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Results 42451-42460 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
I was duly honored by your Letter of the 5 Instant, acknowledging the receipt of the Pamphlet of proposed Alterations of the Constitution, and informing me of your impaired health, for which I am heartily sorry, and would have been more so, had I imposed on you the task of giving your opinions, with the reasons, thereon, which was by no means intended. Having reprinted these Alterations, with...
I have been successively honored with your two favours of the 8th and 15th instant, with their several inclosures; to all which due attention shall be paid —The Court Martial in the case of the officers conducting the public works at Springfield, shall be immediately directed. A letter of the 11th Ultimo from General McDougall contains the following paragraph, “If Congress will order me one...
Your favour of the 30th of Decr was long on its passage to this place, not arriving till I had receivd, and answer’d, an imperfect acct of your Interview with Mr Black from Mr Hill (dated the 10th or 12th of Jany) —I thank you heartily for the trouble you took in attempting to settle the business with that worthless Sc——l, who seems to be an adept in every species of Artifice and...
Having lately read Neckar on the importance of Religious opinions I was much affected with his excellent concluding Chapter, especially the following lines, "It is a God we feel the want of, a God such as religion presents; a God powerful and good, the first source of happiness, and who only can secure it to the human race." My mind instantly thought of my Country now in the midst of straits...
The Letters already sent by us to the Department of State, will have shewn that no money had then been received under the act of Congress making appropriations for the Expences incurred by our Agency in the execution of the Convention of the 30th. of April, 1803: those now inclosed will shew that we still remain in the same situation and the pretended reason of it; and that there exists no...
We do agree to supply William Allibone Esqr for the use of the Delaware Light House with Fifteen Hundred Gallons of the best winter Straind Sperm Oil for which he is to pay us Eight Shillings per Gallon on delivery, which is to be in the Course of one Month from this date CtNlCG .
Permit me to offer you the inclosed Letter which I received by yesterday’s Mail from Albany. I suspect from what Mr. L’Hommedieu has written to me, that the Conversation about an Association of Agricultural Societies which I heard from you, some time ago , has given rise to that Communication. In the absence of the President of the New York Society Mr. Livingston in France, the functions of...
I do myself the honor to introduce to you Count Castiglioni knight of the Order of St Stephen, an Italian Nobleman, who, in pursuit of Botanical Knowledge, has thought it worth his while to visit this, hitherto, almost unexplored Continent. The recommendations he brings from Europe, not only ascertain his Rank, but, what you will esteem of more consequence, they speak in the most favorable...
My Father Sold me 2100 Acres Land Lying in the Knaway River—2000 of which was to be Conveyed by Colo. William Branaugh—which I am Told is done. As Far as I am informed I expect you may give up Colo. W. Branaughs His Bond that he gave you for the Conveyance of the 2000 acres Land as I have before wrote you—In the execution of the devetion of the Lands I expended 50/—which my Father Told me you...
Rais’d by the honorable Suffrages of the American people, to the most dignified state amongst mankind, conjecture, is now lost in certainty and it may fairly be pronounced, that you were born for the benefit of the human family. It would be superfluous to attempt to show by any species of argument, that to those who have assisted in raising you to an emenence, to which they believ’d you were...