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The Bearer hereof is Major General William Barton of the State of Rhode Island, who is now about setting out for the City of Washington, where he has Business to transact. His Good Character and military Exploits, in our Revolutionary War, obtain’d for him the honorable Notice of his Country mentioned on the Record of Congress which will transmit his Name and Memory to Posterity— This Letter...
Received from the president of the U States Two Dollars in full for Philad Repositry since discontinued by me MHi : Coolidge Collection.
It was fully my expectation, and you had a right to expect that I should have paid you 1000. D. in the course of the last summer, but the resource for that paiment was unavoidably taken up by another call. my tobacco of the last year is now either arrived or arriving at Richmond consigned to messrs. Gibson & Jefferson, and I inclose you a letter directed to them, & authorising them either to...
If I recollect aright it was in the Year 1770, or 71, that War was threatened between England & Spain on the Subject of Falklands Islands; then, & I believe to this Day inhabited by Wild-Fowl & Seals only. You will recollect how the Farce terminated. On this Occasion the British Government turned their Eyes again on Cuba & on the Riches of Mexico: for the more easy Conquest whereof, they...
Per soddisfare al desiderio, e del onore delli Stati Vniti, il quale io scrivo, in questi due versi, ha voluto nondimeno inviare queste circostanze trovandomi in questa Siracusa, quale come prigioniere, supplicarla dunque d’inviarmi qualchi riscontri, acciocchè non resti allo scuro, io sempre sono con quella efficacia, e devozione chè per me sono maggiore, spero dunque a pregarla non mi sento...
Des plans et coupes des Maisons de Paris par Krafft et Ransonet in fol. la livraison et suiv. en feuilles. Des Annales du Museum des Arts par Landon. No. 14 et suivants du 5me vol. et le suit e. Abregé du systeme de Linné par Gilibert 8vo. Des Connaissances des tems, l’An 1804. et suivans Institut du droit de la Nature par Rayneval. 8vo. Lucrece de la Grange. Seneque du meme. De l’edition in...
books to be imported for me by M. Reibelt. Parkins’s plans of gardens. 04. Dec. 24. Palladio. 05. Jan. 9. Valin. Jan. 18. Abregé de Linné par Gilibert. Le petit magasin economique Connaissce. des tems. 05. 06. Bible Fr. 3.v. 8vo. Droit naturel par Rayneval Milton’s paradise lost Lucrece de la Grange Seneque de la Grange Gibbon’s Decline of the Rom. emp. Buffon Oiseaux. vol. 11. & pl. 647 &...
I nominate Nathaniel Smith of Rhode island to be Naval officer for the district of Providence. Simeon Theus of South Carolina to be Collector for the District of Charleston in South Carolina. Cowles Mead of Georgia to be Secretary of the Missisipy territory William Sprigg of Ohio to be one of the judges of the territory of Orleans I revoke the nomination of George Matthews junr. as judge of...
Resolved, That the President of the United States be requested to lay before the Senate, copies of the following letters and documents, if in the possession of the executive; to wit: A letter from the department of state to Mr. Eaton, late Consul dated May 20, 1801. also, a letter from Consul Cathcart to Mr. Eaton, dated at Leghorn, June 15. 1801. which suggested the plan of employing Hamet...
When in Balte. a few Days past, I mentioned to Capt. McLellan (of the Artillery) that Genl. Wilkinson had been Charged with having induced the Sheriff of St. Louis to pack a Jury. He said he did not beleive the Charge. The next day he met the Sheriff by Accident in a Store a Copy of whose Deposition I took the liberty to send you least any impression should be made unfavorable to the General...
On the 12th. from Fredbg I took the liberty of again addressing You on the Subject of Kuptrest Ironworks; to which, please do me the honor to be referr’d; Soon after My Arrival at home I wrote on the Same Subject a Letter to the Secretary at War; of which, the inclosed is a Copy; & from which You will Sir discover a true Statement of My Situation & Sentiments; without Aid, I cannot Attempt the...
We the subscribers, supporters of the present wise administration, do renewedly recommend to You Mr John Bernard Swanton a Gentleman who is worthy to be the successor of Dudley B Hobart Esquire late Collector of the Customs for the District & Port of Bath— This Gentleman now holds a Commission as deputy Collr. under the late Collector, he is a person in whom the late Collr. placed the greatest...
I hope you will excuse in me the liberty I take in writing you on a subject so long past; should their be any foible I am confident your wisdom will pass it by; in the year of 1787 I attended Benjamin Walker Esqr commissioner for the naval department & residing in new York; who settled my public accounts up to august the fifth 1780; and I was held in public service afterwards until 1784 if no...
Bought of Wm. Tunnicliff $. 1806. 20th Janry. To 78 Dozn. London Porter at 4$ 312—
I beg leave to inform you that the College of Physicians of Philada. have sent by the mail which carries this a Pamphlet containing “Additional Facts & Observations relative to the Pestilential Fever,” & that they request you to accept it as a mark of their respect—I believe it contains indisputable proofs of a Contagious quality in the yellow fever, in the instances there specified, & if this...
Your Letter of Jan’ry 6 I received last Evening. your Children are very well, and very well taken care of. so do not give yourself any anxious solisitude about them. I believe they are much better off than they could have been at any boarding House in washington, where they must have been confined in some degree; or have mixd with improper persons; with respect to John, the Child enjoys...
§ From Carlos Martínez de Yrujo. 19 January 1806, Washington. Freed of the personal explanations which I saw myself obliged to go into in my first answer to your letter of the 15th inst. I now tell you what otherwise would then have constituted my only response, namely, that the Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of His Catholic Majesty, near the United States takes no orders...
I recieved last night only your favor of Dec. 26. and percieving by the delay it has incurred that there is some inexactitude in the conveyance by post between us, I think it safest not to commit the money for you to this letter, but to lodge it with mr Lewis Deblois a merchant of Alexandria, with which place I presume you must have daily relations. I am perfectly disposed to make you the...
I have to pay 35. D. to Daniel Bradley at Fairfax court house and percieving that in the passage of letters between us by post there has been great inexactitude, I take the liberty of asking you to recieve the inclosed sum of 35. D. and to pay it to his order. I have by a letter of this day informed him of this measure & inclosed him an order on you, hoping you will excuse this free use of...
I now inclose you 350. D. to be applied as follows. James Walker 100 . D John Perry 100 .
I was to have paid mr James Lyle a thousand dollars in the course of the last summer, which was not done. I expect my tobacco from Poplar forest is now arrived at Richmond or is on it’s way thither, consigned to you. I wish therefore either that a part of it to the amount of that value should be delivered to him, or that you should pay him that amount out of the first proceeds of the sale when...
In Your answer to A letter I Wrote You some time past, You Observed it would be agreeable at all times to have Every information touching all Matters, involving Your Responsibility in Making Appointments , with a View to Make the best—Having Made A Tour in the Course of the Summer, through upper and Lower Louissiana I had an opportunity of hearing the Opinion of the people Respecting their...
On examining the Documents referred to in my message respecting the Ex-bashaw, & that also on English affairs, I found that a material paper in each had not been sent me from the offices. as one would be to translate & copy, & the other was long & would be to be copied twice, I thought it best not to delay the messages, but to supply the omission of the documents by asking your permission for...
Agreeably to the request with which you honoured me this morning, I have put into the hands of the committee appointed on your message 13th. respecting Hamet Caramalli, the copy of Caramallis letter to yourself, 5 Augt 85. The committee are Messrs Bradley Wright Baldwin Smith of Maryland Tracy The copy of the American Ministers letter, (Mr Monroe) to the British Secretary of foreign affairs,...
Knowing the pleasure you derive from a Communication of improvements or discoveries—induce me to intrude upon some of your leisure moments, if any, at this busy Season, to communicate what I concieve to be new & may, possibly, be of use to our Goverment—a disagreeable passage of 48 days from Philaa. to Savannah, on board a leaky and dismasted vessel, induced me to view in a bad light the...
The subject of navigation which occasioned the following thoughts would dispense with any apology for presuming to address them to you; but the thoughts , should they not come recommended by novelty & feasibility in the execution, will however stand in need of & receive your indulgence, when the motive which suggested this communication is understood to be a disinterested desire to throw in my...
The exalted opinion I have allways entertained of your charecter, has induced me to take the liberty of addressing you on a subject which I hope you will not conceive in the smallest measure derogatory to the elevated department, which you fill with so much reputation, and honour . I have lately been under the necessity of collecting monies, to be appropriated to a very important purpose; but...
I have but just received the enclosed from Mr Mitchel with a request to forward it to you. He complains in his Letter to me of Mr. Barnets exercising authority within his Jurisdiction. When a commission of Vice Consul was sent him I considered it either as a supersedins [ sic ] of Mr Barnets commission, or at least as vesting the right in Mr. Mitchel till Mr Barnet by removing to Havre put...
§ From John Elmslie. 18 January 1806, Cape Town, Cape of Good Hope. “I have the honor to inclose for the information of Government the Articles of capitulation of the Cape of Good Hope [not found] to his Britannick Majestys forces under the command of Major General Sir David Baird. The British fleet consisting of 57 sail of ships of war & transports arrived in Table Bay 4th. Instant & in the...
Presuming on Youre former Indulgence I take the liberty of Introducing to Youre Acquaintance the Navel Officer of this Port Mr Carleton Walker, a Gentleman of Respectability, Correct in his Manners, & impres’d with a Due sens of Honor. free from those fashionable vices, that too often Tarnish the Charecter of a Gentleman, Mr Walker proceeds to the Cittey of Washington on Business, accompanied...
I have been honored by your favor per Brig Washington and I immediately forwarded the enclosure to Messrs. I & W Woodhouse of Marsala who have sent the wine to Malta; and Mr Higgens of that Island informs me that he has forwarded to you two pipes of the very best quality, which I hope in this are arrived in safety— if on any future occation I may be deemed worthy of your Commands, permit me to...
The object of this Letter is to introduce to the Special notice of the president one of the gallant officers of the revolutionary War—Major General Barton—the Captor of General Prescott. As an agent for sundry Officers, Soldiers & others holding claims for Services rendred to the U.S. during the war, he visits the Capital to ask for Justice. Whatever attention and respect he may receive from...
I have just heard that Mr. Simons the Collector of this Port, has resigned his office, in consequence of which I beg leave to offer myself as a Candidate for the same. As to my ability, in every respect to discharge the duties of the said office—my long and inviolable attachment to your principles and your Interest, and my unremitted exertions to bring about the great change that took place in...
Received , this 18th day of January 180 6 . of The President of the U. States, Four Dollars, being the amount of his subscription for The Freeman’s Journal and Philadelphia Daily Advertiser, from March 16, 180 6 , to Sept. 16, 180 6 .
I have the honor to enclose for your Excellency’s perusal and amusement a Sketch I have drawn of the late action off Cape Trafalgar between the combined fleet of France & Spain and that of England. I have the honor to be most respectfully Your Excellency’s very Obt huml servant. DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
I have received the Honor of your Letter of Yesterday’s Date, with the Documents it inclosed, respecting the Disbursements incurred by governor Claiborne in having extended his Humanity to some British Subjects Invalids who were brought to New Orleans in the Month of October 1804 in the Manner described, by causing them to be supplied with sundry Necessaries, and the Charge made by Doctor...
§ To Albert Gallatin. 17 January 1806, Department of State. “Should the additional Clerk hire enserted in the estimate of this Department be granted, there will be a sufficient number of persons to expedite the land-patents, taking into view the probable increase of the number, at least in the current year. I am however informed, that even at present, a weeks leasure, which will probably...
§ To William Hull. 17 January 1806, Department of State. “As the seals & seal-presses necessary for the Territory of Michegan may be more conveniently procured under your immediate direction, I shall be obliged by your taking it upon yourself. It is believed that hitherto a seal & seal-press, of a suitable nature for the territories, have not cost together more than 30 dollars. The expense...
§ To Rufus King. 17 January 1806, Department of State. “I request the favor of you to peruse the enclosed letters from Mr. Hargrave, and give me your opinion respecting the justice and amount of any pecuniary claim he may have for the services he States that he rendered.” RC ( NHi : Rufus King Papers); letterbook copy ( DNA : RG 59, DL , vol. 15). RC 1 p.; in Wagner’s hand, signed by JM . On...
§ From Isaac Cox Barnet. 17 January 1806, Paris. “The various reports I heard last summer relative to Vessels in the name of John Newell Junr. have induced me to make a record of Mr. O’mealy’s declarations on that Subject as related in the enclosed copys thereof. It was in consequence of his assertions that I directed the papers of the Ship Martha to be sent to me from Cherbourg, but as the...
§ From William Jarvis. 17 January 1806, Lisbon. “Not a Vessel having sailed for the United States since I had the honor to address the foregoing of the 24th. Ulto. by the Bg Truxton, Captn Mooney for Baltimore has prevented my writing since. “Prattic not being given to the American Vessels by the 27 Ult I wrote to the Marquis of Pombal on that day, reminding His Excy of His promise. All the...
Can you find a half an hour in the course of the day to read over the enclosed Prospectus & permit me to call on you in the evening to recieve your ideas. I am told that the Memorial now before Congress has excited a disposition to do something, perhaps to grant a charter. if so, why not set the thing on its broad basis at first, & let it grow up with the means that may afterwards be applied?...
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to Mr. Dupont & sends him Dr. Brown’s paper on the Salt peter caves & rocks of Kentucky, which he asks the return of to himself when he shall have read it. DeGH .
My friends in America have promised to use their influence in endeavoring to procure me the Title of Vice Consul of the United States in this City;—which office I take the Liberty of soliciting— The Vice-President, to whom my family is known, will give any information that may be deemed necessary, relative to the titles we may have to your attention— The only end, I hope to obtain, is being...
In my message to both houses of Congress at the opening of their present session, I submitted to their attention, among other subjects, the oppression of our commerce & navigation by the irregular practices of armed vessels public & private, & by the introduction of new principles, derogatory of the rights of Neutrals, & unacknoleged by the usage of nations. The memorials of several bodies of...
The inclosed letter from mr Monroe being to be communicated to the other house also, I ask the favor of you, as soon as it shall have been read to yours, to have it put into the hands of mr Coles, my Secretary, who attends to recieve & carry it to the other house. Accept my friendly & respectful salutations. DNA : RG 46—Records of the U.S. Senate.
The inclosed letter from the Minister Plenipotentiary of the US. at the court of London, contains interesting information on the subjects of my other message of this date. it is sent separately & confidentially, because it’s publication may discourage frank communications between our ministers generally, & the governments with which they reside, & especially between the same ministers. DNA :...
In the Month of October 1804 the British Cartel, Norfolk Hero, sailed, by Order of Admiral Duckworth, from Jamaica, with 170 French Prisoners of War and 30 British Invalids, for Morlaix, with an ulterior Destination for England, but soon afterwards the Prisoners took Possession of and carried her into the Mississippi. As there was no British Consul or Agent at New Orleans or near it, Humanity...
I arrived here to day to be prepared to attend the drawing room on the 18th., & found a notice from Ld. Mulgrave to attend a levee of the King to be held this Day at Buckingham house. I attended & was recd. with propriety. Nothing occurrd of an interesting nature. The King appeard to enjoy perfect good health, tho’ his eyesight was obviously impaired. On our affrs. with this country no change...
§ To Phineas Bond. 16 January 1806, Department of State. “I have had the honor to receive your letter of the 7th. inst. [not found] enclosing a power of Attorney to receive the balance of Mr. Guillemard’s Salary, as the fifth Commissioner under the 6th. Article of the Treaty of Amity &c. So much time has elapsed since the extinction of that Board, that it will not appear extraordinary, that no...