Dear Sir

It was fully my expectation, and you had a right to expect that I should have paid you 1000. D. in the course of the last summer, but the resource for that paiment was unavoidably taken up by another call. my tobacco of the last year is now either arrived or arriving at Richmond consigned to messrs. Gibson & Jefferson, and I inclose you a letter directed to them, & authorising them either to deliver you a part of it to that amount in value, or to pay you that sum out of the first proceeds of the sales they shall make of it, at your option. this is the earliest measure I can take to make the paiment. Accept my friendly salutations & assurances of great esteem & respect.

Th: Jefferson

P.S. a duplicate of the inclosed letter is sent by this post to Messrs. G. & J. direct.

MHi: Coolidge Collection.

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